1. Lahore

  2. Replica of the blessed Sandal of the Prophet (s)

3. Tokpaki Museum Inv. No: 21 / 90

4. Tokpaki Museum Inv. No: 21 / 52
It has three leather layers and its lace is also of leather.
It has stitches all around.

5. Decorative

6. Poster - description

7. Darwishiyya

8. Darwishiyya - detail

O du som betraktar bilden
av Profetens Sandal
Kyss utan högmod
Sandalens symbol,

Och låt ditt ansikte röra
den sko som berörts
av Profetens fot då han
morgon och afton gick ut.

O beholder of the image
of the Prophet's Sandal:
Kiss without
arrogance the
symbol of the Sandal

And let your face touch
the Shoe that was touched
by the Prophet's foot
when going out
evening and morn.

Translation of the poem

9. Darwishiyya (?)

10. Darwishiyya (Photo: Mliha Khaled, 2007)

11. Ottoman flagpole in the shape of the blessed Sandal


Damas Cultural Society 2008
Latest update: 2008-04-27