
Duncan ab Dún Caillen (Dunkeld)

earl Strathclyde, Atholl.


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Duncan ab Dún Caillen (Dunkeld)


Duncan (Donnchad ab Duine Caillenn), var earl av Strathclyde och Atholl (skotska öarna) samt abbot i klostret Dún Caillen i Dunkeld, Perth (SCO). [BSP, III/240; ES, II/89; Stewart: My lines]

Annals of Ulster 965: Cath eter firu Alban imoneitir ubi multi occisi sunt im Donnchad, .i. abb Duine Caillenn. [A battle between the men of Scotland themselves in which many were killed, including Donnchad, i.e. the abbot of Dún Caillen].