
Jakob (el. James) Philp


Barn med Christian de Ferny

John Philp (- <1547)


Nämnes som borgmästare (comarchus) i Ormestoun, East Lothian (GBR), i ett bördsbrev utfärdat, i enlighet med kung Charles I av Storbritannien, i Edinburgh mars 1636 för hans sonsons sonson William Philp [SAÄ, V/702]. Var möjl. son eller brorson till den Stephen Philp som 1467 var borgare i Edinburgh och 1473 fogde (bailie) på borgen i Newburgh, East Lothian [Stodart: Scottish Arms - a collection of armorial bearings 1370-1678 (1881), II/82].

This name had a considerable extension in Fife, where it is a local pronunciation of Philip, which see. William Filpe, Scottish merchant, was arrested at Lynn in England without cause in 1394 (Bain, IV, 462). According to Stodart (II) the name made its appearance in Fife about the middle of the fifteenth century, when Stephen Philp appears as bailie of the burgh of Newburgh in 1473. He appears to have been previously a burgess of Edinburgh (1467). Sir James Philp was curate at Abdie in 1481, Alexander Fylpe was 'servant' of the Abbey of Arnbroath in 1501 (RAA., II, 419), John Philp who was curate of Kynnoule in 1521 may be the John Philp who was abbot of Lindores from 1522 to 1566 (LSC., p. lxxvii). Margaret Philp possessed land in St Andrews in 1557 (Laing, 666), Tom Philp is recorded in Dunfermline in 1589 (Dunfermline), and William Philp had a charter of the lands of Breryhill in 1594 (RD., p. 493). Filp 1607, Phylp 1656. [Black: The Surnames of Scotland (1946)]