

Religion = superstition = mysticism are fear-based beliefs in (a) higher power(s) which one can bribe by prayer, rituals and offerings to get something from some imaginary source or being in this life or in the hereafter.
These beliefs are devoid of reason and observable reality, yet religious people demand that their particular belief must be accepted and respected and is the only right belief, which makes it one of the main cause of conflicts between people.
When humanity grows out and wakes up from this dream state we’ll be much closer to peace on Earth. Until then I require of religious people to respect my views regarding religion:

I have the right to not believe in what they believe in. I might believe in an almighty higher power (God) defined by a different doctrine than they do or I may not believe in such entity/being at all and view life based on observable facts only.

I have the right to question and criticize those social, political and cultural manifestations which have religious grounds and which undesirably affect my life and others’ lives.

  • Female genital mutilation is a horrible example of such manifestation.
  • Niqab (face-veil) worn by women especially in work places are another example. It’s unacceptable to interact with people we cannot recognize and we should simply refuse to do so. Their hiding in disguise is their own choice to remove themselves from social interactions. As I recently learnt, no religious teaching require that full face covering.
  • I am totally against the application of religious law in stead of a civil judicial system because it is not based on reason and what is generally and historically accepted as right or wrong. Instead religious law is applied based on what some religious representatives believe and claim have been told by unknown and unverifiable people and beings to follow. In essence religious law is what they believe in and judgements are based on those beliefs. History is full of barbaric examples of torture, executions and death in wars when judgements were based on superstitious beliefs (witch-hunt) and when the Church forced people to accept the Christian faith through the Crusade and missionary “work” among Native Americans, aborigines and all kind of European pagans. Most of the time these deeds were done in the name of God to cloak their desire for power over people. Religion is therefore a disguised tool to control and have power over people. Religious law has no place in civilized societies.

I respect everybody's right to believe in what they want to believe in as long as they keep it for themselves and don’t violate others’ right to have different beliefs.
If there is mutual interest to discuss beliefs it’s of course the right of the involved parties to do, but unsolicited preaching is unacceptable. When all is said and done, before anybody wants to start a religious debate claiming this and that, be reminded that the burden of proof always rests on the one making an assertion. Religious claims are no exception. Pointing at books written by men, containing contradictory statements are no proof. In fact it’s a proof of just the opposite: all religions have been made by men.

Well put:
Johann Hari: Why should I respect these oppressive religions?

Philosophy vs Religion

fight destroyers

Thou Shalt Not Kill

And now let's have some fun with religions - click here for some pics.