DLLs and Binaries

DDS Version 2.9.0 is the latest DDS release. It uses multi-thread for solving multiple hands in parallel providing maximum speed. If you already use Version 2 (2.x.y) DDS, DDS 2.9.0 offer higher speed and bug fixes. If you are a new user, 2.9.0 should be your choice provided that you have Windows Vista or a later Windows release. If you have Windows XP, you either need to use the single-thread DLL version of 2.9.0 or implement the multi-thread functions outside DDS 2.9.0 and use the thread-safe capability of DDS to make SolveBoard calls over parallel threads that you have created. DDS 2.9.0 cannot be used in Windows releases older than XP.

DDS Version 1.1.20 which is single-thread, is intended for replacement of an older Version 1 DLL for fixing bugs or for improved speed.

The 2.9.0 version compiles with Visual C++ 2010 or later for Windows and GCC/g++ with OpenMP for Cygwin, Linux and Mac OS.

The 1.1.20 version compiles with Visual C++ and MinGW/g++ for Windows and with GCC/g++ for Linux.

Both versions probably also compile with other C++ compiler alternatives.



Double Dummy Solver 2.9.0 - DLL The latest multi-threaded version.
Double Dummy Solver 2.8.1 - OSX - bin Binary for Mac OS X.
Double Dummy Solver 2.8.1 - Debian/Linux - bin Binary for Debian/Linux.
Double Dummy Solver 1.1.20 with PBN - DLL Use this for replacement of a previous Version 1 DLL with PBN support.
Double Dummy Solver 1.1.20 plus version, compatible with 2.5.2/2.5.3 - DLLs Use this for replacement of a previous Version 1 "plus" DLL.
Double Dummy Solver 1.1.20 without PBN - DLL Use this for replacement of a previous Version 1 DLL without PBN support.
Double Dummy Data Base A data base storing DD results for 100,000 deals. The format follows the GIB DD data base format, described in the giblib.h file in the DDD package.
Bridge Deals Simulator An dealer application using a Thomas Andrew’s Deal 3.0/3.1 and a single-threaded DLL. Bridge Deals Simulator estimates the probability of making a contract based on the double dummy results from a number of generated deals. At installation, the destination folder must be the same as where the deal.exe resides (deal31x). The bds.exe file must be situated in the same (sub)folder as deal.exe. Only a version 1 dds.dll can be used.