February 2022

This is how the vaccine clinical trial fraud was built

Explained here:


Deaths followed in the wake of The Medical Industry

Some numbers and considerations:


⚖️ § ICC is not trusted either

So the current judicial system is through-and-through corrupt and beyond repair. This Grand Jury will be the model for a new one. People need to follow its findings and support it so justice could prevail.
It seems we have a long way to go but every journey starts with one step.

“We have chosen the Grand Jury Investigation as the procedural foundation on which this proceeding takes place. But the proceeding itself will take place outside the current system, which in our view, is irreparably corrupt. That is, indeed, why we are not filing this case in one of the systems’ courts of law, which includes the International Criminal Court or the European Court of Human Rights.”
“It is important to note, however, that each one of the participating lawyers has filed and will continue to file similar cases in their countries’ existing judicial system, and that these cases will be supported by our joint, worldwide effort.”


With video:

Water as primordial life force

“It follows that all techniques that move water, especially those that form vortices, enrich the liquid water with the substance of the surface membrane, thus making it richer in energy, i.e. energising it. The saying movement is life takes on a deeper meaning through this perspective. Wherever life moves or is moved, water comes into contact with surfaces or, by flowing and forming vortices, creates inner surfaces and thus the energetic surface substance, with which biological life forms, moves and grows.”


Science vs science-fiction or the hocus-pocus of virologers

I posted an important essay written by Dr Lanka a year ago (2021-01-24) that explains the root of the Corona Scam. Not only that there is no novel (new) Corona virus called SARS-COV-2; the whole notion of virology is based on false assumptions at best made by those who simply follow the virus theory dogma and deliberate fraud caused by those who propagate it for political and anti-human purposes whose main leaders are now charged in the ICC (International Criminal Court).

So let’s revisit this most important subject again, because this is the only way to once and for all stop similar global fraud and crimes against humanity in its tracks, while at the same time gives us a new understanding of causes of diseases, because infectious ‘viruses’ are not one of them.

Here are some quotes from Dr Lanka’s essay to encourage you to read the rest:

“To date, no virus has been observed in or isolated from any human being, animal, plant or their fluids. To date, not even one nucleic acid has been isolated that corresponds to the length and composition of the genetic strands of the alleged disease-causing viruses. This is despite the most basic standard techniques being long available for isolation, presentation and analysis of the composition of nucleic acids of this length.”

“The electron photographs of alleged viruses simply show structures that can always also be obtained from other sources. These structures have never been isolated or biochemically characterised, this is very easily verifiable from the scientific papers. These photographed structures have never been used as the source from which short pieces of nucleic acid are taken and from which virologists THEORETICALLY construct the long nucleic acid, passed off as the alleged genetic strand of a virus.”

“Looking at what happened between 1951 and 10.12.54 we can see how and why virology completely lost its way and ended up with a thoroughly dangerous and unscientific approach totally removed from reality. After medical virology was ended by control experiments in 1951, from 1952 onwards the structure of the phage became the model of how a ‘virus’ would present itself. The stubbornly persistent ideology of ‘disease-causing viruses’ simply continued in changed form: a nucleic acid of a certain length and composition, surrounded by a covering consisting of a certain number of certain proteins. However: in the absence of electron microscope images of “disease-causing viruses” in humans/animals/plants, and lack of said images in isolated form, indeed without biochemical characterisation or isolation, virologists continue to be compelled to theoretically assemble separate components from supposedly “virally” diseased tissue into viruses and to present these invented products to themselves and to the public as factually existing viruses!”


Learn from Dr Stefan Lanka why viruses are fairy-tales

I guess most people cling to the existence of viruses like toddlers cling to mummy's skirt. Bad example, I know, as it has a purpose for the toddler, but believing in something no-one can verify is blind faith in authorities and in so called experts.
Sadly, some people don't question things that hurt their common sense, don't seem to notice circumstances that are ridiculous nonsense, and don't get alarmed by restrictions that violate their freedom as human beings, simply because they saw those authorities on propaganda channels: their TV and mainstream newspapers.
Sadly, they don't look after second opinions and don't get suspicious even though they discover that those who provide second opinions are censored. Instead they are parroting the propaganda they heard from their trusted authorities.
So sad…

Here is a another chance to learn something from a real expert who explains what virologists and their believers call a virus 🦠=🔮:
