The Coronavirus Scam

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Info in Swedish at the end of this page.

What you can read here is not the official narrative you’ll find from the mainstream media and from health- and government agencies. It’s my opinion, based on what I’ve gathered from alternative sources.

When I first heard about the Corona virus on tv my mind intuitively labeled it as false information, a propaganda with some ulterior motive. I should have listened to my intuition right then.
But then came the Numbers. The statistics about the rising number of infected and dead people. The pictures and video clips of overcrowded hospitals with intubated sick people. The lock-downs in enormous Chinese cities, and then everywhere in the whole world. The quarantines. The insufficient quality and quantity of protective equipment for health care workers and even less of these for other people. The shortage. The closure of businesses. The panic that shops will be closed so everybody bought what they thought was necessary, especially toilet papers (go figure). The sense of oncoming chaos, accompanied with increasing fear.

Fear makes people to look for help, for guidance. Fear blocks critical thinking, as fear is irrational. Fearful people readily accept recommendations and follow orders when their very survival is threatened.
For a while I also was afraid of the Virus. But then I started to look for other, alternative information and explanation of what is happening.

The Italian study

“More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.”

So what does it mean?
It means that if you are seriously ill, then you sooner or later die.
And if you are in that age when people usually die, then you sooner or later die.
Shocking revelation, eh?

Nobody ever reported these deaths daily on tv and through other mainstream media outlets before. Of course not. Why should they have? People die everyday of all kind of causes. We all know that. It's a fact of life.
But suddenly since early spring this year (2020) the tv began to show the number of deaths of these people and labeled them as they died of - or with - COVID-19.
Why? Because it’s the first step of a plan. The statistics is the first step to create fear, which is necessary to have obedient people who will follow their leaders’ recommendations and regulations. When it is achieved then they can introduce stricter restrictions and controls.
It’s the case of boiling frogs (slowly increasing the heat under the pan with frogs in water and that way the frogs don’t realize in time that they are getting cooked).

Here is a link I recently (2022-01-24) found where the information is more elaborated than what I wrote above 1 ½ year ago in regard to the Italian Study:

So, in short, what really happened in Italy?

Quoting from the above article:

The explanation is simple. The vast majority of so-called COVID cases and deaths were most likely a result of a combination of the following:

1) Fraudulent statistics based on reclassifying multiple illnesses such as respiratory illness, pneumonia, influenza, etc. to “COVID.”

2) An increase in these illnesses over normal numbers as a direct result of multiple mass vaccination campaigns in Lombardy.

3) Pollution and subsequent poor air quality contributed to illness.

It’s that simple. Elderly people died, probably in higher numbers than previous years, because of the vaccines and poor air quality. These elderly people die every year from a variety of different illnesses, many of them respiratory related. Many Lombards (most of them elderly) presented with flu-like symptoms, and were diagnosed with COVID-19 based on nothing but a fraudulent PCR test.

After I’ve read a lot of articles and seen videos by doctors, micro- and cell-biologists etc who are never allowed to present information to the public through established news channels, I discovered that the covid-propaganda is based on lies. Granted, very clever and believable lies, but nevertheless lies.
In short these are the facts buried under the propaganda:

1. Nobody has ever isolated a virus using scientific procedure which said to cause a disease called COVID-19. This is the first requirement according to the Koch postulates (which is the Gold Standard to define a pathogen). Read these two articles and be amazed:
First they told us about a new, hitherto unknown, corona virus. Later they said it was a variation of the SARS virus, which they call SARS_CoV-2 (SARS Corona Virus version 2). They claim that they have isolated this virus (SARS_CoV-2), but a close scrutiny of this statement showed that they did not follow the scientific methodology to do that, so it’s not true. And if it is indeed the SARS_CoV-2 virus, then it causes respiratory illness - SARS is short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - not assorted symptoms of different organ failure and especially hypoxia where the problem is that oxygen cannot bind to hemoglobin. There can be two causes of this (hypoxia): a) too low level of iron in the hemoglobin, b) the 60GHz 5G which absorbs over 90% of oxygen from the air. This information is silenced because they want to build 5G no matter what.
But I have a pdf-doc which explains the 5G-hypoxia connection (it opens in a new window/tab) 5G & COVID

2. So COVID-19 has a long list of symptoms which can be related to several other diseases. Because of this hypothetical, multitalented virus that they ‘found’, all kind of symptoms are counted as COVID-19. They even admit it by saying that most people who died “with covid” had underlying medical conditions, but hey, we count them as covid-cases nonetheless, not due to the underlying medical condition.
Another criteria of the Koch postulates require a limited number of specific symptoms a pathogen has. These - and only these - symptoms should emerge with a specific pathogen. Not all kind of smorgasbord of symptoms. But of course this is the consequence of not having bothered to isolate a pathogen they call a virus. And why did they not specify a specific pathogen/virus? Because then they could not include other pathogens’ symptoms in the covid-statistic.
So, why is this statistic so important? Glad you asked. Because they want people to be scared to follow their recommendations and orders (the social distancing, wearing a face mask etc which clearly shows them how many are submissive and fell for their lies, so they'll know that people will accept or even beg for the Plan’s highest goal: to vaccinate them.
But don’t get hung up on whether there is a virus and what virus it is. It’s just a mean to reach their goal: to vaccinate people. (I come back to this later in this review.)

3. The PCR test is the tool they use to inflate the numbers. However the PCR test is unreliable. It was not developed for diagnoses in the first place and it spits out false positive and false negative results depending on what parameters are in use. And these parameters are set arbitrarily and differently, wherever they process the tests.

papaya tested +

4. As the above Italian study (and other studies as well) show, the number of deaths during the time period they have counted the covid-deaths are similar (or even lower) than the same time period during other years. Yet the WHO (World Health Organization) declared a pandemic, thereby mandating politicians etc to order lock-downs, social distancing and other containment measures. Why? So that people should sit in front of their tv and see the covid-dead people’s statistic scam. And while they are shaking in their boots in front of their brain-washing machine, they will accept and even desire the One and Only Solution - The Vaccine.
Those who refuse to take the vaccine might be forced to do that. Their only recourse would be to point out that the vaccine was not tested and controlled for safety, yet the producers are exempt from investigation and repercussions when people get harmed by the vaccine (which they will be).
So the health care consumer's cry should be:
No liability? – No mandates.

I read an interview posted ten years ago (still relevant information though) online. An insider who worked for the vaccine industry tells about vaccines. The website where the interview was posted was since then removed (no surprise there) but I fortunately saved the text and quote it here.

*** Start of quoted text ***

Vaccination Tyranny

depopulation with vaccines

The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people. It is out to harm them, to weaken them, to kill them. At least half of the world's population is being targeted for elimination under the global elite's de-population agenda. Do not, under any circumstances, get vaccinated, or allow any of your children to get vaccinated. Say NO!

Statistics and Propaganda

How many Americans really die of the flu each year? Ask the American Lung Association. Better yet, read their own report from August 2004, titled "Trends in Pneumonia and Influenza/Morbidity and Mortality". This report comes from the Research and Scientific Affairs Epidemiology and Statistics Unit. At the bottom of the document, the source is listed as the National Center for Health Statistics, "Report of Final Mortality Statistics, 1979–2001".
Get ready for some surprises, especially since the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) keeps trumpeting flu-death annual numbers as 36,000. Like clockwork. Year in and year out, 36,000 people in the US die from the flu every year. Killer disease. Watch out! Get your flu shot. Every autumn. Don't wait. You might fall over dead in the street!
Here are the total influenza deaths from the report (from 1979 to 1995, the stats were released every two years): 1979: 604; 1981: 3,006; 1983: 1,431; 1985: 2,054; 1987: 632; 1989: 1,593; 1991: 1,137; 1993: 1,044; 1995: 606; 1996: 745; 1997: 720; 1998: 1,724; 1999: 1,665; 2000: 1765; 2001: 257.
Don't believe me? Here is the page: (removed as well)
Download the PDF document (22 pages/86 KB) and go to page nine. Then start scrolling down until you come to the chart for flu deaths as a separate category.
Recently, Tommy Thompson, head of US Health and Human Services, stated that 91 per cent of the people who die from the flu in the US every year are 65 and older. So you might engage in a little arithmetic and figure out how many people under 65 are really dying from the flu each year. But no matter. The raw all-ages stats are low enough. Quite low enough. Quite, quite.
Do you see what is going on here? Those who blithely claim, "Well, you see, uh, ah, flu often leads to pneumonia and that's why we have to be so careful about the flu. Deaths from pneumonia are in large numbers, blah blah blah..."
It's a straight con, folks. The CDC is on a street corner with a little table, and there are shills walking around repeating the 36,000 deaths figure while the PR flacks at the table are working the vaccine angle. The crowd is getting restless. A man shouts, "Where is my flu shot? We're all going to die!" Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, Congress is planning a measure that will guarantee vaccine manufacturers annual billion-dollar payoffs, no matter how many doses are left over unused.
Now that a much clearer picture emerges of the low number of flu deaths in the US each year, it's only natural to revisit the issue of vaccines. Minus the hysteria about "high numbers of flu deaths" and the "pressing need to get the vaccine", what we are really dealing with? The answer is PR. Propaganda is being used to artificially inflate flu statistics and thereby drive people into doctors' offices and clinics to get their shots. So what about vaccines? How safe and effective are they?
I have long warned about the dangers of vaccines, especially for babies and young children, whose immune systems are not capable of coping with the many contaminants and toxic preservatives in vaccines. There are other reasons why even adults should avoid them. Now, for the first time, a former insider from within the vaccine industry has agreed to talk about the dangers of vaccines.

Jon Rappoport Interview Of Ex Vaccine Researcher

*** Start of quoted text ***
"Dr Mark Randall" is the pseudonym of a former vaccine researcher who worked for many years in the laboratories of major pharmaceutical houses and the US government's National Institutes of Health. He is now retired and has reluctantly agreed to speak out. In my opinion, his testimony matches all the other claims that I have studied in past years.
This interview that follows is important not only because of "Dr Randall's" intimate knowledge of vaccine dangers, but for his testimony about the inside workings and cover-ups between the government and the vaccine industry — the two sources that keep trying to assure Americans that they can be trusted. This major excerpt is perhaps the best single written summary of the back-up evidence for the case against immunizations.

Q (Jon Rappoport): You were once certain that vaccines were the hallmark of good medicine.
A ("Dr Mark Randall"): Yes I was. I helped develop a few vaccines. I won't say which ones.
Q: Why not?
A: I want to preserve my privacy.
Q: So you think you could have problems if you came out into the open?
A: I believe I could lose my pension.
Q: On what grounds?
A: The grounds don't matter. These people have ways of causing you problems, when you were once part of "the Club". I know one or two people who were put under surveillance, who were harassed.
Q: Harassed by whom?
A: The FBI.
Q: Really?
A: Sure. The FBI used other pretexts. And the IRS can come calling too.
Q: So much for free speech.
A: I was "part of the inner circle". If now I began to name names and make specific accusations against researchers, I could be in a world of trouble.
Q: What is at the bottom of these efforts at harassment?
A: Vaccines are the last defense of modern medicine. Vaccines are the ultimate justification for the overall "brilliance" of modern medicine.
Q: Do you believe that people should be allowed to choose whether they should get vaccines?
A: On a political level, yes. On a scientific level, people need information, so that they can choose well. It's one thing to say choice is good. But if the atmosphere is full of lies, how can you choose? Also, if the FDA were run by honorable people, these vaccines would not be granted licenses. They would be investigated to within an inch of their lives.
Q: There are medical historians who state that the overall decline of illnesses was not due to vaccines.
A: I know. For a long time, I ignored their work.
Q: Why?
A: Because I was afraid of what I would find out. I was in the business of developing vaccines. My livelihood depended on continuing that work.
Q: And then?
A: I did my own investigation.
Q: What conclusions did you come to?
A: The decline of disease is due to improved living conditions.
Q: What conditions?
A: Cleaner water. Advanced sewage systems. Nutrition. Fresher food. A decrease in poverty. Germs may be everywhere, but when you are healthy, you don't contract the diseases as easily.
Q: What did you feel when you completed your own investigation?
A: Despair. I realized I was working a sector based on a collection of lies.
Q: Are some vaccines more dangerous than others?
A: Yes. The DPT shot, for example. The MMR. But some lots of a vaccine are more dangerous than other lots of the same vaccine. As far as I'm concerned, all vaccines are dangerous.
Q: Why?
A: Several reasons. They involve the human immune system in a process that tends to compromise immunity. They can actually cause the disease they are supposed to prevent. They can cause other diseases than the ones they are supposed to prevent.
Q: Why are we quoted statistics which seem to prove that vaccines have been tremendously successful at wiping out diseases?
A: Why? To give the illusion that these vaccines are useful. If a vaccine suppresses visible symptoms of a disease like measles, everyone assumes that the vaccine is a success. But, under the surface, the vaccine can harm the immune system itself. And if it causes other diseases -- say, meningitis -- that fact is masked, because no one believes that the vaccine can do that. The connection is overlooked.
Q: It is said that the smallpox vaccine wiped out smallpox in England.
A: Yes. But when you study the available statistics, you get another picture.
Q: Which is?
A: There were cities in England where people who were not vaccinated did not get smallpox. There were places where people who were vaccinated experienced smallpox epidemics. And smallpox was already on the decline before the vaccine was introduced.
Q: So you're saying that we have been treated to a false history.
A: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. This is a history that has been cooked up to convince people that vaccines are invariably safe and effective.
Q: Now, you worked in labs. Where purity was an issue.
A: The public believes that these labs, these manufacturing facilities are the cleanest places in the world. That is not true. Contamination occurs all the time. You get all sorts of debris introduced into vaccines.
Q: For example, the SV40 monkey virus slips into the polio vaccine.
A: Well yes, that happened. But that's not what I mean. The SV40 got into the polio vaccine because the vaccine was made by using monkey kidneys. But I'm talking about something else. The actual lab conditions. The mistakes. The careless errors. SV40, which was later found in cancer tumors -- that was what I would call a structural problem. It was an accepted part of the manufacturing process. If you use monkey kidneys, you open the door to germs which you don't know are in those kidneys.
Q: Okay, but let's ignore that distinction between different types of contaminants for a moment. What contaminants did you find in your many years of work with vaccines?
A: All right. I'll give you some of what I came across, and I'll also give you what colleagues of mine found. Here's a partial list. In the Rimavex measles vaccine, we found various chicken viruses. In polio vaccine, we found acanthamoeba, which is a so-called "brain-eating" amoeba.
Simian cytomegalovirus in polio vaccine. Simian foamy virus in the rotavirus vaccine. Bird-cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine. Various micro-organisms in the anthrax vaccine. I've found potentially dangerous enzyme inhibitors in several vaccines. Duck, dog, and rabbit viruses in the rubella vaccine. Avian leucosis virus in the flu vaccine. Pestivirus in the MMR vaccine.
Q: Let me get this straight. These are all contaminants which don't belong in the vaccines.
A: That's right. And if you try to calculate what damage these contaminants can cause, well, we don't really know, because no testing has been done, or very little testing. It's a game of roulette. You take your chances. Also, most people don't know that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella and hep A and measles vaccines have been made with aborted human fetal tissue. I have found what I believed were bacterial fragments and polio virus in these vaccines from time to time -- which may have come from that fetal tissue. When you look for contaminants in vaccines, you can come up with material that IS puzzling. You know it shouldn't be there, but you don't know exactly what you've got. I have found what I believed was a very small "fragment" of human hair and also human mucus. I have found what can only be called "foreign protein", which could mean almost anything. It could mean protein from viruses.
Q: Alarm bells are ringing all over the place.
A: How do you think I felt? Remember, this material is going into the bloodstream without passing through some of the ordinary immune defenses.
Q: How were your findings received?
A: Basically, it was, don't worry, this can't be helped. In making vaccines, you use various animals' tissue, and that's where this kind of contamination enters in. Of course, I'm not even mentioning the standard chemicals like formaldehyde, mercury, and aluminum which are purposely put into vaccines.
Q: This information is pretty staggering.
A: Yes. And I'm just mentioning some of the biological contaminants. Who knows how many others there are? Others we don't find because we don't think to look for them. If tissue from, say, a bird is used to make a vaccine, how many possible germs can be in that tissue? We have no idea. We have no idea what they might be, or what effects they could have on humans.
Q: And beyond the purity issue?
A: You are dealing with the basic faulty premise about vaccines. That they intricately stimulate the immune system to create the conditions for immunity from disease. That is the bad premise. It doesn't work that way. A vaccine is supposed to "create" antibodies which, indirectly, offer protection against disease. However, the immune system is much larger and more involved than antibodies and their related "killer cells".
Q: The immune system is?
A: The entire body, really. Plus the mind. It's all immune system, you might say. That is why you can have, in the middle of an epidemic, those individuals who remain healthy.
Q: So the level of general health is important.
A: More than important. Vital.
Q: How are vaccine statistics falsely presented?
A: There are many ways. For example, suppose that 25 people who have received the hepatitis B vaccine come down with hepatitis. Well, hep B is a liver disease. But you can call liver disease many things. You can change the diagnosis. Then, you've concealed the root cause of the problem.
Q: And that happens?
A: All the time. It HAS to happen, if the doctors automatically assume that people who get vaccines DO NOT come down with the diseases they are now supposed to be protected from. And that is exactly what doctors assume. You see, it's circular reasoning. It's a closed system. It admits no fault. No possible fault. If a person who gets a vaccine against hepatitis gets hepatitis, or gets some other disease, the automatic assumption is, this had nothing to do with the disease.
Q: In your years working in the vaccine establishment, how many doctors did you encounter who admitted that vaccines were a problem?
A: None. There were a few who privately questioned what they were doing. But they would never go public, even within their companies.
Q: What was the turning point for you?
A: I had a friend whose baby died after a DPT shot.
Q: Did you investigate?
A: Yes, informally. I found that this baby was completely healthy before the vaccination. There was no reason for his death, except the vaccine. That started my doubts. Of course, I wanted to believe that the baby had gotten a bad shot from a bad lot. But as I looked into this further, I found that was not the case in this instance. I was being drawn into a spiral of doubt that increased over time. I continued to investigate. I found that, contrary to what I thought, vaccines are not tested in a scientific way.
Q: What do you mean?
A: For example, no long-term studies are done on any vaccines. Long-term follow-up is not done in any careful way. Why? Because, again, the assumption is made that vaccines do not cause problems. So why should anyone check? On top of that, a vaccine reaction is defined so that all bad reactions are said to occur very soon after the shot is given. But that does not make sense.
Q: Why doesn't it make sense?
A: Because the vaccine obviously acts in the body for a long period of time after it is given. A reaction can be gradual. Deterioration can be gradual. Neurological problems can develop over time. They do in various conditions, even according to a conventional analysis. So why couldn't that be the case with vaccines? If chemical poisoning can occur gradually, why couldn't that be the case with a vaccine which contains mercury?
Q: And that is what you found?
A: Yes. You are dealing with correlations, most of the time.Correlations are not perfect. But if you get 500 parents whose children have suffered neurological damage during a one-year period after having a vaccine, this should be sufficient to spark off an intense investigation.
Q: Has it been enough?
A: No. Never. This tells you something right away.
Q: Which is?
A: The people doing the investigation are not really interested in looking at the facts. They assume that the vaccines are safe. So, when they do investigate, they invariably come up with exonerations of the vaccines. They say, "This vaccine is safe". But what do they base those judgments on? They base them on definitions and ideas which automatically rule out a condemnation of the vaccine.
Q: There are numerous cases where a vaccine campaign has failed. Where people have come down with the disease against which they were vaccinated.
A: Yes, there are many such instances. And there the evidence is simply ignored. It's discounted. The experts say, if they say anything at all, that this is just an isolated situation, but overall the vaccine has been shown to be safe. But if you add up all the vaccine campaigns where damage and disease have occurred, you realize that these are NOT isolated situations.
Q: Did you ever discuss what we are talking about here with colleagues, when you were still working in the vaccine establishment?
A: Yes I did.
Q: What happened?
A: Several times I was told to keep quiet. It was made clear that I should go back to work and forget my misgivings. On a few occasions, I encountered fear. Colleagues tried to avoid me. They felt they could be labeled with "guilt by association". All in all, though, I behaved myself.I made sure I didn't create problems for myself.
Q: If vaccines actually do harm, why are they given?
A: First of all, there is no "if." They DO harm. It becomes a more difficult question to decide whether they do harm in those people who seem to show no harm. Then you are dealing with the kind of research which should be done, but isn't. Researchers should be probing to discover a kind of map, or flow chart, which shows exactly what vaccines do in the body from the moment they enter. This research has not been done. As to why they are given, we could sit here for two days and discuss all the reasons. As you've said many times, at different layers of the system people have their motives. Money, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige, awards, promotion, misguided idealism, unthinking habit, and so on. But, at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true.
The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests. There is an underground, shall we say, in Africa, made up of various officials who are earnestly trying to change the lot of the poor. This network of people knows what is going on. They know that vaccines have been used, and are being used, to destroy their countries, to make them ripe for takeover by globalist powers. I have had the opportunity to speak with several of these people from this network.
Q: Is Thabo Mbeki, the president of South Africa, aware of the situation?
A: I would say he is partially aware. Perhaps he is not utterly convinced, but he is on the way to realizing the whole truth. He already knows that HIV is a hoax. He knows that the AIDS drugs are poisons which destroy the immune system. He also knows that if he speaks out, in any way, about the vaccine issue, he will be branded a lunatic. He has enough trouble after his stand on the AIDS issue.
Q: This network you speak of.
A: It has accumulated a huge amount of information about vaccines. The question is, how is a successful strategy going to be mounted? For these people, that is a difficult issue.
Q: And in the industrialized nations?
A: The medical cartel has a stranglehold, but it is diminishing. Mainly because people have the freedom to question medicines. However, if the choice issue [the right to take or reject any medicine] does not gather steam, these coming mandates about vaccines against biowarefare germs are going to win out. This is an important time.
Q: The furor over the hepatitis B vaccine seems one good avenue.
A: I think so, yes. To say that babies must have the vaccine-and then in the next breath, admitting that a person gets hep B from sexual contacts and shared needles -- is a ridiculous juxtaposition. Medical authorities try to cover themselves by saying that 20,000 or so children in the US get hep B every year from "unknown causes", and that's why every baby must have the vaccine. I dispute that 20,00 figure and the so-called studies that back it up.
Q: Andrew Wakefield, the British MD who uncovered the link between the MMR vaccine and autism, has just been fired from his job in a London hospital.
A: Yes. Wakefield performed a great service. His correlations between the vaccine and autism are stunning. Perhaps you know that Tony Blair's wife is involved with alternative health. There is the possibility that their child has not been given the MMR. Blair recently side-stepped the question in press interviews, and made it seem that he was simply objecting to invasive questioning of his "personal and family life". In any event, I believe his wife has been muzzled. I think, if given the chance, she would at least say she is sympathetic to all the families who have come forward and stated that their children were severely damaged by the MMR.
Q: British reporters should try to get through to her.
A: They have been trying. But I think she has made a deal with her husband to keep quiet, no matter what. She could do a great deal of good if she breaks her promise. I have been told she is under pressure, and not just from her husband. At the level she occupies, MI6 and British health authorities get into the act. It is thought of as a matter of national security.
Q: Well, it is national security, once you understand the medical cartel.
A: It is global security. The cartel operates in every nation. It zealously guards the sanctity of vaccines. Questioning these vaccines is on the same level as a Vatican bishop questioning the sanctity of the sacrament of the Eucharist in the Catholic Church.
Q: I know that a Hollywood celebrity stating publicly that he will not take a vaccine is committing career suicide.
A: Hollywood is linked very powerfully to the medical cartel. There are several reasons, but one of them is simply that an actor who is famous can draw a huge amount of publicity if he says ANYTHING. In 1992, I was present at your demonstration against the FDA in downtown Los Angeles. One or two actors spoke against the FDA. Since that time, you would be hard pressed to find an actor who has spoken out in any way against the medical cartel.
Q: Within the National Institutes of Health, what is the mood, what is the basic frame of mind?
A: People are competing for research monies. The last thing they think about is challenging the status quo. They are already in an intramural war for that money. They don't need more trouble. This is a very insulated system. It depends on the idea that, by and large, modern medicine is very successful on every frontier. To admit systemic problems in any area is to cast doubt on the whole enterprise. You might therefore think that NIH is the last place one should think about holding demonstrations. But just the reverse is true. If five thousand people showed up there demanding an accounting of the actual benefits of that research system, demanding to know what real health benefits have been conferred on the public from the billions of wasted dollars funneled to that facility, something might start. A spark might go off. You might get, with further demonstrations, all sorts of fall-out. Researchers -- a few -- might start leaking information.
Q: A good idea.
A: People in suits standing as close to the buildings as the police will allow. People in business suits, in jogging suits, mothers and babies. Well-off people. Poor people. All sorts of people.
Q: What about the combined destructive power of a number of vaccines given to babies these days?
A: It is a travesty and a crime. There are no real studies of any depth which have been done on that. Again, the assumption is made that vaccines are safe, and therefore any number of vaccines given together are safe as well. But the truth is, vaccines are not safe. Therefore the potential damage increases when you give many of them in a short time period.
Q: Then we have the fall flu season.
A: Yes. As if only in the autumn do these germs float in to the US from Asia. The public swallows that premise. If it happens in April, it is a bad cold. If it happens in October, it is the flu.
Q: Do you regret having worked all those years in the vaccine field?
A: Yes. But after this interview, I'll regret it a little less. And I work in other ways. I give out information to certain people, when I think they will use it well.
Q: What is one thing you want the public to understand?
A: That the burden of proof in establishing the safety and efficacy of vaccines is on the people who manufacture and license them for public use. Just that. The burden of proof is not on you or me. And for proof you need well-designed long-term studies. You need extensive follow-up. You need to interview mothers and pay attention to what mothers say about their babies and what happens to them after vaccination. You need all these things. The things that are not there.
Q: The things that are not there.
A: Yes.
Q: To avoid any confusion, I'd like you to review, once more, the disease problems that vaccines can cause. Which diseases, how that happens.
A: We are basically talking about two potential harmful outcomes. One, the person gets the disease from the vaccine. He gets the disease which the vaccine is supposed to protect him from. Because, some version of the disease is in the vaccine to begin with. Or two, he doesn't get THAT disease, but at some later time, maybe right away, maybe not, he develops another condition which is caused by the vaccine. That condition could be autism, what's called autism, or it could be some other disease like meningitis. He could become mentally disabled.
Q: Is there any way to compare the relative frequency of these different outcomes?
A: No. Because the follow-up is poor. We can only guess. If you ask, out of a population of a hundred thousand children who get a measles vaccine, how many get the measles, and how many develop other problems from the vaccine, there is a no reliable answer. That is what I'm saying. Vaccines are superstitions. And with superstitions, you don't get facts you can use. You only get stories, most of which are designed to enforce the superstition. But, from many vaccine campaigns, we can piece together a narrative that does reveal some very disturbing things. People have been harmed. The harm is real, and it can be deep and it can mean death. The harm is NOT limited to a few cases, as we have been led to believe.In the US, there are groups of mothers who are testifying about autism and childhood vaccines. They are coming forward and standing up at meetings.They are essentially trying to fill in the gap that has been created by the researchers and doctors who turn their backs on the whole thing.
Q: Let me ask you this. If you took a child in, say, Boston and you raised that child with good nutritious food and he exercised every day and he was loved by his parents, and he didn't get the measles vaccine, what would be his health status compared with the average child in Boston who eats poorly and watches five hours of TV a day and gets the measles vaccine?
A: Of course there are many factors involved, but I would bet on the better health status for the first child. If he gets measles, if he gets it when he is nine, the chances are it will be much lighter than the measles the second child might get. I would bet on the first child every time.
Q: How long did you work with vaccines?
A: A long time. Longer than ten years.
Q: Looking back now, can you recall any good reason to say that vaccines are successful?
A: No, I can't. If I had a child now, the last thing I would allow is vaccination. I would move out of the state if I had to. I would change the family name. I would disappear. With my family. I'm not saying it would come to that. There are ways to sidestep the system with grace, if you know how to act. There are exemptions you can declare, in every state, based on religious and/or philosophic views. But if push came to shove, I would go on the move.
Q: And yet there are children everywhere who do get vaccines and appear to be healthy.
A: The operative word is "appear." What about all the children who can't focus on their studies? What about the children who have tantrums from time to time? What about the children who are not quite in possession of all their mental faculties? I know there are many causes for these things, but vaccines are one cause. I would not take the chance. I see no reason to take the chance. And frankly, I see no reason to allow the government to have the last word. Government medicine is, from my experience, often a contradiction in terms. You get one or the other, but not both.
Q: So we come to the level playing field.
A: Yes. Allow those who want the vaccines to take them. Allow the dissidents to decline to take them. But, as I said earlier, there is no level playing field if the field is strewn with lies. And when babies are involved, you have parents making all the decisions. Those parents need a heavy dose of truth. What about the child I spoke of who died from the DPT shot? What information did his parents act on? I can tell you it was heavily weighted. It was not real information.
Q: Medical PR people, in concert with the press, scare the hell out of parents with dire scenarios about what will happen if their kids don't get shots.
A: They make it seem a crime to refuse the vaccine. They equate it with bad parenting. You fight that with better information. It is always a challenge to buck the authorities. And only you can decide whether to do it. It is every person's responsibility to make up his mind. The medical cartel likes that bet. It is betting that the fear will win.
*** End of quoted text ***

Will the vaccine protect people against COVID-19? Against what? Against a phony, invented disease? Of course not. You can just as well spin around anti-clockwise three times and clash your ankles and invoke Oz instead. If you read what I wrote above and clicked on the links provided as well, you know the answer. Not just that a vaccine won't protect them from anything, it will, on the contrary, cause them a whole lot of problems. They will get Bill Gates’ depopulation dream packaged with a shitload of toxins, nano-robots which genetically modifies them and a data-chip which will be the interface through which Gates and company can control them. That’s what the vaccinated sheeple get.

To sum up the main points with source info

1. A specific virus which claimed to be a new Coronavirus which causes a disease called COVID-19 has never been isolated and properly identified. If the virus which causes people to get ill is a flu virus (let’s say SARS-CoV-2), then they’ll have flu-like symptoms: sneeze and cough a few days, maybe comes down with a fever (which is a good thing - the body’s defence mechanism to kill pathogens - under 40-41°C) and then it’s over. They most likely needed that rest.
Those who get complications and die due to a flu had already poor health and a weak immune system. They should have worked on their lifestyle (eating right, exercising enough, sleeping and resting well and eliminating harmful stress from their life) rather than hoping for miracle medicines and vaccines. Ya, and old people will die, no matter what. Some sooner, others later. Those who are old and sick sooner than those who are not.
I don’t believe that I have to spell it out for you like this, as if you were 4 years old, but the intelligence level of the covid-propaganda makes me to go down to this level of reasoning.

2. Because of the above paragraph, testing for a shape-shifting mystery-virus they did not find is, of course, meaningless, and what they are looking for in the test tube will result in false positives and false negatives according to what test parameters they set.

3. Because of the above paragraph the counted number of so called covid-patients are arbitrary and hypothetical. Counting all kind of sick people under the sun, the man in the moon and dead people who kicked the bucket due to any number of causes as covid-cases are nothing else but scientifically sounding fraud. If those number-pusher fucks would be honest people, they could say during the News: ’Today X number of people got sick due to a long list of diseases in our humble town. Next statistic: X number of people died today – guess how old they were, hehe… call us and you can win an embroidered bandana face mask. That’s all for today, sheeple, wash your hands before and after you go to the bathroom and often, and use a good hand-sanitizer for good measure because it's good for you, wear your face-diaper anywhere you go, and hold your distance from anything that moves or the police will fine you and put you in quarantine where we easily can find you to stab you with the vaccine.

“These people are actually suffering from a diverse number of different conditions, caused by many different factors in different cases. But they are all being corralled under the umbrella term COVID-19.”
Comparing the 3 previous year’s average number of deaths during the same time period as this year’s from January to the present time is the same. The same! So it's no plague time, no zombie apocalypse, no Medieval Black Death rolling in the deep on the streets. So chill!
Some gets a flu. Coughs and sneezes and sees a doctor as s/he used to run to mommy for comfort. Gets counted and put in the statistic as COVID-19.
Some people's chronic disease is worsening. Goes to the hospital. Counted and put in the statistic as COVID-19.
Some get hit by a bus but quickly tested for covid before they bury them, and… "Yay he was positive! Next… Oh well, the hell with testing… she looks like having died with covid. It's my expert opinion. Count them all and put them in the statistic as COVID-19."
People dying everywhere in the world of old age. "Well, maybe they could have lived a little longer, don't you think? The covid got them! Let's put them also in the statistic: died with covid. Good! WHO is happy, pandemic ordered. How is it going with the vaccine? Oh, they are cooking everywhere the aborted fetuses with monkey kidney tissue, spiced with mercury, aluminium and formaldehyde. Yummy! Gates is rubbing his hands."
So to make sure you get this:
People are dying all the time. What is happening this time is that they daily present the number of covid-cases and covid-deaths to instill fear in people so that they obey and follow what the fear-mongers tell them to do. From mask to vaccine and everything in between. 😷🤢🤑

4. Therefore there was no justification to declare a pandemic and with that destroy lives, fuck up every country's economy and make us behave like complete idiots with these diapers on our faces, standing 2 meters apart from each other.

covid isolation
Is this what we want?

And who is responsible for this? WHO is responsible for this. There was no ground to declare a pandemic, stating that the virus they didn't find but assume is contagious, and therefore to order lock-downs, quarantine, social distancing, forcing people to wear face masks etc. Since it’s nevertheless happening in most countries without a justifiable and provable medical study, the conclusion must be that it’s happening due to a hidden agenda. If you look around you can guess that generally it's about social engineering. Add to this the plan to stop cash as money and turn all money only digitally available. Add to this Gates' plan to genetically modify people with his vaccine and - as he said - if they do a good job they can keep the number of people under a sustainable, manageable level. In plain English: humanity should be reduced. Followers of the Georgia Guidelines want to keep Earth's population under 500 million. This means depopulation since we are more than 7 billion.

It’s not the first time that the old problem-reaction-solution method is used to achieve the goal of some hidden agenda, one of which this time is to mass vaccinate everybody.
More on the page:

Let’s brake down this problem-reaction-solution in our time’s Plandemic (yes, this pandemic is planned):
Problem: A mysterious virus enters the scene which said to cause all kind of diseases. It spares the children, mostly kills old people, however some 100 years old sports whistling leave the hospital, totally recovered. Confusion is a good spice to keep folks in uncertainty on their toes. This New Virus rocks your socks off. Bow down before It!
Reaction: People dread the Virus, so they isolate themselves in fear and watch the headlies in the headlines which diligently delivers the latest Corona Statistics.
People practice social distancing, avoid visiting their elderly not to infect them with the Virus, while the elderly thus lose the last lifeline worth living for in the name of safety and die alone.
People wear face masks as they are told to even though those cause hypoxia and they breath back CO2 and bacteria which they supposed to breath out. Respiration is one of the elimination pathways the body has to clear itself from toxins and pathogens. Well, guess what it means while you are running around with your face diaper…
They are stressed out (lower their immune system) and tired of sitting on the balcony and listening to the neighbor singing “O sole mio” all day long. They want to go to work which is on lock-down. They want to go to the pub which is closed. They want to go to the football stadium which also practice social distancing and remains empty.

At some point they welcome any solution, be it a toxic, aborted fetus and monkey kidney cell laden concoction cooked in Death’s kitchen called The Vaccine shot right into their veins. They don’t even care if New Tech can monitor their health and whatnot by the use of nano-tech, 5G or whatever the hell that scans and controls their body, just to get back their life as it was before this Mystery Virus took everything away from them. They wait for the Arrival of the Vaccine as the Final Solution to this Mystery Virus problem by making them into genetically modified trans-humans, armed by the Miracle Vaccine against The Mystery Virus. Roll up your sleeve and no need for 2 meters social distancing and looking like masked Zorro in mass-edition and you can visit your elderly (if they still alive). You don’t even have to wash your hands 60 times a day anymore. (But don’t tell anyone – there are virus-source agents everywhere to report renegades.)
The Vaccine and presumably some nano-robots in it (or already in us) will work for you around the clock and save the day. If all is well some operators or program packages can remotely check and control your status of your health, bank account and your other whereabouts.
New waves of epidemic is around the corner as the Virus will come back with a vengeance after it took a well-deserved summer holiday. This way they keep us hostage and blackmail us to take the vaccine or the Virus will come back again and again until we do.

This whole COVID cover story is planned. The ’virus’ - which is most likely nothing else than toxic materials from the air, the water and especially from previous and coming vaccines itself - is manufactured to depopulate the inhabitants of Earth and have the rest under control.
But people don’t know that. So here comes the…

Solution: Hey covid-people, we’ve got the Vaccine! Roll up your sleeves!'

And then, if all goes as planned, COVID-19 will disappear overnight, and its story will be a script for a fairy-tale Hollywood movie a few years from now, while the movie Matrix will become our reality, thanks to everybody's cooperation and consent. The few who still have some red pills live in rabbit holes next door to Alice.
Talking about movies, watch this clip!:

Now let’s go down this route in more detail…
Since the existence of the Virus which supposedly causes COVID-19 has never been proved, and then everything that entail it turns out to be meaningless and unnecessary – the tests, the possibility to spread and catch it and thus the social distancing, the isolation, the quarantine, the need to wear face masks etc. So maybe or maybe not an unidentified virus is causing some symptoms or something else makes people sick and even causes them to die. Let's listen to those who investigated why and how we become sick. I assure you, they won't push you another virus to believe in.

Virus or not virus - that is the question

Dr Young about COVID

What causes oxygen deprivation and the symptoms that are assigned to the coronavirus

What do face masks and 60 GHz (in 5G mobile network) do to Oxygen (watch the video)

The ’virus’ is exosomes

"Those particles of DNA called 'viruses' are nothing more than mitochondrial debris from expired body cells – daily we lose hundreds of billions of cells from our organism of 75 trillion. Most of this cellular loss is replaced. Now that a destructive and malevolent enemy has been pronounced the villain, an enemy that transcends all and afflicts the moral as well as the immoral, the stage is set for general public hysteria as a buildup for the entry of all sorts of products on the scene... especially vaccines." - Dr. T.C. Fry, 1989
Indeed, the only things that can be seen under a scanning electron microscope within and without of cells are cell debris from expired cells. Also, some scientists and doctors purport that exosomes are excreted from cells to gobble up poisons and carry them back to the cells to be transported out of the body. There are no such things as "viruses." In fact, it is an utterly nonsensical and ridiculous claim to assert that non-living particles called "viruses" have infected the entire world. Even more ridiculous to assert that such "non-living particles" can "live" on shopping carts at grocery stores."

Which means: No virus – no infection. No virus – no contagion.

What can be the cause of unexplained onset of illnesses and deaths?

Corona Debunked by Biochemistry

Virus - What Virus?

Are The Wheels Falling Off The GatesVirus Plandemic?

Defining a new virus (part1)

“Gather together a thousand people you claim are suffering from the “epidemic disease,” and take tissue samples from them. In the real world. Now, under proper supervision, with independent observers recording on video every single step of the process, CORRECTLY put these samples through a purifying procedure that involves centrifuging them, and extracting the relevant material - and place small bits of this material under an electron microscope. Take photos (EMs) of what you see.
Now place these thousand photos side by side. In each photo, do you see many, many particles of what is unmistakably a virus? Is it a virus you’ve never seen before? From photo to photo, are the many particles of this new virus all the same?
When you’ve done that, let another set of technicians follow the same procedure, and see what they come up with.
If by THESE standards, you really think you’ve found a new virus, call me.
The planet went on lockdown as a result of what you claim you discovered—so do the coherent study I outlined. Go the whole distance. That’s what science is supposed to do. And then other teams of researchers can weigh in with their own large electron microscope studies and confirm or deny your findings.
Meanwhile, do you know what you have? An unproven virus. A fake. A story about a virus.
Therefore, all your diagnostic tests “for the new virus” are a sham. They’re based on something you never demonstrated in the first place.
—Therefore, all those people, those elderly people dying for obvious reasons in nursing homes, and in their lonely apartments, and in hospitals all over the world? You obviously have no proof they’re dying from a virus. How could you? You never properly discovered a new virus. You have dust in your hands. Saying these elderly people died as a result of the COVID virus is meaningless.”

Defining a new virus (part2)

"In order to establish a causal connection, one way or the other, i.e. beyond virus isolation and purification, it would have been absolutely necessary to carry out an experiment that satisfies the Koch’s postulates. But there is no such experiment."

Defining a new virus (part3)

“The Guardian, May 16: “About 90% of the 3,700 people who have died from coronavirus in Sweden were over 70, and half were living in care homes, according to a study from Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare at the end of April.”

belief in covid19

Background of the So-Called Pathogenic Viruses

"The “bacteriophages,” correctly defined as incomplete mini spores and building blocks of the bacteria, have been scientifically isolated, while the so-called pathogenic viruses have never been observed in humans or animals or in their body fluids and have never been isolated and subsequently biochemically analyzed. To date, none of the researchers involved in virology research seems to have realized this very important point.
With his unscientific experiments and interpretations that he had never confirmed through negative controls, Enders brought the entire “viral” infectious medicine to a dead end. It is important to note at this point that Enders, like many infectious diseases specialists, worked for the U.S. military, which had always been and remains to date a huge victim of the fear of contagions. It was mainly the U.S. military which spread its erroneous belief that besides chemical weapons there were also biological weapons in the form of bacteria and viruses.

After the polio vaccine was introduced, the symptoms were then re-diagnosed among other things as multiple sclerosis, flaccid acute paralysis, aseptic meningitis etc. and later polio was claimed to have been eradicated. During his experiments, Enders et al. sterilized the tissue cultures in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria killing the cells. What he didn’t take into consideration was that the sterilization and the treatment of the cell culture when preparing it for the alleged infection was exactly what was destroying and killing the cells. Instead, he interpreted the cytopathic effects as the existence and the action of a so-called polio virus, without ever having isolated a single virus and describing its biochemistry.

The necessary negative control experiments, which would have shown that the sterilization and the treatment of the cells prior to the “infection” in the test tube was killing the cells, have never been performed. However, for this “performance” Enders received the Nobel prize in 1954.

1954 is also the year in which Enders applied and introduced the same technique in order to allegedly replicate the measles virus. As he had been awarded the Nobel prize for the alleged polio virus the same year, all researchers believed his technique to be scientifically valid. Thus, to date, the entire concept of polio and measles has been based upon this unscientific technique and fraud.

Thus, the polio and measles vaccines do not contain viruses, but particles of dead monkey kidney tissue or human cancerous body cells. To date, no negative control experiments have been done with respect to the so-called polio and measles viruses either, which would have shown that it was the laboratory procedures that lead to the cytopathic effects on the cells.

The result is that dozens of research teams work with short pieces of cell-specific molecules, after which - following a given model - they put all the pieces together on paper. However, this jigsaw puzzle made of so many pieces was never scientifically proven to exist as a whole and was never isolated from a virus, for a polio, measles, HIV or Hepatitis C, Ebola or Zika viruses have never been seen, neither in humans nor in a test tube. 

After the discovery and characterization of the phages and after introducing the dogma that the nucleic acid was the genome of all cells and viruses, the consensus was born, according to which such viruses must exist in humans and animals as well. In 1992, the dogma stating that the nucleic acid is the genotype of all cells was retracted in the scientific community. The ‘viral dogma’ of pathogenic viruses, however, is still being promoted today to the harm of billions of people. 

My bottom line still holds the truth that the terrain or internal environment is everything and the germ or so-called virus is NOTHING! The germ or so-called virus can only be a symptom of cellular breakdown due to an imbalance of the delicate alkaline pH balance of the body fluids and NOT the cause of that breakdown. That is why years ago I offered any scientist in the World a finders fee of 5 million US dollars if they could prove the existence of the HIV virus using Koch’s postulates. It has now been over 20 years and I am still waiting even though currently I no longer have the funds to pay the prize due to political assassination! It is unfortunate that a former 5 million US dollar prize offered 20 years ago was not enough money to change the current medical viral dogma that is currently paying out trillions of dollars to guess who?

There is only one sickness, one disease and one treatment. The one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then interstitial fluids due to an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking, feeling and believing. There are six major contributing factors that lead to the declining acidic pH of the body fluids. As the pH of the body fluids become compensated by these six contributing factors and the body cell membranes and genetic material begin to degenerate the cells release exosomes as a defense to activate and support the lymphocytes to release oxygen species or antioxidants to reduce the acidic loads stored in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium. The one treatment is to support the immune system with increased amounts of reduced oxygen (O-) and reduced hydrogen (H-) to restore the alkaline design of the body fluids, open up the channels of elimination in order to remove dietary, metabolic, respiratory and environmental toxic acidic waste held in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and thus restoring health, energy and vitality to the body."

Origin of the word virus
1590–1600; Latin: vīrus slime, poison
That’s what a virus is: toxic acidic waste – poison.


Face masks etc do not work

The following blog is about a CDC-report: All the so-called containment measures - masks, quarantine, isolation, distancing, lockdowns, even washing hands, are futile (and most of these are actually counterproductive) as COVID controlling measures.

“In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.”
Source of the previous posting in case you missed it at the end of the blog:

Masks Cause Damage: Study Reveals Mask-Hypoxia-Blood Clot Connection

Masks Do Not Work - a scientific approach

”To put it simply, the “second wave” of an epidemic is not a consequence of human sin regarding mask wearing and hand shaking. Rather, the “second wave” is an inescapable consequence of an air-dryness-driven many-fold increase in disease contagiousness, in a population that has not yet attained immunity.”
See, you fight diseases with your immune system - not by wearing masks and distancing yourself from… life.
Free Medicine For the Coronavirus

”Such small particles (< 2.5 μm) are part of air fluidity, are not subject to gravitational sedimentation, and would not be stopped by long-range inertial impact. This means that the slightest (even momentary) facial misfit of a mask or respirator renders the design filtration norm of the mask or respirator entirely irrelevant. In any case, the filtration material itself of N95 (average pore size ~0.3−0.5 μm) does not block virion penetration, not to mention surgical masks.”
”All of this to say that: if anything gets through (and it always does, irrespective of the mask), then you are going to be infected. Masks cannot possibly work. It is not surprising, therefore, that no bias-free study has ever found a benefit from wearing a mask or respirator in this application.
Therefore, the studies that show partial stopping power of masks, or that show that masks can capture many large droplets produced by a sneezing or coughing mask-wearer, in light of the above-described features of the problem, are irrelevant. For example, such studies as these: Leung (2020), Davies (2013), Lai (2012), and Sande (2008).”

Final words

A little side note before I conclude all this long text.

movie picmoviemovie

An interesting, even thought-provoking part of the movie "Limitless" caught my eyes, so I made a few screenshots from there. Check them out here!


This Corona hysteria is so wide spread and grounded in the long time school of Germ Theory and the entailing belief that viruses are contagious that it seems it will not go away without challenging it with factual, evidence based, scientific arguments, while requiring the same of those who support those claims. I hope the time will come when this real, scientific debate will take place and replace propaganda.
But if it won't happen, then the only way to stop this madness of social distancing, face masks, alienating people from each other and this destruction of our civilization and the little freedom we have left is to stand up and say ’NO’. Of course it’s only possible if there is enough people who want their life back. The alternative will be a controlled slave world under a new flag with a symbol of a face mask which silenced what is true and right. Let's not allow that to happen!

But there is hope, as protests again coronavirus measures began.
July 13, 2020 Belgrade, Serbia
August 2, 2020 Berlin, Germany

If you only take with you two things from all of the above, I didn't gather all this information for you in vain:
1. As they push untested vaccines, remember: No liability? No mandates. Just say NO.
2. Fight diseases with your immune system, not by distancing yourself from others and life.

To sum it all up, read what Dr. Stefan Lanka had to say about this crisis

To read the whole crisis-story in detail – background, analysis of the alleged 'virus' and the purpose of the Plandemic, read here:

Other references:

Fuckoff fake virus

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