June 2021

There goes the antibody test 💩


🦠🔮🦄 About the Delta variant of BULLSHIT


How and Why Thousands of Old People Have Been Murdered

Quoting from the article found in Vernon Coleman's pdf-book here under the title “How and Why Thousands of Old People Have Been Murdered” (starting on page 75).

Right from the start of the absurd and entirely unnecessary process of putting people under house arrest, it was the elderly who were the first to be locked up, or locked in if you prefer.

For absolutely no good reason the elderly were told that they had to stay in their own homes to protect themselves, hospitals and the world. There was never one shred of real evidence for this. On the contrary, it was clear from the start that this cruelty was based on political expediency rather than scientific necessity. Men and women over 70 were told that they couldn’t see their loved ones and many were told they would be refused medical treatment – whatever might be wrong with them. People who died, for whatever reason, died alone – abandoned by a system they had helped create and pay for.

The people most likely to die from the coronavirus are the people who are most likely to die from the flu – people who are frail, unfit, overweight or suffering from serious, long-term health problems. As a doctor I can tell you there seem to be just two big differences between the coronavirus and the ordinary flu virus.

First, the flu virus can kill more people. Second, no flu virus has ever got this much attention or put an entire civilisation back several centuries. The fact is that the risk of dying from this coronavirus is, for healthy adults, minute.

I haven’t forgotten about my charge or murder. I’ll come to that soon. But before I do, I just want to say a few more things about the way the elderly have been abused during all this unscientific bullying and blatant discrimination. And it was and is discrimination. Just imagine the fuss there would have been in the posh papers if it had been announced that all homosexuals or women or Methodists were being put under house arrest. Imagine the fuss if the governments had, more sensibly announced that everyone overweight had to stay indoors to protect the health services. That would, at least have had the merit of being logical.

The elderly were, in parts of the world at least, denied all medical care. Many were manipulated into signing ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ forms – effectively signing their own suicide notes. By being locked away for longer than anyone else, their immune systems were weakened. Many, without internet access, had real difficulty in obtaining food supplies because, despite its promises, their government made virtually no effort to ensure that the elderly received food. The elderly were told that they couldn’t see their families. The big lie was that this was to protect the hospitals though no one ever even tried to explain why this should be, and the nonsense was highlighted by the fact that in some areas the elderly were told that they wouldn’t be treated in hospital whatever was wrong with them.

None of this was a real surprise, of course. The elderly have been demonised by the media for a long time. They have been blamed for the poverty, the weather and anything else you can think of – despite having worked and paid taxes all their lives. Governments see the elderly as worthless and an expensive drain on society.

The fact is that throughout the world countless thousands of elderly patients with the coronavirus were thrown out of hospitals and dumped in care homes.
Now, let’s pause a moment.
What sort of people are you likely to find living in care homes?
a) Fit young folk
b) Fit old folk
c) Sick old folk

Not difficult, is it? You don’t go into a care home unless you are elderly, frail and in need of some care and attention because you are probably suffering from a range of health problems. And so hospitals sent patients with the coronavirus into care homes which were full of frail, elderly patients with health problems – the very people who often die of the flu. Every winter. No one would ever dream of sending a patient with the flu into a care home but hospitals sent thousands of coronavirus patients into care homes.

The staff in the care homes had no equipment or facilities for isolating the patients who came from hospital with the flu, sorry the coronavirus, from the patients who didn’t have it but who were already ill with respiratory problems, heart problems or whatever.

And guess what happened next. Golly, you really need a medical degree to work it out, don’t you? Thousands of elderly, frail people in care homes caught the coronavirus and because no one would or could treat them they died in droves. Negligence in the care of the elderly in these homes has been widely reported
(and some politicians and medical administrators had the nerve to accuse the caretakers being incompetent; my note) – stories that would make anyone with a heart weep and feel a deep, undying fury. Thousands of older people died alone, with no family or friends allowed near them and with no spiritual support. The only people they saw were dressed as though for a spaceflight.

In Ireland, Norway, France and Belgium more than half of all the coronavirus deaths were in care homes. In the UK and Sweden, over a third of coronavirus deaths were in care homes.
Wasn’t it an amazing coincidence that hospitals all over the world all did the same stupid thing. All dumped coronavirus patients in care homes.
For governments everywhere this had the bonus of pushing up the total death rates so providing some justification for the otherwise unjustifiable lockdowns and the utterly stupid and scientifically in-defensive social distancing nonsense. We all know that governments have been doing everything they can to push up the total number of coronavirus deaths by, for example, listing patients as having died of the coronavirus when they actually died with it – two very different things.

At this point we have to ask a simple question: were the old people with the coronavirus sent into care homes through stupidity and incompetence or deliberately to kill off lots of old people?
The answer to this question will only matter when the hospital staff responsible are taken to court and tried – as I sincerely hope they will be.
If they sent sick old people with the coronavirus into care homes through stupidity and incompetence then they will probably get away with a manslaughter charge. Even if they erroneously expected their hospitals to be filled with younger coronavirus patients that is still no excuse.
But if they deliberately sent old people with the coronavirus into care homes knowing that other residents would catch the bug and die then the charge will be murder, and we are looking at a mass murder charge of which even the Nazis might be ashamed.

The added bonus charge, by the way, is that most of the elderly people who were sent to care homes with the coronavirus had caught the bloody thing in hospital because as everyone knows, or should know, most hospitals are so badly managed these days that they are the one place in the world where you are most likely to catch a deadly bug.
In a way it doesn’t really matter whether it was stupidity, incompetence, panic, a lack of care or homicide.
The fact is that umpteen thousand old people died before they should have died. And the hospitals which sent them to their death were largely left half empty because the expected hordes of coronavirus patients never turned up.
The hospitals, hordes of advisors and politicians who allowed it to happen and who recklessly created the circumstances, are all guilty and shouldn’t be allowed to get away with their crimes – whether they be crimes of omission or commission. We live in rich societies and those responsible for caring didn’t care. They dumped the elderly like bags of garbage.
The people who were responsible for this holocaust will probably whinge, wring their hands and say they were all just doing what they were told to do.
We have all heard that excuse before.
It didn’t work then.
And it won’t work now.
I’ll be campaigning for all those responsible to be tried in court.

June 1st 2020

Vernon Coleman - The greatest hoax in history

Vernon Coleman dismantles this whole covid-circus, examines all the craziness in it and eloquently refutes any relevance of the rules and regulations people are forced to follow.
And there's a lot of other info and considerations in it.

I quote a part of this book so you can have a sense of what's in store for you in the rest of it as well.

There Is No Science Behind Social Distancing
The theory behind social distancing is that it will protect people from other folk who sneeze or cough. The lunatics who are currently running the asylum say that we will have to maintain social distancing for ever.

For ever. Really. That’s what they’ve been saying. But there isn’t any science to it. In some countries people have to keep three feet apart. In others they must keep four and a half feet apart. In Britain adults and children are told they must keep six feet apart. The latest rule in Britain is that two people can meet one person but one person cannot meet two people.

I’ve thought about that a lot and I don’t think I’m completely potty just yet but I can’t get my head round it. Two people can meet one person but one person cannot meet two people. That’s the law. And it is, quite possibly, the most completely stupid piece of advice ever given to anyone anywhere. But if you break the law you can be fined. I’ve no idea how much. I’m still too busy trying to work out how the law works to care what the fine is.

There is no uniformity to the rules between countries because they are just made up by people who think they are a good idea.

Our lives are being regulated and destroyed by rules which somebody somewhere thought were a good idea. Forcing us to stay in our homes is also something that was just made up. And it’s pretty clear that the authorities – the people who dreamt up the rules and who insist that we follow them – don’t bother to take much notice of them.

I’ve lost count of the number of senior public figures who have been caught flouting the rules. They always have a good excuse, of course. But then we all have good excuses for flouting the rules.

Am I the only one to have noticed that the police don’t seem to take much notice of the social distancing rules when they are out hunting for people who are sunbathing or sitting on park benches?

And when the police attend demonstrations against the lockdown, they completely ignore the social distancing rules – standing close to one another and then getting very hands on with demonstrators.

The police are certainly breaking the social distancing laws when they arrest people. So why should the police not arrest themselves? Or maybe the demonstrators could arrest the police for breaking the social distancing laws. Apart from the massive social and economic implications, there is of course one big problem with the social distancing rules. A sneeze doesn’t stop at three feet or four and a half feet or six feet. And nor does a cough. A cough can spread droplets for 18 feet. And a sneeze can travel 24 feet. So these social distancing rules are arbitrary and utterly pointless. If we were going to have effective social distancing then we would all have to keep at least 24 feet apart – preferably 30 feet apart. But that would bring the world to a complete standstill, everyone would go bankrupt, no one would ever be able to buy any food and we would all starve to death. How many people can you get in a bus or a railway carriage if everyone has to be 30 feet from everyone else? If there’s a driver on a bus the passenger will have to run behind.

So they made up these lower figures. And even these figures are destroying lives and will destroy businesses and everything which makes our world good. Social distancing forces friends to shout to one another and prevents grannies hugging their grandkids. Social distancing makes people fearful. It breeds distrust, suspicion and even hatred. Passers-by step to one side and walk on the road if they see someone coming towards them. Social distancing will prevent meetings and demonstrations.

It is difficult to think of a business which won’t be adversely affected by social distancing. Restaurants are told they will have to throw out three quarters of their tables and then try to make a profit. How many waiters can serve food from six feet away? A bowl of tomato soup will cost £200. Airlines have been told that they have to throw out a third of their seats, and airline bosses have pointed out that if they do that then they will never be able to fly again. Hairdressers will need to use scissors that are two yards long. Sports arenas can only seat people if they have six feet of space all around them. Cinemas and theatres will have to close off most of their seating. Most commercial kitchens will only be able to accommodate only one chef. Who is going to tell the bloke in the big white hat that he has to do all the washing up?

Hotels are doomed by social distancing. Can you imagine trying to get back to your room after breakfast? ‘I’m afraid there is a one hour queue for the lift, sir. We’re only allowed to put two people into one lift. And when sharing a lift you must both face the walls.’
I sense that the people who made up the social distancing rules are beginning to weaken. The sensible solution is to push our so-called leaders into forgetting about social distancing laws. When they know that we don’t believe their lies and that we do know what is going on – and how they are trying to take over our lives with their power grabbing emergency legislation – then they will back off. They want to stay in power and if we shout long enough, loud enough and hard enough then they will listen.

And to encourage old-fashioned good manners; to encourage everyone to cover their mouths and noses if they sneeze or cough. That’ll protect us all against all the diseases which can be transmitted this way.

If we do these simple things we can go back to living ordinary lives. We can eat out, watch live sports and talk to people we meet without having to shout at them.
If we must have laws to control our behaviour then introduce a law which says that if you don’t cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze then you will be punished.

And we must have a punishment for breaking the law, bring back the stocks that were popular in England a few hundred years ago. People who don’t cover their mouths and noses will be sentenced to 24 hours in the stocks where the rest of us can stand and throw rotten fruit and vegetables at them.

Oh, and tell local authorities to install more public loos with decent hand washing facilities. One of the most insane things done during the last few weeks has been to close public loos. The people who decided to do that should be put in the stocks too.

May 24th 2020

Here is his book "The greatest hoax in history" in pdf-format that you can download.

💉☠️⚰️ After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure

After injecting Americans with over 300 million doses of one of the mRNA COVID-19 bioweapon shots since December 13, 2020, the FDA has finally agreed to force Moderna and Pfizer to put warning labels on their shots over a “likely association” between the injections and heart problems, which they claim is “rare.”

As usual, the CDC cherry-picked their data to only include a specific age group that eliminated cases in those over 39, and only for “myocarditis”, so that they could control the numbers to make it look “rare”.

More here:

45-Year-Old Bartender Tells World: “Shut the Hell Up and Get Your Vaccine!” He Died 1 Month Later Following the Moderna mRNA Shot

Good riddance.

More here:

Interviewing the dead Albert Einstein about free will

Very nice! 💖


⚖️ Member of Parliament in Finland Warns Government that They are Guilty of Genocide for Misleading Public on COVID-19 Injections


Here is his complete speech translated to English as seen on the video on the website (link below):

”Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges to Finland’s security. This report however lacks a very serious challenge to the safety of Finland and Finns in our present everyday life. I refer to these so-called COVID vaccines which have also divided our people in two; awake and misguided.

Dear members of the Parliament (MP´s), I will now give you the following information so that you can never again plead ignorance after hearing this information about the risk to which Finnish citizens have been exposed. Finland is currently injecting its citizens with toxins disguised as COVID vaccines.

Listen carefully. None of these injected poisons disguised as COVID vaccines has a marketing licence in Finland but only a conditional marketing authorisation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The terms of a conditional licence state that the authorization is conditional, quote: “The available information must demonstrate that the benefits of the medical product outweigh its risks.”

Secondly, dear colleagues, despite the repetition of the media we have so far officially zero COVID deaths in Finland. According to THL (equivalent to CDC) the official causes of death from the year 2020 will not be published until 2022.

However according to Fimea (equivalent to VAERS) 78 people have died from COVID vaccines in Finland and there are 1,306 serious adverse reaction reports and 3,630 unprocessed reports. About 57% of processed reports are estimated to have serious adverse reactions. The source for this is Fimea (www.fimea.fi).

Thirdly, conditional marketing licence for these toxics which are disguised as COVID vaccines also says, quote: ”The applicant must be able to provide comprehensive clinical information in the future.”

Dear colleagues, this text is taken directly from the website of European Medicines Agency (EMA). I have said here many times that this is a human experiment. In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment.

Now with this speech, I have made all of you, as well as the media, aware that this is a human experiment and that its results are terrible. By comparison, the previously failed vaccine experiment Pandemrix was stopped with 32 times fewer side effects than what we have now. So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?

Dear colleagues, you are now aware of this extreme severe security threat facing our nation and that the disadvantages from the injections outweigh the benefits. You no longer have a reason not to act to save our nation.

Finally, if you still continue misleading our citizens by telling them for example fairy tales that vaccines are safe and have a marketing licence you are intentionally involved in several crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide. Once again, I remind everyone of you here: a crime becomes intentional when it is committed knowingly. Now you are all aware. Thank you.”

- Finnish MP, Ano Turtiainen


⚖️ New Nuremberg Trial to take place on 01-09-2021 on the Isle of Man


⁣Served this day 1st June 2021 on John Quinn doing business as attorney general. Richard Gozney doing business as lieutenant governor (and replacement) and Stuart Quayle doing business as chief registrar
No Virus
No government anywhere has purified an isolated characterised unique ‘virus’ called ‘SARS-CoV-2’ with the Isle of Man government department of health and social care confirming ‘no virus’ on 18th February 2021 in reply to steven-william: gardner in freedom of information request reference number 1646813
Any claimed ‘virus’ is factually a computer generated ‘in silica’ model never found anywhere in men nor women as evidenced by Dr Stefan Lanka’s seven viral disproof’s video and 14 page evidence document
No Test
With no ‘covid’ virus the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) ‘test’ is science fraud of arbitrary and recently reduced amplification cycles of ‘debris’ derived from live foetal calf serum grown on monkey kidney cells
No Contagion
The Contagion Myth book by Dr Thomas Cowan provides proper evidence for all willing to question prior presumptions and deal with identity shredding cognitive dissonance in welcoming open rational debates
Claimed ‘covid’ deaths are co-morbidity driven with local hotspots of bodily outfections evidenced by the November 2019 Wuhan electromagnetic turn on, localised biofuel contaminants, also withdrawal of care, media fuelled suicides and substitution deaths but no overall mortality increase in official death statistics
No Jurisdiction
Natural law / Universal law also known as Creator law applies without fear nor favour nor finance to protect unalienable freedoms from birth as no man nor woman can ever be a slave via the ‘birth’ certificate


💉 The Vaccine Song

Still legit…


💉 New blood-clotting disorder is sweeping the globe

Hello vaccinated people! 😔

The spike protein that supposed to make you immune to the alleged corona virus (or - as the vaccine producers actually say - simply lessen your flu-like symptoms - or whichever lies you read in your favourite newspaper) does just the opposite: it will give you the risk to get sick and even put you 6 feet under… which countless real experts have warned about all along (scroll back on this blog to find some of these warnings).

But a lot of people have only listened to the mainstream narrative's fake news - the telly, the newspapers, the politicians, celebrities etc - and so many of them already have and even more will face the consequences of their blind faith in the globalist fraud delivered to them by these puppets. 🤡🔮🦄🦠

The consequences are detailed in the link (and a short video) here:


Or here:


Good luck.

🦠🔮🦄 The non-existent virus - Wuhan cover ops
