J.E.Lawrie                                                            HINTS-5.

Printing from Basic (2)

  It may be useful, even essential, to get a printout of what is on screen
  while  the  program is running.  It may not be presented on paper exactly as
  shown on the screen regarding layout, but this is not usually important.

  Put this line in the program listing just before you want printing to start
  OSCLI("CLI #+P~E"):dummy=INKEY(0) If you want printing to stop at some point
  before the program ends then insert  -    OSCLI("CLI  #-P~E"):dummy=INKEY(0)

  You  must type in these lines EXACTLY AS SHOWN !   Of course the printer has
  to be ready or the program will stop (though it is  possible  to  error-trap
  this eventuality).  The second part of each line looks nonsensical but it is
  vital since the CLI won't operate until it gets  a  keypress.   This  insert
  fools it into thinking it has (though that's not a purist's explanation !).

Useful CLIs

  This concerns simple CLIs which are very useful and serve as an introduction
  to this wonderful capability of the Z88 - frankly, I would find the Z88 a
  little dull if it weren't for Command Line Instructions, to give their full
  name.  Go to Pipedream and type on the top line  |SV|D:RAM.0~E   Save this
  as  RAM.1/0   BUT before ENTERing, go down to the last question and say Yes.
  - otherwise, the file  0  will carry all of the Pipedream instructions.

  Go to RAM.1 and, of course, you will see  0  as the  first  file.   Put  the
  cursor  over  it and press TAB (or ENTER).  You will now see a small pointer
  against the filename.  Now type  <>EX   and  immediately,  you  will  go  to
  RAM.0 - which was the object of the exercise, of course !

  If you have a RAM.2 you can put  0  in there too,  and if you load this CLI
  back into Pipedream, change the zero in the line to  1  and save it as  1
  and  put  it in Ram.0 and RAM.2   and do the similar thing for  2  then when
  you want to move from one Filer  directory  to  another  you  only  have  to
  EXecute  the  appropriate  number - saves a lot of keypresses.  You can also
  put these in any sub-directories - no changes needed.

  Another great use for these is this.  Any time you put a file into RAM it
  will be in front of the numbers.  Leave it there until you have saved it to
  EPROM (you DO save files to EPROM or some other device, DON'T YOU ?) then
  re-save  the  number  (  0,  1  or 2) to put it back in front of the others.
  It's  a  very useful reminder that you have a file (or files) which have not
  yet saved to EPROM ( or disc, of course).

Another useful CLI

  You know you should NEVER leave anything in RAM.-       In Pipedream, type
  |ER:RAM.-/*~EN~E   Save it as (say) :RAM.0/CLEAR.CLI (plain text, of
  course).    All  you  have  to do, at any time you like, is to <>EX this CLI
  from RAM.0 to empty RAM.-

  You could of course, from any RAM, type  <>ER  then :RAM.-/* and ENTER, press
  it?  and not nearly so much fun!
