Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2019-10-05

Enrollment Book for Conscript, 1907 - Sweden


In 1812 Sweden introduced a military conscript system called Beväringen. Every male between the age of 21 to 25 was required to serve in the military as a conscript (draftee). Beväringen was a complement and reinforcement to the regular professional army. The soldiers in Beväringen were not supposed to operate in independent units but were always a part of a regular regiment. The conscription service was universal which meant that all able-bodied men fit for military service had to undergo a minimum military training in the armed forces. Hiring of substitutes was allowed until 1862, i.e. to pay someone to do the service in his place. The enrollment numbers (inskrivningsnummer) were introduced in 1885 and were a three-part conscript identification number. In 1901 both the standing allotted army and the Beväringen was abandoned and instead Sweden established an army and navy entirely based on a Universal Conscription System called Allmän Värnplikt. This new conscript system was to fully replace the old standing Army and Navy with a military force fully based on conscription. In a way Beväringen was a forerunner to the National Service System. Image to the right: conscript infantry soldiers in uniform m/1910 with cap m/1865-1899.


The duration of military training for conscripts was set at 240 days in 1901. These 240 days were distributed as 150 days of basic training and 90 days of 3 refresher courses (repetitionsövning) of 30 days each. However, between 1901 and 1908 the duration of the military training did not reach the stipulated 240 days. During this period the training was only 172 days. In 1914, at the outbreak of WWI, the training period was extended to 340 days for the infantry; 250 days basic training plus 3 x 30 days' refresher courses. This year the draft age was lowered to 20, see below.

Draft age

Young men were enrolled for military service the year they became of draft age; they were then registered and assigned an enrollment number (inskrivningsnummer). The draft age has changed throughout the years. See table below: Between 1886 – 1914: age 21 Between 1914 – 1950: age 20 Between 1950 – 1954: age 19 Between 1954 – 2010: age 18 Also the year when you left the draft age has varied. Men were deregistered at the age of: Between 1902 – 1914: age 40 Between 1914 – 1936: age 42 Between 1937 – 1942: age 45 From 1942: age 47

Enrollment books

From 1885 an enrollment book (inskrivningsbok) was assigned to each draftee when they were enrolled. This enrollment book was the draftee’s personal belonging and had to be presented every time the draftee reported for duty.

Enrollment Book for Conscript - 1907

The enrollment book in this article belonged to conscript 242 63/1907 Emil Walfrid Sjöberg. He was born on July 31, 1885, in Ekshärad parish, Värmland. Emil Walfrid moved to Rödön, Jämtland province, in November 1905. Young men of draft age were called-up for enrollment at the age of 21 at this period of time. However, Emil Walfrid was 22 when he was drafted. Sweden was divided into a number of conscript Enrollment Areas (inskrivningsområden). Each of these enrollment areas were at the time divided into a number of Roll Keeping Areas (Rullföringsområden). A term in English for Roll Keeping Area would be Draft Board. Which draft board a draftee was called-up to depended on his place of residence (home address). Emil Walfrid's enrollment number (inskrivningsnummer), which is stated in the enrollment book, was 242 63/1907. See the image to the right. The last part on the number, 1907, is the year of enrollment. “63” is the roll keeping area (rullföringsområde) which tells us where he was enrolled. “242” is his personal serial number in the roll. Enrollment area “63” was Östersund West roll keeping area [draft board] (Östersunds västra rullföringsområde) which in 1907 belonged to the Jämtland enrollment area (Jämtlands inskrivningsområde). More information about Military enrollment numbers for conscripts (draftees) So, Emil Walfrid was at the time living in Rödön parish in the vicinity of Östersund and therefore drafted in the Östersund West roll keeping area (draft board). Östersund is the major city in Jämtland province. Emil Walfrid Sjöberg and his family emigrated from Jämtland, Sweden to Canada on 1913-06-06 and settled in the Winnipeg area. More about Emil Walfrid Sjöberg. Emil Walfrid's enrollment book (inskrivningsbok) has been kept and are today in the possession of his granddaughter Christine Seaberg, Manitoba, Canada. The image to the right shows the front page of Emil Walfrid Sjöberg's enrollment book. The images of the enrollment book below are shown with consent of Christine Seaberg, Canada.

Enrollment book (Inskrifningsbok) for conscript 242 63/1907 Emil Walfrid Sjöberg. Emil Walfrid was enrolled (inskrifen) on March 3, 1907, by J. von Schoting, Commander of Östersund West Enrollment Area, n:r 63. Emil Walfrid was born on July 31, 1885, in Ekshärad parish, Värmland. However, the above enrollment book has him incorrectly listed as born in Rödön parish, Jämtland. Emil Walfrid's occupation (yrke) is listed as smith (smed). Page 4 och 5:
Above: Årsklassen 1907 = the 1907 class Tjänstetiden räknas från 1907 = period of service is counted from 1907
Above, Inskrifnings- och utbildningsförhållanden mm = Enrollment and military training data. Emil Walfrid was assigned to the Army (hären) and the branch of the Army (truppslag) was the Field Artillery (Fältartilleriet). The handwriting on the left side, "Hoflagare" tell us that his position in the artillery was farrier. On the right-hand side we can read that in 1907 he was trained to be a farrier (Utbildad till hofslagare). Today the term hofslagare is spelled hovslagare. Page 6 and 7:
Above, Tjänstgöring = service record. In 1907 Emil Walfrid did his basic training at the Recruit School (Rekrytskola) in the Royal Norrland Artillery Regiment (Kungliga Norrlands Artilleriregemente), 5th battery (5. batt). In 1908 Emil Walfrid was called-up for additional training (repetitionsöfning) [refresher course] in the Norrland Artillery Regiment (A4), 5th battery. Page 10 and 11: Sida 10 and 11:
Above, Utdrag ur skjutbok = Extract from the shoot book (exercises at the rifle range). Skjutresultat = Shooting result Mönstrad år 1909 = Enrolled in 1909 Utmärkelsetecken = Marks of distinction Page 14 and 15:
Above, Anteckningar om flyttning = Notes about moving (change of address). Inflyttad till = Moved to. Afflyttad från = Moved from. Above, we can see that Emil Walfrid lived in Hägra, Rödön parish, Jämtland, at the time when he was drafted. In December 1910 he moved to Ås parish, Jämtland.

Related links

Emil Walfrid Sjöberg Military enrollment numbers for conscripts (draftees) Swedish Regiments Unit numbers of the units in the Swedish Armed Forces Uniforms of the Swedish Army The Universal Conscription System The organization of Sweden's Conscription System, 1900's Swedish Military Research

Source Reference

Enrollment Book for Conscripts from 1907, enrollment number 242 63/1907, Emil Walfrid Sjöberg, born on July 31, 1885, in Ekshärad parish, Värmland (S). Top of page
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Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2019-10-05

Enrollment Book for

Conscript, 1907 - Sweden


In 1812 Sweden introduced a military conscript system called Beväringen. Every male between the age of 21 to 25 was required to serve in the military as a conscript (draftee). Beväringen was a complement and reinforcement to the regular professional army. The soldiers in Beväringen were not supposed to operate in independent units but were always a part of a regular regiment. The conscription service was universal which meant that all able-bodied men fit for military service had to undergo a minimum military training in the armed forces. Hiring of substitutes was allowed until 1862, i.e. to pay someone to do the service in his place. The enrollment numbers (inskrivningsnummer) were introduced in 1885 and were a three-part conscript identification number. In 1901 both the standing allotted army and the Beväringen was abandoned and instead Sweden established an army and navy entirely based on a Universal Conscription System called Allmän Värnplikt. This new conscript system was to fully replace the old standing Army and Navy with a military force fully based on conscription. In a way Beväringen was a forerunner to the National Service System. Image to the right: conscript infantry soldiers in uniform m/1910 with cap m/1865- 1899.


The duration of military training for conscripts was set at 240 days in 1901. These 240 days were distributed as 150 days of basic training and 90 days of 3 refresher courses (repetitionsövning) of 30 days each. However, between 1901 and 1908 the duration of the military training did not reach the stipulated 240 days. During this period the training was only 172 days. In 1914, at the outbreak of WWI, the training period was extended to 340 days for the infantry; 250 days basic training plus 3 x 30 days' refresher courses. This year the draft age was lowered to 20, see below.

Draft age

Young men were enrolled for military service the year they became of draft age; they were then registered and assigned an enrollment number (inskrivningsnummer). The draft age has changed throughout the years. See table below: Between 1886 – 1914: age 21 Between 1914 – 1950: age 20 Between 1950 – 1954: age 19 Between 1954 – 2010: age 18 Also the year when you left the draft age has varied. Men were deregistered at the age of: Between 1902 – 1914: age 40 Between 1914 – 1936: age 42 Between 1937 – 1942: age 45 From 1942: age 47

Enrollment books

From 1885 an enrollment book (inskrivningsbok) was assigned to each draftee when they were enrolled. This enrollment book was the draftee’s personal belonging and had to be presented every time the draftee reported for duty.

Enrollment Book for Conscript -


The enrollment book in this article belonged to conscript 242 63/1907 Emil Walfrid Sjöberg. He was born on July 31, 1885, in Ekshärad parish, Värmland. Emil Walfrid moved to Rödön, Jämtland province, in November 1905. Young men of draft age were called-up for enrollment at the age of 21 at this period of time. However, Emil Walfrid was 22 when he was drafted. Sweden was divided into a number of conscript Enrollment Areas (inskrivningsområden). Each of these enrollment areas were at the time divided into a number of Roll Keeping Areas (Rullföringsområden). A term in English for Roll Keeping Area would be Draft Board. Which draft board a draftee was called-up to depended on his place of residence (home address). Emil Walfrid's enrollment number (inskrivningsnummer), which is stated in the enrollment book, was 242 63/1907. See the image to the right. The last part on the number, 1907, is the year of enrollment. “63” is the roll keeping area (rullföringsområde) which tells us where he was enrolled. “242” is his personal serial number in the roll. Enrollment area “63” was Östersund West roll keeping area [draft board] (Östersunds västra rullföringsområde) which in 1907 belonged to the Jämtland enrollment area (Jämtlands inskrivningsområde). More information about Military enrollment numbers for conscripts (draftees) So, Emil Walfrid was at the time living in Rödön parish in the vicinity of Östersund and therefore drafted in the Östersund West roll keeping area (draft board). Östersund is the major city in Jämtland province. Emil Walfrid Sjöberg and his family emigrated from Jämtland, Sweden to Canada on 1913-06-06 and settled in the Winnipeg area. More about Emil Walfrid Sjöberg. Emil Walfrid's enrollment book (inskrivningsbok) has been kept and are today in the possession of his granddaughter Christine Seaberg, Manitoba, Canada. The image to the right shows the front page of Emil Walfrid Sjöberg's enrollment book. The images of the enrollment book below are shown with consent of Christine Seaberg, Canada.

Enrollment book (Inskrifningsbok) for conscript 242 63/1907 Emil Walfrid Sjöberg. Emil Walfrid was enrolled (inskrifen) on March 3, 1907, by J. von Schoting, Commander of Östersund West Enrollment Area, n:r 63. Emil Walfrid was born on July 31, 1885, in Ekshärad parish, Värmland. However, the above enrollment book has him incorrectly listed as born in Rödön parish, Jämtland. Emil Walfrid's occupation (yrke) is listed as smith (smed). Page 4 och 5:
Above: Årsklassen 1907 = the 1907 class Tjänstetiden räknas från 1907 = period of service is counted from 1907
Above, Inskrifnings- och utbildningsförhållanden mm = Enrollment and military training data. Emil Walfrid was assigned to the Army (hären) and the branch of the Army (truppslag) was the Field Artillery (Fältartilleriet). The handwriting on the left side, "Hoflagare" tell us that his position in the artillery was farrier. On the right-hand side we can read that in 1907 he was trained to be a farrier (Utbildad till hofslagare). Today the term hofslagare is spelled hovslagare. Page 6 and 7:
Above, Tjänstgöring = service record. In 1907 Emil Walfrid did his basic training at the Recruit School (Rekrytskola) in the Royal Norrland Artillery Regiment (Kungliga Norrlands Artilleriregemente), 5th battery (5. batt). In 1908 Emil Walfrid was called-up for additional training (repetitionsöfning) [refresher course] in the Norrland Artillery Regiment (A4), 5th battery. Page 10 and 11: Sida 10 and 11:
Above, Utdrag ur skjutbok = Extract from the shoot book (exercises at the rifle range). Skjutresultat = Shooting result Mönstrad år 1909 = Enrolled in 1909 Utmärkelsetecken = Marks of distinction Page 14 and 15:
Above, Anteckningar om flyttning = Notes about moving (change of address). Inflyttad till = Moved to. Afflyttad från = Moved from. Above, we can see that Emil Walfrid lived in Hägra, Rödön parish, Jämtland, at the time when he was drafted. In December 1910 he moved to Ås parish, Jämtland.

Related links

Emil Walfrid Sjöberg Military enrollment numbers for conscripts (draftees) Swedish Regiments Unit numbers of the units in the Swedish Armed Forces Uniforms of the Swedish Army The Universal Conscription System The organization of Sweden's Conscription System, 1900's Swedish Military Research

Source Reference

Enrollment Book for Conscripts from 1907, enrollment number 242 63/1907, Emil Walfrid Sjöberg, born on July 31, 1885, in Ekshärad parish, Värmland (S). Top of page