Gothenburg Hash House Harriers

TRASH > Issue 6
Issue 6 - Date 15 Januari 2005

Hares were Shrimp Spew (we will eventually reveal how he got this fabulous hash name) and his brother Mikael. They laid out this days trail by bicycle in Partille and eastern Göteborg. Lazy sods. We all met by the train station in Partille at 13.00 to commence the run towards Göteborg, the weather was ok and we could count no less than 10 people participating todays run! First (but not last) hash ever in and around Partille.

We began our run mostly around the river of Säveån which has really beautiful scenery, even this time of year. Säveån was almost flooded due to heavy raining, but that does not bother hashers. After about half of todays run we headed up towards Utby and the remarkable cliffs were people do serious rock climbing. Not us of course - we checked out the cliff walls during a refreshiing beer stop instead! Our youngest hasher "Trial Walker" (2 years old) enjoyed the slide at a nearby playground since he´s not into beer just yet. We enjoyed our beers and sang some nice hash hymns before continuing the lovely trail aside the steep cliffs. The run ended over some gorgeous landscape with hills and woods were horses run free in the summer time. Well chosen hares!

GM Penis Boy called on us and gathered the pack for a circle in the back yard of the house were several of todays hashers live. There were no sinners in this hash (that I know of...) but some newcomers to Möndal HHH, actually Shrimp Spews and Mikaels parents, Kerstin and Sven, so they got the obligatory down-downs for that. We all wish them welcome back!

Robert who attended one hash last fall and then just vanished got called into the circle by the GM to get "baptised" and recieve a proper hash handle. The GM declared reasons for the name choice which were quite obvious so the name was "Gone with the wind". Lots of beer on the head and a down-down to go with that. After singing more hymns it was time to summon up and close the circle. Everybody looked happy and got even happier when Total Wanker (todays hares better half) laid out pizza and cup cakes for everyone. We had some more beers and enjoyed the food, socializing with our fellow hashers. All in all - an enjoyable run. ON-ON!

Your trasher - Gone with the wind




© 2005, Gothenburg Hash House Harriers