BBC/Z88 Utilities The files are as follows: ARCHIVE: A program to use the BBC's disc drive as a store for the Z88. A single file is created with up to the whole contents of the Z88's memory in it. Make sure you have enough space on your disc before you start. Z88 files can then later be totally restored (after a hard reset) or alternatively selected files can be restored. This is described in the March 1988 issue of The Micro User and again links with the Z88's import/export utility. To send the entire contents of the Z88's file store type :*//* at the send filename prompt. A couple of other option would be :RAM.1//* which would send all of the files in ram cartridge 1 or :*//*.bas to send all files in any ram with a bas extension. Batch receive should be used on the Z88 when restoring files. A selective restore has been added. BASIC: An intelligent Basic transfer utility - it will flag (and sometimes change) statements which will run on the BBC micro but not on the Z88. It is due to be described in the July 1988 of The Micro User. Again it links up with the Import/Export utility on the Z88. LINK: program to link with the PC Link II Rom on the Z88. Run the program at each end and follow the instructions. SERVER: A printer server which enables all output printed by the Z88 to be sent on the serial cable to the BBC and then to the BBC's parallel printer. This is fully described in the April 1988 issue of The Micro User. Run it on the BBC by typing CHAIN"SERVER" and pressing ESCAPE when you have finished. Print from the Z88 as if a printer is directly attached to the machine. N.B. Due to a bug on the Z88 the Z88 Printer Driver must be always have the option 'Allow line feed' set to YES. SERVER will make any adjustments necessary for a printer attached to the BBC micro where line feeds are not required. This avoids the bug which could be a problem with a printer directly attached to the Z88. TRANSF: a file import/export routine for transferring single files from the BBC to the Z88 and vice versa. It should be used in conjunction with a serial lead connecting the Z88's serial port to the BBC's RS423 port. The connections were illustrated in January 1988's Acorn User and the February 1988 edition of The Micro User. A suitable lead can be purchased from Watford Electronics. This utility links with the Import/Export popdown on the Z88 so, for example, to send a Pipedream file, MALC, from the Z88 to the BBC first run TRANSF on the BBC (type CHAIN"TRANSF") and select option 1. Select send on the Z88 (S followed by return) and give the filename. The file will then be transferred. Received files on the Z88 can be stored on the default device with the BBC filename if you press return at the filename prompt on the Z88 after selecting the receive option. The maximum size of file which can be transferred depends on the machine but on a model B it is around 20k. WORDWSE: A Pipedream to Wordwise converter that will convert only the first Pipedream column. Set-up page options, highlights, etc. are retained from Pipedream. This is described in the June 1988 of The Micro User. TRANSF and ARCHIVE will accept '*' commands at the options prompt. They also require the Z88 transmit and reeive speeds to be set to 9600, parity to NONE and Xon/Xoff set to NO.