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The Sun Dance Wheel

At one time the whole world was covered with water. It was everywhere, no
matter where one looked.

The water did not stop a man carrying Flat Pipe, his companion and
counselor, from walking across the waters for four days and nights. The man
wanted to treat his pipe in the best way, so he gave much thought to this
subject. He thought for six days and finally decided that in order to
provide a good home for Flat Pipe there should be land and the good company
of creatures.

So on the seventh day the man set out to find land among all the water,
calling to the four directions as he went. From the four directions came
many animal helpers, and with their help man found a land home. He put the
Four Old Men in each of the four directions to control the winds. Now, the
land would also provide a place for a Sun Dance of ceremony and thanksgiving
every year.

A garter snake came to the man, and the man said "Oh, you will be a great
comfort to the people and have a great place in the Sun Dance as the Sacred
Wheel to represent the waters that surround this earth."

He then looked again to all around him for help and many offered.
Long Stick, a bush with flexible limbs and dark bark, came and said "I offer
myself for the wheel for the good of all." All approved so Long Stick was
made into the ring of the Sacred Wheel, representing the circle that is the

The eagle soared by and said "My strength is great enough to carry me above
the earth and water as I fly on the winds of the four directions. Please
take my feathers to represent the Four Old Men."

The man was pleased, and told all that four bunches of eagle feathers would
forever be tied to the wheel to honor the desire of the eagle and anyone who
would ever offer an eagle feather as a gift.

Once the man shaped the Sacred Wheel he painted it in the image of garter
snake and placed the feathers in the position of the Four Old Men -
northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest - who rule the directions and
control the winds and to represent the Thunderbird who brings the rain. To
further enhance the wheel, the man added groups of stars, painting special
images of the Sun, the Moon and the Milky Way. Blue beads tied on
represented the sky.

When finished, the man thanked garter snake for serving his people in this
way with the creation of the wheel that symbolizes all creation.

From the Archives of Blue Panther

