
My Scenario

Einstein allegedly said: Imagination is more important than knowledge. Hitherto I shared knowledge - information from knowledgeable people that the main stream media ignored and stone-walled. The Rockefeller Foundation, The World Economic Forum and other Globalists have their plan - scenario - for the future. It’s time that I present MY scenario for the future.

It is my world, my imagination, my vision, my scenario, my future. If you want it too, make it yours and be with me in the future I envision now.

The WHO fraud that they called the COVID pandemic was not going anywhere. Although the perpetrators here and there eased the restrictions during 2022, people felt that they can reinstate the mandates at any time. So they swarmed on overcrowded airports to go for a holiday, risking quarantines and uncertainty surrounding their travel plans. They took their chances and hoped for the best, just to finally feel free once again and have some fun.
The globalists observed people’s behaviour and prepared their next step towards world domination. They noted that the majority of people believed in their lies about covid, about the virus - any virus -, about the benevolence of the vaccines, about the need for energy reduction and the unavoidability of poverty because of man-made climate change. They were certain that the few who knew better are too few to be able to stop them. During their meetings they shared their amazement to each other about how gullible people were, how easily they were controllable and how confident they were that they could accomplish their plan thanks to world-wide corruption.

The few who knew what was going on desperately followed the alternative news in hope that somewhere, some trial would bring justice and shed the light of truth to the world. Their greatest hope was The Corona Committee, led by attorney Reiner Fuellmich but it soon became clear that all their sessions and evidence-gathering would not lead to legal action. No instance, not even the ICC (International Criminal Court) accepted their application for legal proceedings. So all the evidence were only for the public, and the public generally didn’t care to find out the truth.

It seemed the globalists had a free pass to achieve any and all of their goals without the slightest opposition.
But there was one factor they didn’t take into account. In spite of most people’s negligence to find out what was going on and without being aware about the facts behind the lies, people are nevertheless spiritual beings, and as such most of us are pure and innocent. No, we are no saints or angels, far from it. We are immature souls but only a minority of us are evil, and the bad conditions of the world are because of those relatively few bad apples who rule the rest of us.
There is something called Universal Justice, a Balancing Act (Karma) which turns the tides. It’s like the weather - a storm goes on, clouds are gathering and darkens the sky, stark wind blows and heavy rain whips the ground. It all lasts just as long, however. Not forever. Never forever. Suddenly the clouds clear, the wind settles and the sun appear as before.
Something like that happens to this covid-crazed world too. Like attracts like. The spirit of man attracts the spirit of benevolence which influences souls on the wrong path to change their ways and removes those who pushed down the balance far too long.

We hardly know most of it. It happens under the surface as the equilibrium rebalances itself. We barely notice as psychopaths disappear from the scene and get replaced by honest, well-intentioned people. New movements begin, innovations replace old, dysfunctional systems. Leadership doesn’t mean anymore career opportunities to get rich. It means responsibility to serve people. Leadership gets transparent and is scrutinised by committees that make sure that power won’t corrupts. Engaged citizens nominate candidates based on their merits, which are: honesty, sense of justice and fairness and selflessness. These candidates’ profiles are presented on tv and on the Internet so people can make an educated choice and vote for them individually through the Internet. That’s democracy.
There is no parties. Parties meant separation and discord. Now there are - as mentioned above - leaders with different kind of responsibilities with underlying committees that control them so that their egos don’t get in the way.
There is no lobbying either and money won’t buy any position in office as it means corruption.
Laws are reduced to less than 100 pages. No convoluted descriptions and directions and exceptions. Bureaucracy is also minimal.
Wages are revised. Those who contribute most to society and those who carry a heavy load physically and mentally get the highest salary. Knowledge and diligence pays off.
Money is to pay for goods and services as it was intended from the beginning. There is no shares, stock exchange, hedge fonds and other inventions of banking system. There are no millionaires and resources are shared under a just system. Everybody has enough.
So yes, it is a new world. A world where justice, fairness, peace and harmony rule.

This is what’s happening now.

❗️🧬🔮🦠💩 THERE IS NO COVID VIRUS. Yes, the CDC said so. Again.

Okey, one more time… October, last year I already posted info about what the CDC itself said about the existence of the covid-virus. Now it’s time to dust off that info and in stead of just giving you a link (like in my October ’21 post) which you maybe won’t click on, I quote the most relevant info right here. So let’s start…

The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It was originally published in February 2020, in the very early days of the “pandemic,” and its latest revision was published in July 2021 (rev: 07, 7/21).

Buried deep in the document, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics”, we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” (document page 40, pdf page 41)

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [virus] are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

One of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world can’t obtain the virus from anywhere. Why? Obviously, because no one has it.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.




The next study is titled, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]

I quote from the above link, showing the absurdity of how they suggest to perform a PCR test without having the virus.
Explanations – Jon Rappoport’s translation of medical jargong – were made by the author (Jon Rappoport) whose article I linked from his website. Read this, virus-believer crowd!:

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology [a test for a virus] for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

TRANSLATION: We want to develop a test to detect the new COVID virus without having the virus.

“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with [the older 2003] SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

TRANSLATION: We HAVE developed a diagnostic test to detect the new COVID virus. We ASSUME this new virus exists and is closely related to an older coronavirus. We ASSUME we know HOW it is related. We ASSUME, because we don’t have the new COVID virus. Therefore, all our assumptions are made out of nothing. Actually, we have no proof there is a new coronavirus.

I would also like to point out the word “synthetic” in the above quote where they say “making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology” which means that their “workflow” is an artificial, computer-based, computer-generated gene sequencing from a database – a Gene Bank –, not from an actual, existing ‘virus’. So to make sure you get this: all ‘viruses’ only exist as computer models where virologists cut&paste from and wave their magic wand to tinker forth the next Tinker Bell-virus. Non of these 'viruses' have ever been scientifically isolated by using the standard Koch-formula and thus proved to exist. What they do is to cook a soup in a petri dish with a living cell without nutrients, without its natural surroundings and add to it all kind of chemicals and waste products (tissue samples from sick people) and then when the starving, poisoned cell die the virologist says that a virus killed it. Then they use whatever parameters they use, compare whatever they compare to their Gene Bank and assign some gene sequence from there to what they say is a 'virus'. That’s the essence of the Virus Theory based on the Germ Theory.
The story of viruses are all fairy-tales. Those who tell those stories are the real viruses.

Then in July 2021 the CDC once again confirms that they didn’t have any covid-virus. So what did they do to be able to start testing people? Yes, you guessed it: they concocted something they call the covid-virus by “…using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources”. Yes, you’ve read that right: they cooked up – or as they themselves said: contrived – their precious baby: the imagined virus.
Here comes the quote from the CDC (again with Jon Rappoport’s translation):

“During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics, the PCR test] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs [tests] based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, and that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of ‘the virus’. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.


🇸🇪 svensk översättning nedan
🇭🇺 magyar fordítás lejjebb

I’ve been intensively following the events that have had the greatest impact of our lives - the ‘Pandemic’ -, studied its background and development. Having researched this subject over a year I have no doubt in my mind that it’s not a real pandemic but a planned effort for totalitarian control by those who have masterminded it. Consequently I decided early on that I refuse to get vaccinated. All the detailed reasons why are here in my blog (Recent News) and on the page The Coronavirus Scam also on this website.

Fast forward to today when my employer announced that unvaccinated employees will be prohibited to work, I face the decision to get fired or relocated from my work or get vaccinated against my better judgement.
Since I’m not a vaccine hesitant, but a determined, principled, anti-vaxx person, my first reaction was to resign from my work after having taken care of old people for 33 years.
As I was thinking about the consequences of what it means to survive in a new era - into the planned Great Reset -, that future seemed a worse alternative to taking the shot and die, or - what I'm even less looking forward to - to suffer a permanent disability caused by the jab.

Do I really want to survive and live in a totalitarian nightmare dictated by those who are behind this ‘pandemic’?
Do I want to live among the surviving sheep who willingly took the ‘vaccine’, proudly wear a mask like a medal and mindlessly parrot the propaganda - the lies - we’ve heard daily during the last two years?

The answer for me is a clear, unwavering,
I’d rather die than be part of that dystopian future of slavery and transhumanism.

There is a slim chance that things change for the better through the judicial system (I’m thinking of Dr Reiner Füllmich), but I’m afraid I could just as well hope for a divine intervention or benevolent extraterrestrials coming to our aid.
No, my only hope is that a huge number of people say NO to this nightmare and stop it.

Freedom from this escalating madness is more important for me than surviving in it.

Do you believe me now that I’ve meant everything I posted here?

*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~

🇸🇪 Svensk översättning:


Jag har intensivt följt de händelser som har haft störst påverkan i våra liv - "pandemin" - och studerat dess bakgrund och utveckling. Efter att ha undersökt detta ämne över ett år har jag ingen tvekan om att det inte är en riktig pandemi utan en planerad insats för totalitär kontroll av dem som har utvecklat den. Följaktligen bestämde jag mig tidigt för att jag vägrar vaccinera mig. Alla anledningar till varför finns i detalj här på detta blog (Recent News) samt på sidan
The Coronavirus Scam också på min hemsida.

Min arbetsgivare nyligen meddelade att ovaccinerade anställda kommer att vara förbjudna att arbeta, så nu står jag inför beslutet att bli avskedad eller omplacerad från mitt arbete eller att vaccinera mig mot mitt bättre omdöme. Eftersom jag är en bestämd, principiell, anti-vaxx-person, var min första reaktion att säga upp mig från mitt arbete efter att ha tagit hand om gamla människor i 33 år.
När jag tänkte på konsekvenserna av vad det innebär att överleva i en ny era - in i den planerade Stora Återställningen (som de kallar Great Reset) - verkade den framtiden ett sämre alternativ än att ta injektionen och dö, eller - det som jag i ännu mindre grad ser fram emot - att lida av en permanent funktionsnedsättning som orsakas av det säkra och effektiva 'vaccinet'.

Vill jag verkligen leva i en totalitär mardröm dikterad av dem som står bakom denna ”pandemi”?
Vill jag bo bland de överlevande fåren som villigt tog ”vaccinet”, stolt bär en mask som en medalj och utan tankar upprepar propagandan och lögnerna som papegojor, som vi har hört dagligen under de senaste två åren?

Svaret för mig är ett klart, orubbligt,
Jag skulle hellre dö än att vara en del av den dystopiska framtiden av slaveri och transhumanism.

Det finns en liten chans att saker och ting förändras till det bättre genom rättssystemet (jag tänker på Dr Reiner Füllmich), men jag fruktar att det finns lika mycket hopp om detta som i ett gudomligt ingripande eller hjälp av välvilliga utomjordingar.
Nej, min enda förhoppning är att ett stort antal människor säger NEJ till den här mardrömmen och stoppar den.

Frihet från denna eskalerande galenskap är viktigare för mig än att överleva i den.

Tror du mig nu att jag har menat allt jag postat här?

*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~

🇭🇺 Magyar fordítás:


Intenzív figyelemmel kísértem azokat az eseményeket, amelyek legnagyobb hatást gyakoroltak életünkre - a „pandémiát” - és tanulmányoztam annak hátterét és fejlődését. Miután több mint egy éve követtem nyomon ezt a témát, kétségem sincs afelől, hogy ez nem egy valódi járvány, hanem egy tervezett törekvés totalitárius irányításra azok számára, akik ezt kitervezték. Ezért már régóta eldöntöttem, hogy megtagadom az oltást. Minden részletes indok megtalálható itt a blogomban, valamint a The Coronavirus Scam oldalamon.

A napokban a munkáltatóm bejelentette, hogy a vakcinázatlan alkalmazottaknak tilos lesz dolgozni, így szembesülök azzal a döntéssel, hogy kirúgnak vagy áthelyeznek a munkámból, vagy pedig covid-oltást kapok jobb megítélésem ellenére. Mivel határozottan vaxxellenes ember vagyok, az első reakcióm az volt, hogy felmondok, miután 33 évig gondoztam idős embereket.
Miközben az új korszak túlélésének következményeire gondoltam - a Tervezett Nagy Visszaállításra (amit Great Reset-nek hívnak) -, ez a jövő rosszabb alternatívának tűnt, mint az injekció okozta halál, vagy aminek még kevésbé szívesen nézek elébe: egy állandósult módon elszenvedett fogyatékosság.

Tényleg túl akarok élni hogy egy totalitárius rémálomban élhessek, amit e „járvány” mögött állók diktálnak?
Szeretnék a túlélő birkák között élni, akik készségesen vették be a „vakcinát”, büszkén viselnek maszkot, mint egy érmet, és esztelenül papagájozzák a propagandát - a hazugságokat -, amelyeket naponta hallottunk az elmúlt két évben?

A válasz számomra egyértelmű, rendíthetetlen,
Inkább meghalok, mint a rabszolgaság és a transzhumanizmus rémálom-jövőjének részesévé válni.

Van egy kis esélye annak, hogy az igazságszolgáltatáson keresztül jobbra fordulnak a dolgok (Dr. Reiner Füllmichre gondolok), de attól tartok, erre annyi remény van mint egy isteni beavatkozásban vagy jótékony földöntúliak segítségében.
Nem, amiben igazán bízom az, hogy rengeteg ember NEM-et mond erre a rémálomra és véget vet neki.

A szabadság ettől a fokozódó őrülettől fontosabb számomra, mint a túlélés benne.

Elhiszed már, hogy mindent komolyan gondoltam, amit itt írtam?

Interviewing the dead Albert Einstein about free will

Very nice! 💖

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as World's Oldest Religion and Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Yes, this video is 5 hours long and could have been edited shorter. But it’s revealing, and the last half hour especially is very powerful.