⚖️ § ICC is not trusted either

So the current judicial system is through-and-through corrupt and beyond repair. This Grand Jury will be the model for a new one. People need to follow its findings and support it so justice could prevail.
It seems we have a long way to go but every journey starts with one step.

“We have chosen the Grand Jury Investigation as the procedural foundation on which this proceeding takes place. But the proceeding itself will take place outside the current system, which in our view, is irreparably corrupt. That is, indeed, why we are not filing this case in one of the systems’ courts of law, which includes the International Criminal Court or the European Court of Human Rights.”
“It is important to note, however, that each one of the participating lawyers has filed and will continue to file similar cases in their countries’ existing judicial system, and that these cases will be supported by our joint, worldwide effort.”


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