
Nervous Norvus


 always klick on pic’s.

Memphis, Tennessee, USA

Born, March 24, 1912, Died July 24, 1968 (aged 56), Oakland, California


Discography & Info

Nervous Norvus  /  Nervous Norvus 

(aka Jimmy Drake)

Nervous Norvus

Nervous Norvus was the performing name of Jimmy Drake (March 24, 1912 – July 24, 1968). He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and lived for a few years in Ripley, Tennessee, near the Arkansas border. Because of his chronic asthma condition, his family moved to California when he was seven, eventually settling in the Oakwood district of Los Angeles. When he was 29 he moved to Oakland, California, where he would live for the rest of his life.   His novelty song "Transfusion" was a Top 20 hit in 1956, reaching No. 13 on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart. A second song, "Ape Call," released later that year, also charted and peaked at #28.   The lyrics in "Transfusion" concern a careless driver who (cheerfully) receives blood transfusions after each accident. Car crash sound effects are included after each verse. Each stanza concludes with the refrain "Never never never gonna speed again" followed by lines such as "Slip the blood to me, Bud" or "Pour the crimson in me, Jimson." The song was banned on many radio stations in the 1950s.[5] The song was later played on the radio by DJ Barry Hansen, which reportedly led to Hansen's eventual nickname of Dr. Demento. The car crash sound effect from this song, dubbed from the Standard Sound Effects Library, can be heard on "Dead Man's Curve" by Jan and Dean and "Leader of the Pack" by the Shangri-Las, and is currently available on the "Classic TV Sound Effects Library" from Sound Ideas. 


Original release, DOT 45-15470 (US) 05/1956   ;   This release, re-issue on DOT 45-130 [1968]

Transfusion   b/w   Dig

Transfusion - 1956

© Stefan Schröder 2017