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ISRA 2006 World Championship.
7-14 October, Soragna, Italy

Eurosport 24

Eurosport 24
On thursday afternoon, after the ES32 race, the track was glued well. We took one of the few chances to go to a restaurant. And, it was opened!
The opening hours on Italian restaurants does not match when a slotracer has time to eat so the local nearby bar where the spot to eat.
On friday we had practice sessions and the we ran qualifying and all the heats.
Concourse winning car
Concourse winner, Lee Gilbert

Another good looking car

In the qualifying Piero Castricone were fastest 4,456 followed by Herman James 4,482 and Josef Korec 4,454.
Qualifying result

From semi C Jirka Karlik moved up to the main and from the semi A seven drivers moved up.
Semi C
Semi B
Semi A

I learned from the semi finals that tire wear good be a big factor. As a marshall I saw differences how drivers decided to tackle the main. Clearly some drivers decided to try to do the main without tire change while others opted for one stop.
Vladimir Horky looked good until his tire change. After that his pace was slower. One of the drivers not to change tires were the winner Paul Gawronski. He looked to be challenged in the latter stages by Paolo Trigilio but when Paolo had to change tires he got passed by Piero Castricone.

Here are some pictures. Sorry for the bad quality
Paul Gawronski Piero Castricone
Paul Gawronski                                                        Piero Castricone

Brian Saunders and Paolo Trigilio Petr Krcil and Vladimir Horky
Brian Saunders and Paolo Trigilio                                Petr Krcil and Vladimir Horky

Jirka Karlik Herman James
Jirka Karlik                                                         Herman James

Unfortunately the timings system crashed after the race was over Computer crasch
It lasted as long as it had to do

1. Paul Gawronski   495

2. Piero Castricone 491
3. Paolo Trigilio   488
4. Petr Krcil       482
5. Jirka Karlik     480
6. Herman James     478
7. Vladimir Horky   473
8. Brian Saunders   450

Eurosport 1:24

19 October 2006
So, there you have it. After coming home from Italy I was so tired that and also caught the cold that many had. This story will continue with some more pictures but that will come after the weekend when I get more time.

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1997-2006 Lasse Åberg