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ISRA-cupen round 2, Hjärup, Sweden
2-3 June 2007

Formula 1:32

The first class on Sunday was the Formula 1:32 cars with 15 cars on the line.
Qualifying was won by Lasse Åberg 5,804 in front of Anders Gustafson 5,827 and Tobias Lestrell 5,919.

Qualifying results here.

In semi-final B Mikael Palmqvist drove most laps with a huge margin followed by Michel Lorin and Lars Törn. Only the winner in semi-final A drove more laps.

In semi-final A Tobias Lestrell won in front of Anders Gustafson and Lasse Åberg.

Semi-final B results here.
Semi-final A results here.

In the main final the semi-final A winner Tobias Lestrell took the command right from start and drove to a great victory. In second came the semi-final B winner Mikael Palmqvist.
Michael Landrud drove to third place. In the later stages the places four to six got close.
Formula top three
Formula top three. 2:nd Mikael Palmqvist. Winner Tobias Lestrell and 3:rd Michael Landrud

1. Tobias Lestrell  385
2. Mikael Palmqvist 365
3. Michael Landrud  355
4. Lasse Åberg      352
5. Anders Gustafson 352
6. Torgny Nordgren  351
7. Esther Lestrell  324
8. Lars Harrysson   296

Main final results here.

Total Formula 1:32 results here.

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1997-2007 Lasse Åberg