January 2022

Update on my The Coronavirus Scam page

My "Coronavirus Scam" page is updated with this info:

❗️What the anti-covid movement should focus on

Gary D. Barnett, whom I quote below, pinpoints the heart of the problem of the anti-covid movement is in. The problem is that most of them are entangled in a web of assumptions and illogical conclusions that creates even more confusion. They paint themselves in different corners of false beliefs and thus the whole anti-covid crowd gets compartmentalized. See the quoted text below how.

Anyway, although the first step – exposing the PCR-fraud, the unlawful covid measures and mandated ‘vaccinations’ – might be necessary to stop the covid pandemic, to prevent that it comes back in another form the virus theory must be destroyed.
The main thing is to keep the focus on that the pandemic was created in order to seize power to reach their goal which is population control by reducing the number of people and the freedom of those who survive.

The Dishonest Reality of Hypocrisy Amidst Voluntary Acceptance of False Narratives by Gary D. Barnett

Quote from:

“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink”

~ George Orwell, 1984

Yes, the spectre of hypocrisy rears its head often, while all along many of the perpetrators of such contradiction claim a superior, or more accurately, a ‘moral’ high ground in order to gain acceptance from all sides. This is the essence of attempted scrutiny at the expense of the truth, and is prevalent throughout the realm of not only much of the alternative media, but also many of those claiming the ‘libertarian’ position. This attitude does little more than convolute any real facts of the argument, and leads to confusion about, or even acceptance of, false narratives. Whether intentional or not, it is a very deceptive and dangerous practice.

A case in point would be the very many out there who criticize this ‘pandemic’ fraud while at the same time accepting the fake virus narrative of something called ‘Covid’ as a genuine natural disease. This is done so often as to be normal, and therefore, the confusion about the total illegitimacy of this fake ‘virus’ is evident; completely misunderstood by the bulk of what can easily be considered an ignorant mass collective called the public. So instead of large numbers of people being properly convinced that there is no such thing as SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19, and tearing down the mainstream narrative so as to eliminate the tyrannical response and threat, the so-called righteous dual journalistic class continues to support both sides simultaneously.

This deception takes on many forms, from how to treat and cure ‘Covid,’ to what medications should be used to stop and eliminate ‘Covid,’ to the number of deaths due to ‘Covid,’ to discussions about the many types and variants of fake ‘Covid,’ to the number of ‘Covid’ patients overrunning hospitals, and now the so-called revelation that the newest ‘Covid’ variants are only “attacking” the vaccinated.

There is no such thing as ‘Covid-19.’ There is no pandemic other than the pandemic of mass ignorance, indifference, and gullibility. No such thing as ‘Covid’ has ever been isolated or identified by any person, scientist, ‘health’ organization, or any evil government. This fact alone exposes that no such thing as any ‘Covid’ variant exists or is even possible. Since the fraud called ‘Covid’ has never once been proven to exist, and the PCR testing has been proven to be a scam and completely useless in identifying anything called a ‘virus,’ how can so many continue to be fooled into believing in this delusional idiocy called the pandemic of Covid? Is it because of the ruling class, the government, and the mainstream media whores that are shills for the powerful? Or is it due to the claimed ‘truth-tellers’ that have taken up residence on both sides of this issue? All of these culprits are at fault of course, but the major problem is that the average human animal has not the inclination or ability to distrust the system, and question everything. When those pretending to be journalistic saviors are propagating on both sides of this supposed controversy, all that do not have the ability to think critically will remain confused, obedient, and in the dark.

But it does not end here, as the hypocrisy continues. Besides the acceptance of the ‘Covid’ narrative by those who should know better, now we have a similar situation concerning this bio-weapon called a ‘Covid’ vaccine. In defiance of all logic, the same people claiming to be against this fraud while at the same time supporting the ‘Covid’ narrative, many who continually claim to be supporters of freedom, are now using the ‘vaccine’ narrative to further confuse an easily confused populace by doing exactly what the state desires. That is to pit the ‘vaccinated’ against the unvaccinated by blaming the injection for causing more “Covid’ problems, when no such thing as ‘Covid’ exists. While one side is claiming that new ‘variants’ such as Omicron exists, and is a risk to everyone, the other side is touting the notion that it attacks mostly the previously ‘vaccinated,’ and both are wrong. This leads to the acceptance of fallacy by all. Nothing good can be gained by this approach. Only the truth is important, but few want to hear the truth.

The current headlines reek of this deceptive practice, and the result is simply more and more division, where none is necessary. There is no ‘Covid,’ so there is no real ‘vaccine’ for ‘Covid.’ There are no ‘Covid’ variants, because no such thing as ‘Covid’ has ever been identified. Therefore, additional injections of poison can only harm. The injection is nothing but a bio-weapon being used to control, maim, and kill those naïve enough to buy into the fearmongering hype that is being continuously propagated by many.

Adverse events due to getting toxic injections are real. Immune system destruction due to deadly fake ‘vaccination’ is real. Extreme sickness after injection is real. Death from injected poison called a ‘Covid’ vaccine is real. ‘Covid’ is not real, so all arguments about curing ‘Covid, about avoiding ‘Covid, about treating ‘Covid,’ about preventing ‘Covid,’ are straw man arguments that can only cause harm by presenting convoluted information to an already perplexed societal collective.

Language is important; language means things, and the resulting understanding or more likely, misunderstanding, of what is presented as fact is not always obvious. Be careful what you believe, as the risk of being convinced to accept one or the other position, will not necessarily mean that one side is right and the other wrong; it may mean only that all are being led into a circular vortex of deceit based on both intentional and non-intentional lies from both camps.

As I wrote some time ago:

“One of the aspects of the perpetuation of tyranny during this scam called the ‘Covid pandemic,’ is the “too smart by half” approach, which leads to a circular argument against a circular narrative. In this instance, nothing is ever fully refuted, little is ever achieved; the result being the promotion of the original narrative. This is very common concerning the current situation, and the most harm is being caused by many of those claiming to be on the side of right and liberty.”

“Words mean things, phrases mean things, debate can be deceiving, and language can go a long way to gaining control over people by promoting and maintaining the nefarious state narrative. Proper argument against wrong is vitally important, but arguing at the margins, arguing in circles, arguing to gain favor or position, or in-fighting to make a point, can do so much more harm than good, and in the process help to solidify tyranny.”

Accept nothing at face value, question everything, and make your decisions based on logic and reality backed by irrefutable facts. Once you arrive at this position, all doubt will disappear, a light will shine, and real knowledge will be the result. This attitude can only lead to a clear understanding of self, and truth will then and only then become apparent. #controlledopposition

⚖️ Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing

Twelve others were also named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom:
* Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
* Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
* Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
* Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson 
* Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
* Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
* Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser 
* Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
* Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care 
* June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products 
* Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
* Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

Dec 20, 2021 Updated Dec 27, 2021
Here is the filed document:

❗️🧬🔮🦠💩 THERE IS NO COVID VIRUS. Yes, the CDC said so. Again.

Okey, one more time… October, last year I already posted info about what the CDC itself said about the existence of the covid-virus. Now it’s time to dust off that info and in stead of just giving you a link (like in my October ’21 post) which you maybe won’t click on, I quote the most relevant info right here. So let’s start…

The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It was originally published in February 2020, in the very early days of the “pandemic,” and its latest revision was published in July 2021 (rev: 07, 7/21).

Buried deep in the document, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics”, we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” (document page 40, pdf page 41)

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [virus] are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

One of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world can’t obtain the virus from anywhere. Why? Obviously, because no one has it.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.




The next study is titled, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31992387/ [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]

I quote from the above link, showing the absurdity of how they suggest to perform a PCR test without having the virus.
Explanations – Jon Rappoport’s translation of medical jargong – were made by the author (Jon Rappoport) whose article I linked from his website. Read this, virus-believer crowd!:

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology [a test for a virus] for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

TRANSLATION: We want to develop a test to detect the new COVID virus without having the virus.

“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with [the older 2003] SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

TRANSLATION: We HAVE developed a diagnostic test to detect the new COVID virus. We ASSUME this new virus exists and is closely related to an older coronavirus. We ASSUME we know HOW it is related. We ASSUME, because we don’t have the new COVID virus. Therefore, all our assumptions are made out of nothing. Actually, we have no proof there is a new coronavirus.

I would also like to point out the word “synthetic” in the above quote where they say “making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology” which means that their “workflow” is an artificial, computer-based, computer-generated gene sequencing from a database – a Gene Bank –, not from an actual, existing ‘virus’. So to make sure you get this: all ‘viruses’ only exist as computer models where virologists cut&paste from and wave their magic wand to tinker forth the next Tinker Bell-virus. Non of these 'viruses' have ever been scientifically isolated by using the standard Koch-formula and thus proved to exist. What they do is to cook a soup in a petri dish with a living cell without nutrients, without its natural surroundings and add to it all kind of chemicals and waste products (tissue samples from sick people) and then when the starving, poisoned cell die the virologist says that a virus killed it. Then they use whatever parameters they use, compare whatever they compare to their Gene Bank and assign some gene sequence from there to what they say is a 'virus'. That’s the essence of the Virus Theory based on the Germ Theory.
The story of viruses are all fairy-tales. Those who tell those stories are the real viruses.

Then in July 2021 the CDC once again confirms that they didn’t have any covid-virus. So what did they do to be able to start testing people? Yes, you guessed it: they concocted something they call the covid-virus by “…using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources”. Yes, you’ve read that right: they cooked up – or as they themselves said: contrived – their precious baby: the imagined virus.
Here comes the quote from the CDC (again with Jon Rappoport’s translation):

“During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics, the PCR test] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs [tests] based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, and that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of ‘the virus’. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.


💩🦠 Viruses are Toxins (one more time)

The viruses they talk about and scare us with are toxins in the air, water and soil.
Virus = Toxin
The viruses they see in their electron microscope is exosomes (waste materia, gene fragments and other toxins our cells regularly get rid of and discharge). They see exosomes and call them virus.
Virus = Exosomes = Toxins

That’s why they say viruses are non-living organism. Of course they are non-living substances – we talk about toxins!

I wrote about this subject on this website with links where real scientists explain in detail this whole virology fakery but take a look at what my favourite medical journalist, Jon Rappoport, has to say about this fakeology, called virology.


⚖️ Reiner Fuellmich's Upcoming Legal Battle Against Gates, Fauci & Tedros… and then the rest

As Reiner Fuellmich says in the video, to succeed the lawyers do one part but people rising up have to do their part too.
People only protesting, marching on the streets without the legal platform won't do anything unless it happens in HUGE numbers, which I unfortunately don't hold my breath for to happen.
Also, initiating trials without the support of people won't lead anywhere. At best the parties settle and maybe pay some money to a few vaccine injured, without even media reporting.

But trials AND people actively showing their support for the Reiner Fuellmich-led lawyers and protesting against the whole plandemic is the way to go. Then media coverage will start the boll rolling… those who were sleeping through the whole circus watches incomprehensibly the news as heads start rolling figuratively and perhaps even literally, while those who had second thoughts about the measurements that eroded their freedom welcome That Reset – The Great Reset of Freedom.

Watch the latest information from Reiner Fuellmich about the coming lawsuits:


💉☠️🌍 Blood clot shots and what they'll bring

I reported earlier that several scientists warned about the dangers of the spike protein that the 'vaccinated' themselves create due to those shots.
In a way they do get vaccinated but not as they think (against some fairy-tale covid and its imaginary virus). They get vaccinated against health and life, because many of them (see my previous post) will be injured and will die because of the covid shots they call the 'covid vaccine'.

The linked article and the video at the end of it shows the current tendency that effects the world's population. We talk about genocide and a dystopian future for the survivals.

Do you think they will stop? Do you think they voluntarily relinquish to achieve their goals, to implement the Great Reset when everything goes so well for them and most of the world's population cheerfully comply with their will?
Of course not! The more compliance, the speedier they advance. They failed with their earlier plots with the bird flu, the swine flu and other virus-lies they wanted to turn into a pandemic to enforce governmental rules and regulations to inject people with their bio-weapon that kills off the multitude of "useless eaters" (not my words but some fucker's in or in connection with the Rockefeller-fucker-Fundation).

So here is a likely scenario IF we – at least an enough number of people – don't change the course of events that creates a better future than they planned for us.

or here:

🌍💉☠️ Different batches of covid shots cause different harm

As I've seen the diverging numbers of how people – in countries and ethnicities – are effected by the covid shots I wondered why is this difference. They must be targeted, I thought.
Now it turns out that not every covid shots even within their company groups (Pfizer, Moderna etc) are created the same. The batch numbers reveal the difference, according to the report linked below.

So this is the explanation why in some places even previously healthy people who got the shot are dropping dead, while in other places they keep living their life unaffected by the shot they got.

All in all it's not that essential for us to know, except for to get an explanation why these differences exist and one more evidence that the covid pushers have planned these bio-weapon shots in advance.

My next post (see above) will be essential and for the utmost importance for you to know what to expect in the future, if things as the planners of the Pandemic – or let's call it by its real name: HOLOCAUST – continue.
And it WILL continue IF we allow it.

But read first the article and watch the 13 minutes video at the end of it to get all the details here:


🌟 Health Ranger says 2022 is the “year of awakening” and 2023 the “year of accountability” – MASS ARRESTS are coming

I like this prediction. Especially that the Health Ranger (Mike Adams) has always been conservative with his predictions and almost always been right.
Although it will be too late for too many of those who took the shot(s), I'm looking forward to the end of this scam, this crime. It may come sooner.
It should come sooner.

Still I cannot fathom how it's possible that so many people need 2+ years to start to realize how they've been scammed.

Or here:

🌟 No is all we need

Like I said from the beginning of this Scamdemic.
One step at a time… and we'll be there. ✌️


🇪🇺 The latest European 💉☠️ numbers

36,257 Deaths and 3,244,052 Injuries following COVID shots as of January 1, 2022.

You didn't hear about these numbers on your TV, did you?! Only about the 'case numbers' lies, with other words otherwise healthy people who tested positive due to the fraudulent, abused PCR test. They hammer down those fake numbers daily on your telly.

Please scroll down on the page and see a selection of real people's faces and cases and fate who took the shots. Those are real numbers.


⁉️ If there is no Covid-virus then why are people dying?

Yes, you're right: there is NO Covid-virus.
And so no, they are not dying because of it. Nor due to the non-existent virus' imaginary strains/variants.

Now that this basic fact is dealt with, everything else we examine in regard to it will be simple to draw to its logical conclusion, and so everything covid-pushers say will be futile and ridiculous.

Yet there are people who ask this: "If there is no Covid-virus then why are people dying? The TV reports the ebb and flow of people dying, so what causes their death if not the virus?"

Experienced medical journalist Jon Rappoport has answered this question many times and in his article linked below does it again. So there you will find a correct and concise answer.

But before you click on this link, let me answer their question with a question – actually I have more than one question in mind to those who ask these questions:

  • Are you getting answers to your life-and-death questions from government-controlled sources such as the TV and from money and power hungry corporations-controlled mainstream media outlets such as newspapers? Exclusively? Really?
  • Do you trust these sources with your life and freedom in stake? Really?!
  • Are you really that gullible? Or stupid?
  • Don't you have any deductive capabilities or at least some common sense that would raise red flags that after 2 years of propaganda, distorted information and flat out lies amounts to the number of red flags the Red Army has?
  • Are you living under a stone, deep in the jungle or out in a desert, without any internet so that you could have looked for information, so that you shouldn't have asked these questions?
Only those who answer with 'yes' to this last question of mine would release them from being responsible for the state our world is in, for the loss of freedom of those who are still alive and for all the injured, disabled and dead people who got the very real 'virus' = the so called 'vaccine'. And of course those who oppose the covid-narrative and refuse to comply.

Now read Jon Rappoport's answer to the question of those who have no clue:


⚠️🇸🇪⚖️ Anmälan om brott till åklagarkammare

Nu i Sverige också! ✌️
