
Jack Scott


Years active 1957-present

always klick on pic’s.

Jack Scott

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

January 24, 1936 (age 81)


Discography & Info Jack Scott


Jack Scott (born Giovanni Domenico Scafone, Jr., January 24, 1936) is a Canadian American singer and songwriter. He was the first white rock and roll star to come out of Detroit, Michigan. He was inducted into Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2011 and has been called "undeniably the greatest Canadian rock and roll singer of all time."


Scott spent his early childhood in Windsor, Ontario (Canada), across the river from Detroit, Michigan (United States). When he was 10, Scott's family moved to Hazel Park, a Detroit suburb. He grew up listening to hillbilly musicand was taught to play the guitar by his mother Laura. As a teenager, he pursued a singing career and recorded as 'Jack Scott.' At the age of 18, he formed the Southern Drifters. After leading the band for three years, he signed to ABC-Paramount Records as a solo artist in 1957.  Read full text here >>> Jack Scott

Original release, GROOVE 58-0049 (US) 1965   b/w   GROOVE 58-0037 (US) 04/1964

This release, re-issues on PONIE 7021-12 (US) [1978]

Flakey John   b/w   Wiggle on out

Flakey John - 1965

More Jack Scott Ponie 6063-20 + info

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