Converting Z88 files to HTML format

The easily configurable Z88 printer driver is a good filtering
tool for converting files. Unfortunatly output after the
printer driver cannot be redirected to a file in the Z88. In
order to get the filtered output into a file we need another
computer like a PC connected with a PC-Link cable and running
Windows 95 HyperTerminal or similar for capturing received
characters to a file.
Use it for web publishing PipeDream documents, viewing or
printing. Works for BASIC program output to :PRT too.


Page 1
                ON String   OFF String   Off at CR

Underline       "<u>"       "</u>"       Yes
Bold            "<b>"       "</b>"       Yes
Ext. sequence   "&#"        ";"          Yes
Italics         "<i>"       "</i>"       Yes
Subscript       "<sub>"     "</sub>"     Yes
Superscript     "<sup>"     "</sup>"     Yes
Alt. font       "<small>"   "</small>"   No
User defined    "<big>"     "</big>"     No

Page 2

Printer on       "<html><head></head><body><pre>"
Printer off      "</pre></body></html>",CR,LF
End of page      "<hr>",CR,LF
Allow linefeed   Yes
HMI: Prefix
                 Normally you will not want page breaks, so set
                 page length to zero on options page. But if
                 you have fancy headers and footers, keep the
                 page length. Page breaks will be marked by a
                 horisontal line.
                 I would have liked a CR, LF at the end of the
                 printer on code, but only 31 characters fit.


Character   Changes to
"&"         "&amp;"     Not to interfere with HTML codes
"<"         "&lt;"      Not to interfere with HTML codes
">"         "&gt;"      Not to interfere with HTML codes
"""         "&quot;"    Don't know when this is needed.

155                     These four are obtained by pressing [] and one
156                     of the special character keys on the right hand
157                     side of the Z88 keyboard and shows as a black
158                     square on the Z88 screen.
                        Translate to any useful special character.

" "         "&#160;"    Hard, non-breaking space. <> Space on Z88
                        keyboard. Doesn't seem to be part of the HTML
                        specification. Probably browser/OS dependent.

"£"         "&#163;"    Pound

                        Swedish characters
"Ä"         "&Auml;"    A diaeresis
"Å"         "&Aring;"   A with ring
"Ö"         "&Ouml;"    O diaeresis
"ä"         "&auml;"    a diaeresis
"å"         "&aring;"   a with ring
"ö"         "&ouml;"    o diaeresis

Output Example

Underline      This is underlined
Bold           This is bold
Ext. sequence  Ice melts at 0°C.
Italics        This text is in italics.
Subscript      H2O
Superscript    e=mc2
Alt. font      1234567890. Small text is useful sometimes.
User defined   1234567890. And so is big.

For more translations and better understanding of how Ext. sequence
works, see Character Entity Set(s) from HTML 2.0 draft-proposal.

Download UK printer driver
Download Swedish printer driver
Download output example PipeDream file htmltest.pd.