
Rock From East to West


always klick on pic’s.

Elkmont, Alabama, USA

Born Oct. 10, 1933 ; Died June 6, 1994 (aged 60)


Discography: Billy Hogan


Billy Hogan (born October 10, 1933 died June 6, 1994) was a singer and songwriter. He was born in Elkmont, AL. He recorded several singles for the Vena label in the 1950s. He is remembered for writing Ernie Ashworth's 1962 hit Each Moment.

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Billy Hogan and The Twi-Lighters - Shake It Over Sputnik (alt. vers.) - 1958

Unknown Town, Texas, USA

All Info: Rudy Preston


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Stephens County, Georgia, USA

Born 1917


All Info: Tommy Scott

Tommy Scott on pic.

scott tommy

Rudy Preston & The Tommy Scott Band - Four Tired Car - 1956

Unknown town, Illinois, USA

Birthname Howard & Ed Goff


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Rock 'n' Roll duo from Illinois. The Patey Brothers consisted of Howard and Ed Goff. Possibly the brothers of David Goff, who recorded on Canon as David Starr.

… Read the original text here >>>Patey Brothers

Patey Brothers (Eddie & Lee) - Jeanie - 1959

© Stefan Schröder 2017