March 2021

⚠️ Video about the whole COVID mess and beyond

I repeat the title of the source website, because it's important to repeat it:

"Please 'FORCE' family, friends, co-workers (all people) to watch this. Hold their hands if possible!"

Also, ponder about whom to blame for what might happen to you in the future.
Others or yourself?:

Nescience vs Ignorance

From the Latin verb nesciere:
“to not know because knowledge was absent or unattainable”.

From the Latin verb ignorare:
“to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded”.

The video quality is poor but it explains the whole COVID situation, its background, its ramifications, including the negative consequences the COVID 'vaccines' and other vaccines have. These new gene modifying ‘vaccines’ are actually operative systems that will change humanity according to what the programmers want. This will unfortunately unfold in the future…

This video is long but you will understand what was planned and what’s going on these days and why.

I copied the video file to my website because it was difficult to watch it uninterrupted on the source site (playback stopped several times, sometimes didn't play at all). Hope it'll work better from here.



🇸🇪 Är det osolidariskt att inte vaccinera sig?

😷🤡🐑 The ultimate COVID STUPID: "Nose masks"


Protests in more and more cities against the corona restrictions.
This photo says it all.

new wave of bs

😷💩 What's in your mask?

If you have some basic knowledge about how the body gets rid of toxins, then you know about which organs do that job: the kidneys (you urinate), the liver and then the intestines (you defecate), the skin (you sweat) and the lungs (you breath). Let's stay with this last one for a sec. You not only need fresh air as you breath in, you also need to breath out waste products (carbon dioxide, and pathogens).
When you wear a face mask and/or a face shield you circulate back some of these waste products as you inhale instead of getting rid of them. Not to mention that the 'protective measures' won't protect you at all from the 'virus'.

Listen to what an expert in this field says about this.

5 new COVID vids

Here I gathered five videos about the heart of the matter of this hoax.

First up is the question: Where is the Virus?


Then this virolog states there is no COVID - so the virus is a fairy-tale. MUST WATCH!


These people reach the conclusion that COVID is the Flu in a propaganda disguise. Haha, hehe, yeah.


The mask is not a mask. It's something else - muzzle, compliance, blind faith in authority, ignorance or stupidity. Or all of them. 🐑


Israel is the main test subject 💉🧬☠️⚰️


8 new COVID pics

Let's start with a simple(ton) solution to this scamdemic:

pandemic thru tv

Now let's see how this pandemic was planned:


Covid-vaccine adverse reactions plus anything this experimental gene therapy will cause. Don't say they didn't warn you…


Here is another list:


And if covid vaccines won't do you in, your beloved mask might just do the job. Just give it time…

masks cause pneumonia

You did know that in spite of taking the vaccine you still need to wear a mask etc, didn't you? Yet, you vaccinated yourself… well, that was a good deal, eh? Congrats. 💩

restrictions-no difference

Food - I mean vaccine - for thought…

But they don't seem too eager to get it…
Pfizer boss not vaxxed

A doctor's testimony about the covid 'pandemic'

💩🤡🐑😷🦠💉🧬☠️⚰️ Happy anniversary, inmates!

Hello fellow covid-victims! It's anniversary time today.


An excellent wrap-up of this year-long scamdemic - the biggest hoax of our time.

🎯🇸🇪 Coronaregimen bör benämnas vid sitt rätta namn

Följande artikel finns på
Jag kopierade artikeln till min website eftersom Nya Dagbladet (där artikeln publicerades) verkar på senaste dagarna gå på knäna antingen pga cyber attack (sannolikt) eller för många läsare (osannolikt).
Här är artikeln i sin helhet:

Den inställsamma följsamheten inför maktfullkomliga ultraglobalister som World Economic Forums förgrundsgestalt Klaus Schwab är ovärdigt politiker som gör anspråk på att stå i tjänst till sina respektive nationer. Det har blivit hög tid att benämna coronarepressionens allt mer totalitära styren vid sina riktiga namn: regimer.

Publicerad 2 mars 2021
Uppdaterad 9 mars 2021

Isac Boman är ledarskribent och redaktör på Nya Dagbladet. Han är författare till Penningmakten som var hans avhandling i nationalekonomi vid Åbo Akademi.
Det sovjetiska östblockets politiska styren benämndes ofta, och benämns fortfarande i historieböckerna, som ”kommunistregimer”. Under flera generationer har livet bakom järnridån i det allmänna medvetandet varit något av en absurd feberdröm i väst inklusive Norden. För de flesta har det verkat som en avlägsen dystopi att leva i ett samhälle med strypt yttrandefrihet och en likriktad medieapparat som systematiskt förvrider och undanhåller avgörande information för medborgarna. Lika främmande har det varit med en Storebrorsmaskin som åsidosätter den personliga integriteten för att bokföra medborgares privata korrespondens och betraktar det som en politisk angelägenhet vem som träffar vem, var, när och varför.
Varje nyktert tänkande människa kan idag samtidigt konstatera att inget av detta längre är så avlägset eller särskilt drömskt. Coronakrisen har markerat ett skifte där otaliga politiska styren, inklusive det svenska, på ett helt nytt och mer djupgående sätt slår ner på vad som tidigare betraktats som okränkbara medborgerliga friheter – däribland rörelsefriheten och mötesfriheten. Trots ständiga larm och visselblåsningar om falsk smittostatistik och vilseledande pandemiöverdrifter tycks det mediala och politiska maskineriet inte betrakta några åtgärder som för extrema – under förevändningen att stoppa smittspridning av ett muterande virus.
Nyligen rapporterade Nya Dagbladet bland annat om Sida:s bedömning att omkring 120 miljoner människor kastats ut i extrem fattigdom som en följd av coronapolitiken – något som för ansvariga makthavare förefaller vara lika oväsentligt som andra katastrofala folkhälsoaspekter. Uppskjuten vård, psykisk ohälsa på grund av isolering och social distansering, hela branscher som går i konkurs med växande arbetslöshet som följd – inget tycks vara ett pris för dyrt att betala. Frågan är – för vad?

Det ska i nuläget till en stor naivitet för att hålla fast vid bilden att den rådande makten sätter folkhälsan och medborgarnas intressen främst – med andra ord det som utmärker en regering från en regim.
Nuvarande facit på hand efter ett år av coronapolitik visar att man snarare utnyttjat den smittoskräck som ingjutits i befolkningen för att försöka frånta dem sina grundläggande fri- och rättigheter.
I främsta rummet för coronapolitiken ligger istället World Economic Forums förgrundsgestalt Klaus Schwab och hans vision om den stora omstarten – ”The Great Reset”. Den ökände ultraglobalisten har under coronakrisen närmast kommit att motsvara en pamp i den sovjetiska politbyråns nomenklatura för det allt mer pseudodemokratiska Västerlandet. Senast vid årets Davos Agenda var The Great Reset huvudtema, med en deltagarlista bestående av bland annat FN:s generalsekreterare Gutérres, Världshälsoorganisationens direktör Adhanom, Internationella valutafondens direktör Georgieva, den amerikanska smittskyddsmyndighetshetschefen Fauci, den europeiska centralbankens ordförande Lagarde och EU-kommissionens ordförande von der Leyen.
Bland mycket annat omfattar “den stora omstarten” att det nuvarande kapitalistiska systemet ska omformas till ett mer globaliserat och teknokratiskt styre, med långtgående digitalisering och robotisering inte bara av samhället i stort – utan även av människorna själva. Kombinerat med inriktningen på ekonomisk centralisering för hans vision sammantaget närmast tankarna till Lenins ”Nya Ekonomiska Politik”.
Den som främst konkurrerat med Schwab som mest profilerad globalist under coronakrisen är multimiljardären och vaccinlobbyisten Bill Gates. Det är i sammanhanget ej ägnat att förvåna att Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation och World Economic Forum var huvudarrangörer för den simulerade coronapandemiövningen Event 201 – som hölls flera månader före de första rapporterna om smittspridning i Wuhan i Kina. Hur kommer det sig egentligen att dessa två mäktiga aktörer så precist kunde förutspå vad som komma skulle? Det enda rimliga svaret är den gemensamma ambition som alltid drivit politiska psykopater: makt och pengar.
Den inställsamma följsamhet som västerländska politiker visar inför gråa eminenser som Schwab och Gates är ovärdigt politiska styren som gör anspråk på att stå i tjänst till sina respektive folk – snarare än som tjänstemän för den ekonomiska maktens globala institutioner som World Economic Forum. I Sverige är ett tydligt och besläktat exempel Stefan Löfvens besök på Bildbergmötet 2014 på inbjudan av Jacob Wallenberg – något som till och med den systemlojala Schibstedt-tidningen SvD överraskande nog uppmärksammade.
Redan före coronans år 2020 var likriktningen hos mainstreammedier i Väst påtaglig, med ett finstämt samförstånd kring alla punkter av djupgående betydelse för samhällsutvecklingen. Dessa inkluderar till exempel klimatfrågan, politik relaterad till migration- och demografi, samt den monetära politiken – där storbankernas dominanta ställning aldrig granskas i sina grundvalar. Under coronakrisen har den propagandistiska tonen dock lyfts till helt nya nivåer, där alla som har mage att ifrågasätta coronapolitiken speglas som bokstavligen livshotande fiender till systemet.
Vad gäller yttrandefriheten erkänner politiker och nätjättar sedan flera år tillbaka öppet sitt samarbete för att upprätthålla en omfattande censur av moderna digitala torg – något man orwellskt försvarar som nödvändig för att “skydda demokratin”. Ett av många talande exempel för techjättarnas bidrag till coronarepressionens mörkläggning är hur hydroxiklorokin-baserade behandlingsmetoder för covid-19 konsekvent tystats ner. Nedstängningar och repression i väntan på att ett nytt oprövat och kontroversiellt vaccin är den enda tänkbara linjen.
Hand i hand med detta går det digitala övervakningssamhälle som allt mer oblygt marscherar mot en totalitär samhällsmodell i kinesisk variant som yttersta anhalt. Redan tidigare har det i stort betraktats som oproblematiskt med en växande Storebrorsapparat för att hålla medborgarna ”säkra” från faror som terrorister. Den tendensen har nu eskalerat när den ska expanderas till att även omfatta virus och alla tänkbara mutationer av dessa.

Ett annat sjumilakliv i samma riktning är ambitionen att införa ett nytt apartheid-liknande system som ska dela upp samhället i vaccinerade och ovaccinerade, där de sistnämnda i praktiken fråntas sina grundläggande fri- och rättigheter.
Det socialdemokratiska styret i Sverige kan – trots sin djupa dominans i statens byråkratier och sina marxistiskt ideologiska rötter – samtidigt inte jämföras rakt av med det forna östblockets utpräglade kommunistdiktaturer. Likt många andra västerländska politiska styren tar detta snarare formen som en integrerad del av en hybridregim, där den yttersta makten är konsoliderad i och omkring penningmakten. Det är med en träffande symbolik som Sveriges socialdemokratiska finansminister Magdalena Andersson på det inkommande G20-mötet ska diskutera vaccinfrågan i egenskap av ordförande för Internationella valutafondens högsta rådgivande organ IMFC.
Med det skuldbaserade penningsystemet som maktbas, där enskilda medborgare och hela stater är satta i beroendeställning till storfinansen, lägger den verkliga härskarklassen framförallt kompletterande press på sina politiska vasaller med uppbackning av mainstreammedias propagandaapparat. Med nätjättarnas censurapparat som kompletterande understöd har det därtill blivit allt svårare för de breda folklagren att bilda opinion som går emot den stora omstartens utpekade riktlinjer.
Situationen håller på att bli mycket allvarlig. Få hade för ett drygt år sedan kunnat föreställa sig hur snabbt och metodiskt grundläggande rättigheter skulle kunna avvecklas på global front. Inget tyder i nuläget heller på att dessa kommer att återges till folket gratis.
Politiska styren som bifaller till denna djupt oroväckande utveckling förtjänar inte att benämnas som ”regeringar”, för det är de inte längre. Det har blivit hög tid att benämna dem vid deras riktiga namn: regimer.
Isac Boman

🦠🎯 Response to Judy Mikovits with Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman

This video is from here:

🦠🦄 Special Event Roundtable with Dr. Judy Mikovits discussing the magic virus and mRNA vaccines

A heated discussion and an overall informative video. Long but enjoyable.

But here is a thing. Judy Mikovits says that, yes, nobody can isolate the coronavirus according to the standard methodology that Dr Kaufman asks for because the virus doesn’t alive or active or exist or what the hell it does outside a cell.
Then WHAT is a virus outside the cell?
What is it?? It sure cannot exist only as a windblown RNA, cause the immune system would gobble it up in a heart beat.
Is it an RNA in a lipid envelope and hides there? The whole assumed package? Where does it come from? How long can it sit and hide in our body? She says it's part of our anatomy. It's with us, waiting to come inside our cells and make us sick. 👻🔮

So virologists don’t bother to isolate it, instead complicate and confuse things by ADDING a lot of shit to the already messy sample and jump to the conclusion - which is nothing but an assumption - that there in the middle of the soup of debris, dead cells and whatnot, there is The Virus. 👻💩🦠

There is a reason why it’s called a theory. Virus Theory. Germ Theory.
Cause nobody can prove them. It's all conjecture.

What they call a ‘virus’ is in reality a potential for a disease, caused by any number of things. Pick your favourite one and call it a ‘virus’.

Here is the video I mentioned above:

💉☠️⚰️ Pfizer Vaccine Holocaust – Playing Russian Roulette With Vaccines

This video explains what’s going to happen to many of those who get the mRNA vaccines.

Dr Sherri Tenpenny explains:

🦠💉🧬☠️ Vaccine side effects world map. Dive into the Soup from Hell’s Kitchen

The link below leads to a long, detailed discussion about this RNA experiment. Here are some main points:
EXCERPTS from the Interview with Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krüger:
“…the BioNTech vaccine that is currently already being used is not highly purified, it contains contaminants of certain components.”
“They didn’t conduct any critical scrutiny at all, there are lots of side effects that were not discussed at all in public, they also didn’t critically scrutinise what consequences it will have to inject this into people, particularly vulnerable groups who already have certain organ-related complaints, who are especially susceptible to these adverse effects.”
“… they have had to switch to lower-cost processes, e.g. using huge quantities of DNA that functions as the substrate to be able to produce the RNA in an in-vitro transcription reaction. This is done via bacteria, via the fermentation of transformed bacteria that contain this DNA. The bacteria multiply the DNA in huge amounts, and this leads to new dangers or risks, particularly contamination.”
“… needs to now develop and introduce various analysis processes to ensure that the substrate is free of microbiological contaminants – they probably mean E Coli bacteria for example. There don’t seem to be any processes to ensure or monitor for that.”
“… if this DNA is not digested well enough, if residues are left, this harbours risks…”
“… BioNTech has admitted that there are DNA contaminants.”
“… they have no idea whether the vaccine is still viable after transportation.”
“… they don’t have any proper standard for the various batches.”
“… It was found that the integrity of the RNA always varies in the batches that had been made…”
“… the integrity of the RNA means of course the RNA quality. They have found that this is not very high …”
“… now they have found new batches with only 55% RNA integrity, i.e., half of it is basically unviable.”
“… the lipid nanoparticles get into all cells, not just the muscle cells – it is an error to believe the latter.”
“… linearised DNA is optimal for integration….That is the risk. I didn’t really want to get into what can happen if this is the case: genes can be switched on and off, upregulated and downregulated, cancer can develop – there are a lot more possibilities.”
One of the many bombshells in this interview:
“This integration: where it occurs is the nuclear genome – we can’t control that, it can happen anywhere. There are sections in the DNA that are vulnerable to it, and others that are not so vulnerable. And it is important where the DNA lands. It may land on a gene: then the gene will become dysfunctional, the protein will no longer be formed, and if it is an important protein, the cell may die, and if this continues to replicate, this can cause really massive damage. If for example it lands in an important cell that divides frequently, then clones can arise that are modified, they are gene modified, and in that case in these cloned cells these proteins are no longer produced and then, in the worst case, there is a loss of function. If it leaps into genes that have a regulatory effect on gene expression, then the genes may be switched on or downregulated, i.e., the output will differ. And this means the metabolism of the cell will alter. If this is passed on in replication, then many things may alter in the body.”

This is the starting page with a lot of other info:

🦠🦄 People are dying, it must be the virus.

Feeble-minded people believe anything authorities tell them.
Here is a painting made by words which tells how fake realities are created.

Like the covid-virus.

🦠 Massive number of flu cases are re-labeled COVID cases

Another to-the-point, well-formulated article by Jon Rappoport to help you see through the covid-scheme.
Covid-pushers continue the propaganda, I point out the lies in it. This time about the re-labeling of the flu to covid.

😷 Officials Reach New Low, Say Moist Masks Are Good for You

* A study from the National Institutes of Health claims wearing a moist mask is actually good for you because inhaling through the wet mask hydrates your lungs and boosts your immune system
* However, it’s important to realize that the humidity inside the mask will rapidly allow pathogenic bacteria to grow and multiply. This is a documented fact not addressed by the NIH
* Medical doctors have warned that bacterial pneumonia, facial rashes, fungal infections on the face, “mask mouth” (bad breath, tooth decay and gum inflammation) and candida mouth infections are all on the rise
* By breathing through a bacteria-infested mask, you risk inhaling bacteria deep into your lungs, and according to recent research, the presence of microbes in your lungs can worsen lung cancer pathogenesis and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer
* Face masks can also reduce oxygen intake, leading to hazardous oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), along with rapid accumulation of harmful carbon dioxide, which can have significant cognitive and physical impacts

Filter respirator masks, especially N95, surgical and non-medical masks, provide negligible COVID-19 protection for the following reasons:
1.Viruses in the fluid envelopes that surround them can be very small, so small in fact that you would need an electron microscope to see them. N95 masks filter 95% of particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns or larger. COVID-19 particles are .08 – .12 microns.
2.Viruses don’t just enter us through our mouth and nose, but can also enter through our eyes and even the pores of our skin. The only effective barrier one can wear to protect against virus exposure would be a fully encapsulated hazmat suit with cuffs by ankles taped to boots and cuffs by wrists taped to gloves, while receiving breathing air from a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
This barrier is standard gear to protect against a biohazard (viruses) and would have to be worn in a possible virus hazard environment 24/7 and you wouldn’t be able to remove any part of it even to have a sip of water, eat or use the washroom while in the virus environment. If you did, you would become exposed and would negate all the prior precautions you had taken.

Face Masks Pose Several Health Hazards
In his letter, and in the video above, Schaefer also stresses that these kinds of face masks pose “very real risks and possible serious threats to a wearer’s health” for a number of reasons, including the following:
1. Wearing a face mask increases breathing resistance, and since it makes both inhaling and exhaling more difficult, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions need to be screened by a medical professional to make sure they won’t be at risk of a medical emergency if wearing a face mask.
This includes those with shortness of breath, lung disease, panic attacks, breathing difficulties, chest pain on exertion, cardiovascular disease, fainting spells, claustrophobia, chronic bronchitis, heart problems, asthma, allergies, diabetes, seizures, high blood pressure and those with pacemakers. The impact of wearing a face mask during pregnancy is also wholly unknown.
2. Face masks can reduce oxygen intake, leading to potentially hazardous oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).
3. They also cause rapid accumulation of harmful carbon dioxide, which can have significant cognitive and physical impacts. That said, there is some evidence to support that this may be one of the few benefits of mask wearing, as slightly elevated CO2 levels can also contribute to health benefits as per my interview with Patrick McKeown. (We’re not talking about dangerously high levels, however.)
4. Wearing a face mask increases your body temperature and physical stress, which could result in an elevated temperature reading that is not related to infection.
5. All face masks can cause bacterial and fungal infections in the user as warm, moist air accumulates inside the mask. This is the perfect breeding ground for pathogens. “That is why N95 and other disposable masks were only designed to be short duration, specific task use and then immediately discarded,” Schaefer notes.”
What’s worse, a study13,14 published in the February 2021 issue of the journal Cancer Discovery found that the presence of microbes in your lungs can worsen lung cancer pathogenesis and can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer. As reported by Global Research:15
“While analyzing lung microbes of 83 untreated adults with lung cancer, the research team discovered that colonies of Veillonella, Prevotella, and Streptococcus bacteria, which may be cultivated through prolonged mask wearing, are all found in larger quantities in patients with advanced stage lung cancer than in earlier stages.
The presence of these bacterial cultures is also associated with a lower chance of survival and increased tumor growth regardless of the stage.”
6. With extended use, medical masks will begin to break down and release chemicals that are then inhaled. Tiny microfibers are also released, which can cause health problems when inhaled. This hazard was highlighted in a performance study16 being published in the June 2021 issue of Journal of Hazardous Materials.

Surgical masks, which do not seal to your face, “do not filter anything,” Schaefer notes. These types of masks are designed to prevent bacteria from the mouth, nose and face from entering the patient during surgical procedures, and researchers have warned that contaminated surgical masks actually pose an infection risk.17 After just two hours, a significant increase in bacterial load on the mask was observed.
Nonmedical cloth masks are not only ineffective but also particularly dangerous as they’re not engineered for “easy inhalation and effective purging of exhaled carbon dioxide,” making them wholly unsuitable for use.
In the video, Schaefer demonstrates the only type of mask that is actually safe to wear — the gas mask kind of respirator you’d use to protect yourself against painting fumes, organic vapors, smoke and dust.
Real respirators are built to filter the air you breathe in, and get rid of the carbon dioxide and humidity from the air you breathe out, thereby ensuring there’s no dangerous buildup of carbon dioxide or reduction in oxygen inside the mask.

Cochrane Review Gives Masks Thumbs Down

With regard to medical and surgical masks, they found that:
“Compared with wearing no mask, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness (9 studies; 3507 people); and probably makes no difference in how many people have flu confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 3005 people).”

Four health care studies and one small community study looked at the use of N95/P2 respirators. Here they found that:
“Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference in how many people have confirmed flu (5 studies; 8407 people); and may make little to no difference in how many people catch a flu-like illness (5 studies; 8407 people) or respiratory illness (3 studies; 7799 people).”

The Denmark study

“…97.9% of those who didn’t wear masks, and 98.2% of those who did — remained infection free.”

Furthermore: “Among mask wearers, 1.8% ended up testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, compared to 2.1% among controls.”
As we know it, testing positive can be a false result if the CT (Cycle Threshold) is too high - which is often the case. So this tiny difference is most likely even lower.
But even if we accept this 0.3 % statistically insignificant difference, is this ‘benefit’ outweighs all the health problems mask wearing causes?
Of course NOT.

The Benefits of Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy

* Red and near-infrared light are a subset of natural sunlight, which actually acts and has value as a nutrient
* Red light and near-infrared light therapies are ways to get some of the benefits of natural sunlight. These therapies may be particularly beneficial for people who aren’t getting enough natural sunlight exposure
* Cytochrome c oxidase, photo receptors on your mitochondria, capture photons of red and near-infrared light. The most effective wavelengths that activate this system are in the 600 to 700 nanometer and the 800 to 1,000 nanometer ranges. In response to light photons, your mitochondria will produce energy more efficiently
* Another mechanism of action is related to the benefits of hormesis and the transient spike in reactive oxygen species. That burst of reactive oxygen species creates a cascade of signaling effects that stimulate the NRF2 pathway and heat shock proteins
* A third mechanism of action involves retrograde signaling and the modulation of gene expression. Red and near-infrared light therapy activates genes involved in cell repair, cell regeneration and cellular growth, depending on the tissue

“…the biggest factor has to do with the frequency of exposure. Intermittent exposure – occasional exposure followed by many days or weeks of little to no exposure – tends to be more problematic than regular, frequent sun exposure, as you're more likely to burn and cause DNA damage in your skin.”

“Vitamin D is obviously the most well-known one that regulates over 2,000 genes related to immune health, musculoskeletal health and many other things. But there are many other mechanisms [as well]."

“As explained by Whitten, there are specific bioactive wavelengths, and they work through different mechanisms. One mechanism is through your eyes, which is why you're typically better off not wearing sunglasses on a regular basis. When you're outdoors on a sunny day, without sunglasses, blue and green wavelengths enter your eyeballs and feed through nerves into the circadian clock in your brain.
Your circadian clock, in turn, regulates a variety of bodily systems, from neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation to hormones involved in immune function. A dysregulated circadian rhythm has been linked to dozens of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases.”

“There's a specific set of genes that are expressed in response to red and near-infrared light therapy. In summary, it activates genes involved in cell repair, cell regeneration and cellular growth, depending on the tissue.”

“We know, for example, that in animal studies, heat stress extends lifespan. It stimulates all kinds of mechanisms that are involved in longevity, autophagy, increased resilience via these hormetic pathways. And in general, when it comes to hormesis, I believe you do need to get a bit uncomfortable.
It should be something that pushes you into your edge of discomfort.”

“As for benefits, heat stress is known to:
* Preserve muscle mass and prevent the loss of muscle if you're unable to exercise for a period of time
* Lower your risk of infections
* Improve detoxification
* Reduce your risk of depression, cardiovascular and neurological disease
* Reduce all-cause mortality”