Ceano's "Rico's Signature Gun" MOD __________________________________ Author: Ceano Contact: ceano at gmx.com ABOUT: Gives you a choise to chose between this 2 options... 1. Changes the "Signature Gun" grip/handle to a wooden one. 2. Changes the "Signature Gun" grip/handle to a black one with silver casing and grenade launcher. INSTALLATION: 1. Make a back up of the pc_30.arc and pc_30.tab files located in the (dlc) folder in your Just Cause 2 Dir. 2. Unpack the ricos_sig_gun.rar 3. Install the ricos_sig_gun_wood.exe or ricos_sig_gun_black.exe to your Just Cause 2 game Dir. 4. Play the game! UNINSTALL: Replace the pc_30.arc and pc_30.tab with the original files.