Title: El Estrepitoso Silencio de las Cosas
Author: Marco Muñoz
Language: Spanish
Title: Infrafaces: Essays on the Artistic Interaction
Swedish title: Infrafaces: Essäer om den konstnärliga interaktionen
Author: Marco Muñoz
Language: English, with a Swedish and Spanish summary
2013 Infrafaces: Essays on the Artistic Interaction. ISBN 978-91-979993-5-9
Infrafaces are a series of interrelated interfaces within an interaction that adapt time and/or space to transform connecting elements into new spaces. These spaces act as an interface for the next transformation to take place before a new space is opened. The infraface is an artistic interpretation of the process of interactivity and has the ability to expand the time or the space in between the elements interacting, in order to embed new stories between them.
2012 Timeline/Tidslinjen , Östlind, Niclas (editor) Göteborgs universitet. Akademin Valand ISBN 978-91-7843-410-7
2011 School of photography at University of Gothenburg . Hedberg and Dege (editors) ISBN 978-91-978476-5-0
2006 Konstnärer i Samtal. Caidahl, Lo, Uddevalla : Region Västra Götaland, ISBN 91-631-4934-6
2002 Sweden Recreated, Öberg, Johan (editor) Göteborg : Konsthögskolan Valand, ISBN 91-631-3065-3