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SSC Evening race 17 February.

We had 18 cars lined up for the race and for the first time all 18 drivers drove below the 5 second mark.
Olle Söderholm took home the qualifying with a 3,866 lap. His backup time was so good that even that time would have given him first place in the qualifying.
The five first drivers were all under 4 seconds and it differed 3/100 of a second between third and fifth.
Our guests from Västerås has picked up a lot of speed and I believe that they after this race will get even better.
Qualifying results in pdf-format can be found here.

Quarterfinals were driven and their results are here.

In Main B (called Semi B in the papers) Torbjörn Lundkvist took an early lead and he held on to it to the end driving an impressive 239 laps. Mats Hummel and Torgny Lundmark had a close fight for second and third and, a rookie, but not a newcomer, Torgny Nordgren, took home fourth place. Fifth was Niclas Lindblom and sixth Rickard Vikström from the club in Västerås.
Results in pdf-format can be read here.

 Main A saw some well know faces from other mains. Ove Halvarsson has done better and better in this series and did very well down in Boxholm in the Swedish Saloon cup driving the main.
Lars Åberg took an early lead but in the second heat he qualifying winner, Olle Söderholm, were up there sharing the lead.  Rickard Lundh was in third chasing hard. Olle went on driving well and took home the win and the maximum 26 points in the series. Rickard came home second and Kenth Jansson third.
Results in pdf-format can be viewed here.

More results and information about SSC's race series can be found at "Lunkans" resultservice.



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1998-2003 Lasse Åberg