____________________________________________________________________ *********************** The Elder Scrolls IV *********************** *************************** - OBLIVION - *************************** ***************************** BETHESDA ***************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Name: Ayleid - Heartland High Elfs Version: 1.3 Author: Ceano Contact: ceano@home.se ____________________________________________________________________ Thanks To: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bethesda: for this great game "OBLIVION". ____________________________________________________________________ Description: -------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod lets you play as the Ayleid race also known as "The Heartland High Elfs", the face values is taken direct from the "Ayleid Guardians" so they rely look as they should to 100%. Male: Height: 1.1000 Weight: 1.1300 Female: Height: 1.1000 Weight: 1.1000 The race has there own class "Ayleid Warrior" Primary Attributes: Strength/Willpower Specialization: Combat Major Skills: Armorer Blade Block Destruction Marksman Restoration Sneak Base Attributes: Str = Male 40, Female 40 Int = Male 50, Female 50 Wil = Male 50, Female 50 Agi = Male 30, Female 30 Spd = Male 30, Female 30 End = Male 30, Female 30 Luc = Male 50, Female 50 Per = Male 40, Female 40 Skill Bonus: Alchemy 5 Alteration 5 Conjuration 5 Destruction 10 Illusion 5 Mysticism 5 Restoration 10 Specials - Powers/Ability: Ayleid Divinity = Cure Disease/Cure Poison (ones a day) Ayleid Restoration = Restore all Attributes with 20% (ones a day) Spells: Ayleid Healing (heal self 25) Ayleid Aid (heal other 30) Ayleid IceFire (ice & fire damage 20 on impact no duration) Ayleid ParaSilence (paralyze 5sek, Silence 15sek) ____________________________________________________________________ Background Lore -------------------------------------------------------------------- In what historians called the Meretthic (or Mythic) Era, the years before formal historical reckoning, the Aldmer came to Tamriel from a legendary mysterious land called Old Ehlnofey or Aldmeris. They settled in Summerset Isle, and then began to spread out eastward. The Nedic people meanwhile came from the frozen land of Atmora to the north to what is today Skyrim. Where elves and men met, inevitably, there was hostility. The Aldmer changed over time culturally according to theire new environments, being at first temperamentally and then physically very distinct "races" separate from one another. The ones who stayed in Summerset became known as Altmer; in Valenwood, Bosmer; in Morrowind, Chimer and Dwemer; in Cyrodiil, Ayleid; and in High Rock, a mix between Nedic and Aldmer birthed the Bretons. The Orsimer or Orcs were also created at this time: Aldmer warped by the destruction of ther leader Trinimac, who it is said became the Daedra Prince Malacath. This disparate chorus may have been crafted consciosly by the Daedra or by the shifts of the earthbones, but the reason why is not necessary for this history. Change they did. ____________________________________________________________________ Version History: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 - Have done it compatible with all eye mods there is. 1.2 - No longer is the "Ayleid" spells replacing the "Default Player Spells" - Voice changed to HighElf male/female. ____________________________________________________________________ Installation: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy all files to your Oblivion/Data folder, activate the esp/mod in the "Data Files" list when you start the game or in OBMM. ____________________________________________________________________ Issues / Conflicts: -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch you are good to go, if not you need to download "Custom Race Fix" and "Boethiah Race Fix". The plug-in should not invalidate your old saved games. But I make no guarantee, like when using any new plug-in, it is highly recommended that you make a backup of your saved game. ____________________________________________________________________ How to Uninstall: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deactivate the mod in "Data Files" or in OBMM, and remove the files from your Oblivion/Data folder. ____________________________________________________________________ Permissions / Legal Stuff: -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to use this in your mod, contact me for permission. ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceano ceano@home.se ____________________________________________________________________