____________________________________________________________________ TES IV Oblivion - Bethesda -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Name: Valeria Companion Rings Version: 1.2 Author: Ceano ____________________________________________________________________ Thanks To -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bethesda: for this great game "OBLIVION". Gregg "Deepfreeze" Gean: for GG_Valeria Companion mod. Me (Ceano): for this mod edition. ____________________________________________________________________ Fixed in this version -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now based on "Deepfreeze" GG_Valeria Companion mod v1.6 Final. ____________________________________________________________________ Fixed in version 1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now based on "Deepfreeze" GG_Valeria Companion mod v1.5.1 Final. ____________________________________________________________________ Fixed in version 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- First release. ____________________________________________________________________ About -------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod gives valeria 2 rings that lets you summon here and here horse, you find the rings in here inventory when you first meet here. I also have edited here appearance/face. ____________________________________________________________________ How to do -------------------------------------------------------------------- Do not use both mine and "Deepfreeze" version of GG_Valeria.esp that will not work, you have to use ether his or mine. It's highly recommended that you start fresh with "Valeria", to do so remove all stuff you want to keep from here inventory and save, shut down the game and uncheck and remove the GG_Valeria.esp, start up the game an make a NEW save and shut down the game, copy the new GG_Valeria.esp to the "Data" folder in your game dir and check it in the "Data Files" list, start up the game and load the new save. Play and have fun! ____________________________________________________________________ Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------- Non that I know of. If you want to use this in your mod, contact me and "Deepfreeze" for permission. ____________________________________________________________________ Uninstall -------------------------------------------------------------------- Just remove GG_Valeria from the "Data Files" list, and delete the .esp from the "Data" folder in the game dir. ____________________________________________________________________ Contact -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceano ceano@home.se ____________________________________________________________________