Z88 Easter Eggs / ROM 2

Updated 31 July 2004
There is a hidden message immediatly before the internal ROM application front DOR in bank 7 at offset 3F57. Message info updated 31 July 2004

Enter the command: .MV 3F57 07 in Gunther Strube's Intuition on the Assembler Workbench ROM.

Or use Thierry Peycru's Zmonitor on the Z88 Forever Compilation ROM.

Or use ROMDMPx.BAS or similar program.

Or enter and run this BASIC / machine code program at your own risk. One small mistake in typing it in could currupt memory in your Z88 and cause a FAIL or HARD RESET immediately or months later loosing all your files.

   10 DIM code 29
   20 DIM buff 104
   30 P%=code
   40 [
   50 OPT 2
   60 LD A,(&4D3)
   70 PUSH AF
   80 LD A,7
   90 LD (&4D3),A
  100 OUT (&D3),A
  110 LD HL,&FF57
  120 LD DE,buff
  130 LD BC,104
  140 LDIR
  150 POP AF
  160 LD (&4D3),A
  170 OUT (&D3),A
  180 RET
  190 ]
  200 CALL code
  210 PRINT $buff

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