September 2020


I wrote the page on this site about the Coronavirus Scam and have continued updating the information here on my blog (Recent News). Today, as I read a blog - COVID Psychological Stress Being Applied to Break Resistance to Vaccine - I realized I’m repeating myself. Everything worth saying about this scam, this hoax, this threat is already here on this site.

People will either believe in and follow the fake news propaganda and we will have a dystopian future or resist it and sweep away the New Normal, this New Abnormal. πŸ’©

All I can say to the sheeple πŸ˜·πŸ‘ is: you will get what you deserve. Fuck you all! πŸ’©πŸ˜·πŸ’©πŸ˜·πŸ’©

If the truth will win, I’ll be happy to continue living in the human family. πŸŒŸπŸ’–πŸ’ž
If not, well, life with sheeple, πŸ˜·πŸ‘ controlled by psychopaths πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€πŸ’€πŸ‘½ is not desirable for me.

In either case I feel I’ve done my work, which has been to spread this information. I keep of course following the events and when I find something newsworthy which I haven’t covered before I keep posting it here.

Good luck to us all! ✨

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Trafalgar Rally Speech

The fake 'virus' story, the lies and the propaganda, the restrictions and the control, the whole covid-hoax gathered in this speech.

The consequence of the covid-vaccine

A 1 hour talk about the covid-vaccine. Get a cup of coffee/tea and listen to it. It’s more important than you think.

The covid plandemic clearly outlined

How about this for a vaccine:
“They will release a man-made coronavirus. As a result the people will demand a vaccine to protect them. This vaccine will add a third strain of DNA to a persons body, essentially making them a hybrid. Once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA undergoes a transformation. This genetic change will cause people to loose the ability to think for themselves, without them even being aware this happened. Thus they can be controlled easier, to become slaves for the elite.”

Read about all the other juicy things planned for you:

Covid update: The grand Ohio legal case

In the closing paragraph on my page The Coronavirus Scam I wrote: "This Corona hysteria is so wide spread and grounded in the long time school of Germ Theory and the entailing belief that viruses are contagious that it seems it will not go away without challenging it with factual, evidence based, scientific arguments, while requiring the same of those who support those claims. I hope the time will come when this real, scientific debate will take place and replace propaganda."

It seems the time is now for the light to break through this murky covid-story:
Covid update: The grand Ohio legal case

The pandemic is a PLANdemic

I’d like to highlight two things here:
  • World Bank had plans about COVID-19 already 2017. So that’s why the covid pandemic declared this year is a PLANdemic.
  • CDC itself noted that only 6 % of the total deaths counted were caused by COVID-19. So the other 94 % did not die because of COVID-19, only they were counted as such on your tv and on worldometers to keep the plandemic alive.

When evidence does not support a theory … ignore it

More on the Spanish Flu…
Here is what was done in 1919:
* They isolated microbial mixtures from ten people suffering symptoms of influenza.
* They then administered these mixtures to ten US Navy volunteers. None fell sick.
* They then drew blood from influenza patients and administered it to the Navy volunteers. None fell sick.
* They collected snot and other fluids from people suffering symptoms, filtered the mix to exclude bacteria, and then injected it into Navy volunteers. None fell sick.
* They brought the Navy volunteers to meet the patients. They shook hands and talked. The patients exhaled onto the volunteers faces four or five times. They coughed directly onto the volunteers. None fell sick.
The obvious conclusion, or at least direction of the path of evidence, should have been that the Spanish Flu was a variety of things, none contagious.

We’ve got to come to our senses sometime soon, and allow medicine to exit the Dark Ages.

The measures put in place to fight Covid-19 are masks, distancing, quarantining, forcing people to stay at home, forbidding public gatherings, shutting down economies, closing churches and tossing the Bill of Rights out the window. This is all done without any scientific evidence to support the efficacy of any of these measures. The reason for this must be as it appears – that the measures are intended for other purposes having nothing to do with disease and everything to do with social control. The alleged virus is the means to another end.

Here is the whole article.

1918 flu 'virus' NOT contagious

virus not contagious

I wonder if people realize what this means.
The consequences and ramifications of this.
Something they call a 'virus' is not contagious.
No, don't read the next line. Read this once again:
The so called 'virus' is not contagious.
Not contagious.
Our public enemy #1: The Virus is not contagious.
It is so because the cause of the disease was (and is) not a pathogen / microORGANISM but toxic material, which is also called exosomes.
How people were / are infected of those toxic material is another discussion, but suffice to say that there are plenty of them in the air, water and earth and not to forget in medicines and in vaccines. No need to invent a hypothetical non-living organism (what an oxymoron, like a zombie, eh!) - a virus as the cause.
BTW the word 'virus' comes from Latin and … wait for it… means: TOXIN, POISON. The circle is closed, thank you.

Here is a hilarious page about masks

Here is a hilarious page about masks

What the abbreviation COVID stands for

Here is my concise explanation of what the abbreviation COVID stands for (other than the official COrona VIrus Disease):

Crisis Oriented Virulent Information Deception
Campaign On Vile Inundated Demagogy
Covertly Orchestrated Vaccine Induced Depopulation

🎯 Hitchen’s Razor

Another round about The Virus and Germ Theory

A quote from Dr. Andrew Kaufman:
“The burden of proof that viruses cause disease is on those who propose that theory. There is no burden of proof for me to defend my criticism of that theory. This is known as Hitchen’s Razor, which states, “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”

If those (WHO, CDC, health agencies and politicians all over the world) who push the covid-agenda have proof of The Virus, don’t you think they would show the evidence and thus silence critics? Of course they would. But they don’t, because they can’t.

More on this page:
“If the virus exists, then it should be possible to purify viral particles. From these particles RNA can be extracted and should match the RNA used in this test. Until this is done it is possible that the RNA comes from another source, which could be the cells of the patient, bacteria, fungi etc. There might be an association with elevated levels of this RNA and illness, but that is not proof that the RNA is from a virus. Without purification and characterization of virus particles, it cannot be accepted that an RNA test is proof that a virus is present.
Definitions of important diseases are surprisingly loose, perhaps embarrassingly so. A couple of symptoms, maybe contact with a previous patient, and a test of unknown accuracy, is all you often need. While the definition of SARS, an earlier coronavirus panic, was self-limiting, the definition of COVID-19 disease is open-ended, allowing the imaginary epidemic to grow. Putting aside the existence of the virus, if the COVID-19 test has a problem with false positives (as all biological tests do) then testing an uninfected population will produce only false-positive tests, and the definition of the disease will allow the epidemic to go on forever.”

Also, watch the two videos which cut into the heart of the matter: virus (germ) theory vs. terrain.

πŸ˜·πŸ‘ 7 Sassy Rebuttals to the Mindlessly Faceless Who Walk & Talk among Us


I like this site. Clear and informative and easy to comprehend. So even though there will be repetitions of what I already posted, it’s worth the read. And needed as a countermeasure to the ceaseless propaganda from the main stream media.

Coconut oil

Bold claims but why not try. One thing is for sure - it’s healthy.

Could this ‘South Pacific’ oil CURE Alzheimer’s?!

Supercharge your brain and stop this life-crippling disease dead in its tracks.
By Melissa Young Director, Health Sciences Institute
If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s disease… or you’ve already forgotten important names, dates, and details… I bet it feels like you’ve EXHAUSTED all of your options.
You’ve talked to all the “right” doctors… paid top dollar for the best scans and most accurate tests… and seen more mainstream “specialists” than you care to admit…
And for decades, we’ve all been fed the same ‘promise’—Big Pharma is closing in on a cure for Alzheimer’s.
They say that any day now, we’ll have a “wonder pill” that will stop this brain-destroying disease and keep millions of Americans from losing their precious memories… their independence… and even their lives.
But here’s the inconvenient truth behind that empty mainstream promise…
There’s not a drug in the world that can stop the memory loss, mood changes, and heartache of Alzheimer’s… and since that’s all docs know, they assume nothing else can, either.
But as usual, they’re dead wrong.
You see, along the coastal waters of the beautiful South Pacific, there’s an abundance of a certain kind of tropical oil that can protect your mind and preserve your memory.
And unlike shoddy mainstream promises, this ‘South Pacific’ cure targets and ELIMINATES the root cause of devastating memory loss.
And when used correctly, it’s like STEROIDS for your brain and your long-term memory!
But you don’t have to globetrot thousands of miles around the world to find it…
It’s here in the United States, and it will change everything you thought you knew about Alzheimer’s!

Turbocharge your brain with COCONUT OIL
Coconuts are synonymous with health, vitality, and feeling ‘refreshed.’
Coconut trees can be found growing near coastal waters all over the world. But 85% of the world’s coconut production originates in South Pacific countries like the Philippines and Indonesia, while India and Sri Lanka provide the remaining 15%.
And while most folks associate coconut with delicious, refreshing water… or even a relaxing Piña Colada… the oil derived from coconuts provided COUNTLESS health benefits (some you probably didn’t know about).
For example, did you know coconut oil could…
Increase your metabolism… protect your skin from harmful UV rays… be used as a healthy cooking oil… improve your dental health… or even relieve annoying skin irritation?
But coconut oil’s most important benefit may be its ability to drastically IMPROVE brain function.
How, exactly? It boils down to the unique fat content specific to coconut oil… but we’re not talking ‘fat’ as you know it.
We’re talking about triglycerides… which is simply a technical term for fat.
There are two main types of triglycerides.
Long-chain triglycerides (LCT) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).
The majority of the fat in your diet is made up of long-chain triglycerides (LCT).
There are also medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are a naturally occurring source of dietary fats that are abundant in coconut oil.
But what does this have to do with brain health?!
You see, your brain represents only about 2% of your body weight but it consumes a whopping 20-23% of your energy requirements, mostly in the form of glucose.
In other words, the brain requires A LOT of energy to work properly!
But when you develop Alzheimer’s, your brain has trouble using glucose, which is the main energy source for cells throughout your body.
And you know what happens when you don’t give your cells fuel, right? They stop working—and then they die.
But there’s a secret that most Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers never hear. Your brain cells can actually use a DIFFERENT type of fuel, produced from fats, called ketones.
And that’s where MCTs and coconut oil come into the picture.
You see, unlike LCTs, our bodies rapidly convert MCTs into ketones, which can be used as an alternative energy source by the brain.
Think of ketones as backup fuel for your brain… fuel that had researchers asking themselves…
Could cognitive decline—including Alzheimer’s—be SLOWED down or even STOPPED if this brain energy defect is addressed early on?
According to research…YES!
Several studies suggest that early stages of Alzheimer’s disease might be improved with nutritional treatments (like coconut oil) that raise ketone levels.
In one study, patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s consumed 30 grams per day of two different MCT supplements, both for one month. Brain glucose and ketone uptakes were measured before and after the MCT interventions. The results were MIND-BLOWING!
Thanks to a simple MCT supplement regimen, brain ketone consumption doubled! In fact, the study even revealed that this new brain ketone uptake was the same as in healthy young adults!
Even better? Multiple studies show that MCT’s and ketones can improve memory and reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s.
One such study found that MCT supplements significantly improved ADAS-cog scores—the gold standard test for diagnosing Alzheimer’s—and paragraph recall in folks who were already suffering from Alzheimer’s.
And another one revealed that the ketones produced by MCTs can help to block the growth of amyloid-beta proteins—the root cause of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
This means that upping your ketones with MCTs could be the best way to STOP Alzheimer’s before it STARTS.
And while MCTs come in various forms, researchers note that coconut oil provided the most ‘bang for your buck.’
Palm kernel oil, milk, and butter are also foods rich in MCTs… but the amount of MCTs found in coconut oil are much higher.
In fact, the amount of MCTs found in coconut oil are nearly SIX TIMES greater than the amount of MCTs found in milk and butter.
A University of Oxford study looked specifically at coconut oil as the vehicle for MCTs and found that Alzheimer’s and dementia patients have indeed seen short-term benefits resulting from its use.
So, whether you’re worried about Alzheimer’s or you’re just looking to give your brain a big boost, coconut oil could be the mental injection you need for superior brain health.
And luckily for you, coconut oil is easy to find AND use!

MELT stubborn belly fat with coconut oil?
Can’t shake off those extra pounds you’ve been desperate to lose? Consider adding coconut oil into your daily routine.
Coconut oil may increase feelings of fullness and enhance appetite regulation, which eliminates the temptation to eat more.
A 4-week study in 20 adults with obesity observed that taking just TWO tablespoons of coconut oil daily significantly reduced waist circumference in study participants.
Remember, MCTs found in coconut oil also speed up your body’s metabolism which helps your body burn more fat.


Psychological COVID + George Carlin

How many people have “psychological COVID”?
also watch the George Carlin-clip Jon Rappoport cited. Totally applicable to this covid-psycho-shit we are swimming in.

Pregnant Woman Arrested in Pajamas in front of her Children for Facebook Post on COVID Protest

The Land Down Under is also going down with the covid-thunder.

Big Cities Going Down Hard, While In Wuhan…

“Lockdowns are mad experiments with no basis in science. More specifically, they are Chinese in origin. China released images of people dropping dead in the street, doors of homes being welded shut, trucks spraying bleach onto the street. China is now showing pictures of pool parties in Wuhan with no lockdowns or social distancing. Telling the west, if you persist with your lockdowns, you will eventually get out of this as we did. Western countries bought the BS and are destroying their economies and culture. The west continues being stupid, gullible, suicidal, confused, and in doubt about itself and its principles.

Lockdowns were unnecessary. It turns out that locking people in their homes was exactly the wrong thing to do. A study of almost 800 people shows that the higher your vitamin D status, the less the coronavirus will affect you. Get enough sun, the data suggests, and you cannot die of the coronavirus.”

Meanwhile in Wuhan, China… now.

Meanwhile in Wuhan now

It looks like Pooh is a sheep after all


They tried it 10 years ago. Don't let them succeed this time either!

vaccine contaminated with virus
SwineFlu was a Hoax

Another crack in the Plandemic wall

“The CDC admitted that only 6% of the deaths they attributed to COVID had no comorbidity factors (or could not or didn’t want to specify). The other 94% had, on average, 2.6 other serious diseases. While the presence of other serious diseases does not automatically exclude COVID as being attributed as the cause of death, it does greatly reduce the hyped numbers being fed to the public through the corporate propaganda media.”

A wall is cracking as it shows the inflated numbers of the covid (PCR)-test

MSM is starting to wake up… a sign that the creators of this plandemic is slowly retreating.

The whole scam just fell apart: COVID test, overwhelming number of false positives

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace

A great man - just as his father and uncle was.