
Deaths followed in the wake of The Medical Industry

Some numbers and considerations:

Water as primordial life force

“It follows that all techniques that move water, especially those that form vortices, enrich the liquid water with the substance of the surface membrane, thus making it richer in energy, i.e. energising it. The saying movement is life takes on a deeper meaning through this perspective. Wherever life moves or is moved, water comes into contact with surfaces or, by flowing and forming vortices, creates inner surfaces and thus the energetic surface substance, with which biological life forms, moves and grows.”


💉 The immune system and the covid vaccine

A clear explanation of how the immune system works against pathogens and why vaccinations are not needed in place of it.
Also an explanation and a warning about how the covid vaccine will harm people if they nevertheless take it.

Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a simple, inexpensive way to improve your health and safeguard against infections of all kinds.
Hydrogen peroxide needs to be diluted with saline, not tap water or distilled water.
If you don’t have access to saline, you could make your own by mixing 1 teaspoon of unprocessed salt (such as Himalayan salt, Celtic salt or Redmond's real salt) into 5 dl of distilled water. This will give you a 0.9% saline solution, which is about the concentration found in body fluids. Using that saline, you will then dilute the hydrogen peroxide as described in this chart.
If you don’t have any chronic medical condition, Levy suggests nebulizing hydrogen peroxide two to three times a week for one to three minutes. If you have a chronic health condition, you’ll want to do it more frequently. For acute symptoms, you’ll typically want to nebulize for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

For more details, be sure to download Dr Levy’s book, “Rapid Virus Recovery” It’s a free pdf-download of a very informative book. Also be sure to share it with your friends, family and social networks. I provide the link as a source to the author but you can download the book directly from my website (especially should the above link not working).

…and it works great. 👍🏻

🇸🇪😷 Varningen: Maskerna kan orsaka cancer

Vissa masker, och om inte cancer, lugnproblem, pH-rubbning med acidosis som följd, och psykologiska besvär.

😷💩 What's in your mask?

If you have some basic knowledge about how the body gets rid of toxins, then you know about which organs do that job: the kidneys (you urinate), the liver and then the intestines (you defecate), the skin (you sweat) and the lungs (you breath). Let's stay with this last one for a sec. You not only need fresh air as you breath in, you also need to breath out waste products (carbon dioxide, and pathogens).
When you wear a face mask and/or a face shield you circulate back some of these waste products as you inhale instead of getting rid of them. Not to mention that the 'protective measures' won't protect you at all from the 'virus'.

Listen to what an expert in this field says about this.

The Benefits of Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy

* Red and near-infrared light are a subset of natural sunlight, which actually acts and has value as a nutrient
* Red light and near-infrared light therapies are ways to get some of the benefits of natural sunlight. These therapies may be particularly beneficial for people who aren’t getting enough natural sunlight exposure
* Cytochrome c oxidase, photo receptors on your mitochondria, capture photons of red and near-infrared light. The most effective wavelengths that activate this system are in the 600 to 700 nanometer and the 800 to 1,000 nanometer ranges. In response to light photons, your mitochondria will produce energy more efficiently
* Another mechanism of action is related to the benefits of hormesis and the transient spike in reactive oxygen species. That burst of reactive oxygen species creates a cascade of signaling effects that stimulate the NRF2 pathway and heat shock proteins
* A third mechanism of action involves retrograde signaling and the modulation of gene expression. Red and near-infrared light therapy activates genes involved in cell repair, cell regeneration and cellular growth, depending on the tissue

“…the biggest factor has to do with the frequency of exposure. Intermittent exposure – occasional exposure followed by many days or weeks of little to no exposure – tends to be more problematic than regular, frequent sun exposure, as you're more likely to burn and cause DNA damage in your skin.”

“Vitamin D is obviously the most well-known one that regulates over 2,000 genes related to immune health, musculoskeletal health and many other things. But there are many other mechanisms [as well]."

“As explained by Whitten, there are specific bioactive wavelengths, and they work through different mechanisms. One mechanism is through your eyes, which is why you're typically better off not wearing sunglasses on a regular basis. When you're outdoors on a sunny day, without sunglasses, blue and green wavelengths enter your eyeballs and feed through nerves into the circadian clock in your brain.
Your circadian clock, in turn, regulates a variety of bodily systems, from neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation to hormones involved in immune function. A dysregulated circadian rhythm has been linked to dozens of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases.”

“There's a specific set of genes that are expressed in response to red and near-infrared light therapy. In summary, it activates genes involved in cell repair, cell regeneration and cellular growth, depending on the tissue.”

“We know, for example, that in animal studies, heat stress extends lifespan. It stimulates all kinds of mechanisms that are involved in longevity, autophagy, increased resilience via these hormetic pathways. And in general, when it comes to hormesis, I believe you do need to get a bit uncomfortable.
It should be something that pushes you into your edge of discomfort.”

“As for benefits, heat stress is known to:
* Preserve muscle mass and prevent the loss of muscle if you're unable to exercise for a period of time
* Lower your risk of infections
* Improve detoxification
* Reduce your risk of depression, cardiovascular and neurological disease
* Reduce all-cause mortality”

😷 Kristen Meghan reveals the BIG MASK LIE being pushed by Fauci and the media

If you feel like 57 minutes are too long to watch the whole video, go ahead to 44th minutes and watch the remaining of it. But then you will miss what she says about mask use, which is some time in the middle of the clip, so please watch the whole conversation.
Grab a cup of coffee/tea and you will most likely learn something today. 🧠

Bicarbonate to the Rescue for Fungal and Yeast Infections in COVID Patients

Food that detoxify the body from heavy metals

The Bicarbonate Miracle

"Sodium, potassium, and magnesium bicarbonate are miracle medicines not because of any mumbo jumbo but because of hard medical science, medical history, and basic physiology. It continues to be a medical tragedy that the least expensive, most widely available safe, and effective medicine is overlooked.

However, no matter what anyone says or thinks about sodium bicarbonate, simple baking soda is still used in ICU departments, emergency rooms, and ambulances to save lives every day.

Its backbone characteristic is to maintain the balance of carbon dioxide, bicarbonates, and pH levels in the blood. CO2 levels in the blood, which is increased by sodium bicarbonate intake, are vital to the cells’ oxygen delivery. Something as simple as baking soda can give almost instant relief for a wide range of medical problems because of its ability to raise both oxygen levels and cell voltage. Both are measured and changed by pH levels, which are easily adjusted with bicarbonates’ oral intake.

Dr. Lynda Frassetto of the University of California, San Francisco, says, "Insufficient amount of bicarbonates in our blood reduces our capabilities to manage (neutralize and dump) the acid our body produces. This is the cause of aging. The age of 45 is the average age when human beings start to show symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and many other adult degenerative diseases. And since we cannot manage the acid, we accumulate acidic wastes in our body. These wastes show up as cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, urate, sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones, etc."

Catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase, carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) reacts with water ( H2O ) to form carbonic acid ( H2CO3 ), which in turn rapidly dissociates to form a bicarbonate ion ( HCO− ) and a hydrogen ion ( H+ ).

Under clinical conditions, low oxygen and low carbon dioxide generally occur together. Therapeutic increase of carbon dioxide, by inhalation of this gas diluted in air, is often an effective means of improving the oxygenation of the blood and tissues.

Life on Earth depends on appropriate pH levels in and around living organisms and cells. Human life requires a tightly controlled pH level in the serum of about 7.4 (a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45) to survive. "When your body fluids contain too much acid, it is known as acidosis. Acidosis occurs when your kidneys and lungs cannot keep your body’s pH in balance.

Read the whole article:

COVID-19 is a lack of nutrients

You don’t need a mask - you need these nutrients:

How to transmute stress and fear to calm and health

“The stress we feel in our minds and bodies can often do far more harm than pathogens. I've done several randomized controlled trials of cortisol.
When you think a negative thought, when you feel stress, when you have a fearful belief, your cortisol level rises within three minutes. Chronically high cortisol produces all kinds of ill effects in your body, including depressed immune function and increased inflammation. The fear will get you even if the virus doesn't.”
“…when stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline decline, the neurochemicals of repair and rejuvenation such as DHEA, serotonin and dopamine increase.”

💉☠️ Vaccine-induced deaths

I’ve never understood why people take a vaccine against the flu.
The flu is not a death sentence. When I - and other, otherwise healthy people - get the flu I sneeze and cough a few days and then it’s over. I noticed that I usually get the flu if I hadn’t slept enough or had a stressful time.
So what I needed was more rest - not a vaccine which had not protected me from a flu but induced it in a supposedly mild form, as best or had given me some narcolepsy or something that could have debilitated me, at the worst. Like it did some people.
So no thanks.

Eat well, rest enough and have a healthy amount of love and contentment in your life. That’s what you need - not a fucking needle in your vein.

COVID-19 vaccine trial participant DIES… AstraZeneca downplays the death and continues the medical experiments on the remaining humans

South Korean’s Medical Association Urges Government to Suspend Flu Shot Program After 25 People Die

Coconut oil

Bold claims but why not try. One thing is for sure - it’s healthy.

Could this ‘South Pacific’ oil CURE Alzheimer’s?!

Supercharge your brain and stop this life-crippling disease dead in its tracks.
By Melissa Young Director, Health Sciences Institute
If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s disease… or you’ve already forgotten important names, dates, and details… I bet it feels like you’ve EXHAUSTED all of your options.
You’ve talked to all the “right” doctors… paid top dollar for the best scans and most accurate tests… and seen more mainstream “specialists” than you care to admit…
And for decades, we’ve all been fed the same ‘promise’—Big Pharma is closing in on a cure for Alzheimer’s.
They say that any day now, we’ll have a “wonder pill” that will stop this brain-destroying disease and keep millions of Americans from losing their precious memories… their independence… and even their lives.
But here’s the inconvenient truth behind that empty mainstream promise…
There’s not a drug in the world that can stop the memory loss, mood changes, and heartache of Alzheimer’s… and since that’s all docs know, they assume nothing else can, either.
But as usual, they’re dead wrong.
You see, along the coastal waters of the beautiful South Pacific, there’s an abundance of a certain kind of tropical oil that can protect your mind and preserve your memory.
And unlike shoddy mainstream promises, this ‘South Pacific’ cure targets and ELIMINATES the root cause of devastating memory loss.
And when used correctly, it’s like STEROIDS for your brain and your long-term memory!
But you don’t have to globetrot thousands of miles around the world to find it…
It’s here in the United States, and it will change everything you thought you knew about Alzheimer’s!

Turbocharge your brain with COCONUT OIL
Coconuts are synonymous with health, vitality, and feeling ‘refreshed.’
Coconut trees can be found growing near coastal waters all over the world. But 85% of the world’s coconut production originates in South Pacific countries like the Philippines and Indonesia, while India and Sri Lanka provide the remaining 15%.
And while most folks associate coconut with delicious, refreshing water… or even a relaxing Piña Colada… the oil derived from coconuts provided COUNTLESS health benefits (some you probably didn’t know about).
For example, did you know coconut oil could…
Increase your metabolism… protect your skin from harmful UV rays… be used as a healthy cooking oil… improve your dental health… or even relieve annoying skin irritation?
But coconut oil’s most important benefit may be its ability to drastically IMPROVE brain function.
How, exactly? It boils down to the unique fat content specific to coconut oil… but we’re not talking ‘fat’ as you know it.
We’re talking about triglycerides… which is simply a technical term for fat.
There are two main types of triglycerides.
Long-chain triglycerides (LCT) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).
The majority of the fat in your diet is made up of long-chain triglycerides (LCT).
There are also medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are a naturally occurring source of dietary fats that are abundant in coconut oil.
But what does this have to do with brain health?!
You see, your brain represents only about 2% of your body weight but it consumes a whopping 20-23% of your energy requirements, mostly in the form of glucose.
In other words, the brain requires A LOT of energy to work properly!
But when you develop Alzheimer’s, your brain has trouble using glucose, which is the main energy source for cells throughout your body.
And you know what happens when you don’t give your cells fuel, right? They stop working—and then they die.
But there’s a secret that most Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers never hear. Your brain cells can actually use a DIFFERENT type of fuel, produced from fats, called ketones.
And that’s where MCTs and coconut oil come into the picture.
You see, unlike LCTs, our bodies rapidly convert MCTs into ketones, which can be used as an alternative energy source by the brain.
Think of ketones as backup fuel for your brain… fuel that had researchers asking themselves…
Could cognitive decline—including Alzheimer’s—be SLOWED down or even STOPPED if this brain energy defect is addressed early on?
According to research…YES!
Several studies suggest that early stages of Alzheimer’s disease might be improved with nutritional treatments (like coconut oil) that raise ketone levels.
In one study, patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s consumed 30 grams per day of two different MCT supplements, both for one month. Brain glucose and ketone uptakes were measured before and after the MCT interventions. The results were MIND-BLOWING!
Thanks to a simple MCT supplement regimen, brain ketone consumption doubled! In fact, the study even revealed that this new brain ketone uptake was the same as in healthy young adults!
Even better? Multiple studies show that MCT’s and ketones can improve memory and reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s.
One such study found that MCT supplements significantly improved ADAS-cog scores—the gold standard test for diagnosing Alzheimer’s—and paragraph recall in folks who were already suffering from Alzheimer’s.
And another one revealed that the ketones produced by MCTs can help to block the growth of amyloid-beta proteins—the root cause of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
This means that upping your ketones with MCTs could be the best way to STOP Alzheimer’s before it STARTS.
And while MCTs come in various forms, researchers note that coconut oil provided the most ‘bang for your buck.’
Palm kernel oil, milk, and butter are also foods rich in MCTs… but the amount of MCTs found in coconut oil are much higher.
In fact, the amount of MCTs found in coconut oil are nearly SIX TIMES greater than the amount of MCTs found in milk and butter.
A University of Oxford study looked specifically at coconut oil as the vehicle for MCTs and found that Alzheimer’s and dementia patients have indeed seen short-term benefits resulting from its use.
So, whether you’re worried about Alzheimer’s or you’re just looking to give your brain a big boost, coconut oil could be the mental injection you need for superior brain health.
And luckily for you, coconut oil is easy to find AND use!

MELT stubborn belly fat with coconut oil?
Can’t shake off those extra pounds you’ve been desperate to lose? Consider adding coconut oil into your daily routine.
Coconut oil may increase feelings of fullness and enhance appetite regulation, which eliminates the temptation to eat more.
A 4-week study in 20 adults with obesity observed that taking just TWO tablespoons of coconut oil daily significantly reduced waist circumference in study participants.
Remember, MCTs found in coconut oil also speed up your body’s metabolism which helps your body burn more fat.
