
Joe Brown

Teen Rock

Years active 1959-present

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Joe Brown 1961

Swarby, Lincolnshire, England

Born May 13, 1941 (age 77)


Discography & Info! / website


Joseph Roger "Joe" Brown, MBE (born 13 May 1941) is an English entertainer. He has worked as a rock and roll singer and guitarist for more than five decades. He was a stage and television performer in the late 1950s and a UK recording star in the early 1960s. He has made six films, presented specialist radio series for BBC Radio 2, appeared on the West End stage alongside Dame Anna Neagle and has written an autobiography. In recent years he has again concentrated on recording and performing music, playing two tours of around 100 shows every year and releasing an album almost every year.

Described by the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles & Albums, as a "chirpy Cockney", Brown was one of the original artists managed by the early rock impresario and manager Larry Parnes. He is highly regarded in the music business as a "musician's musician" who "commands respect and admiration from a wide spectrum of artists. … Read full text here >>> Joe Brown

This release, Original release PYE 7N.15322 (UK[1961]

Shine    b/w   The Switch  [instr.]

Shine - 1961

© Stefan Schröder 2017