Lasse's slotpage

Kouvola Wing Race 1 5-6 February 2005


The last racing on Saturday was the G-7 qualifying.
That the Kouvola track is fast we all know. What also is known is that Jari Porttinen is that one to beat in qualifying there and he proved that again.
Jari Porttinen 1,573. Even his second best and third best times, 1,575, 1,582, was good enough to win despite that the qualifying was close.
In second place Antti Immonen 1,589 and in third Kimmo Rautama 1,596.
The first six drivers were within 4/100:th of a second and fourth to sixth within the same 1/100.
Image of qualifying results here.

After qualifying on Saturday we went to Marko Pirinens lovely new house where we ate, drank some beers and watched television. I don't understand Finnish but it was the Miss Finland contest so who cares
Miss Finland
Miss Finland

If you are in Finland, in a house, there is a sauna so that is what we did before going back to our quarters which were in the school.

Ebay mabye?
Genuine autograph

How much could this be worth. Mario Schöne's autograph on a waste paper box?
Maybe an item for an Ebay auction?

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1998-2005 Lasse Åberg